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TicTacToeGrid8-20 from An American Childhood
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Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe

from “An American Childhood”


Monday—define your vocabulary words

Tuesday—choose one of the activities from the tic-tac-toe board

Wednesday—choose another activity which connects with the first on the tic-tac-toe board.

Thursday—choose a third activity to make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line on the tic-tac-toe board.

Friday—turn in your definitions and tic-tac-toe activities.

(vocabulary also correlates to grammar warm-up)

Write a short story using seven of your vocabulary words correctly.  Underline your words in the story

Draw a detailed, colored picture of you doing one of your favorite activities.  Disguise your vocabulary words in the picture.

Create a crossword puzzle using all eleven of your vocabulary words.  Be sure to write clues AND draw the puzzle for all of your words.

Write your vocabulary words on a sheet of paper and then write a synonym and antonym for each word.

For each of your words draw a picture that illustrates the meaning of the word.

Choose five of your vocabulary words and look up the part of speech for each word.  Use each word in a sentence as the correct part of speech

Use each of your vocabulary words in a complete sentence.  Be sure to use the word correctly.  Check with your parents if you are not sure.

Write each of your vocabulary words and then write four other words that have the same beginning sound.

Create a cartoon strip using all ten of your words in the conversations between the characters.

Vocabulary List – 9/21/2015 – crow (v), scalded, strategy, compelled, improvising, twine, acquainted, fey, awry, utter, ingenious & garbed.  

Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe

from “An American Childhood”


Monday—define your vocabulary words

Tuesday—choose one of the activities from the tic-tac-toe board

Wednesday—choose another activity which connects with the first on the tic-tac-toe board.

Thursday—choose a third activity to make a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line on the tic-tac-toe board.

Friday—turn in your definitions and tic-tac-toe activities.

(vocabulary also correlates to grammar warm-up)

Write a short story using seven of your vocabulary words correctly.  Underline your words in the story

Draw a detailed, colored picture of you doing one of your favorite activities.  Disguise your vocabulary words in the picture.

Create a crossword puzzle using all eleven of your vocabulary words.  Be sure to write clues AND draw the puzzle for all of your words.

Write your vocabulary words on a sheet of paper and then write a synonym and antonym for each word.

For each of your words draw a picture that illustrates the meaning of the word.

Choose five of your vocabulary words and look up the part of speech for each word.  Use each word in a sentence as the correct part of speech

Use each of your vocabulary words in a complete sentence.  Be sure to use the word correctly.  Check with your parents if you are not sure.

Write each of your vocabulary words and then write four other words that have the same beginning sound.

Create a cartoon strip using all ten of your words in the conversations between the characters.

Vocabulary List – 9/21/2014 – crow (v), scalded, strategy, compelled, improvising, twine, acquainted, fey, awry, utter, ingenious & garbed.