Stormwater and Wastewater

LI: To understand the difference between stormwater and wastewater

Know Your Drains!

There are 2 types of drains (see the diagram above):

The Main Message to Get Out There!

Challenge 1

Read the statements below and copy and paste them onto the chart. To do this correctly you will need to identify which statements are about wastewater and which statements are about stormwater

Compare and Contrast Chart



  • Goes down pipes into sewage pipes
  • Pollutants include food scraps, detergents, paint, human faeces, grease and oil
  • Collects rainwater from roofs, yards and driveways
  • Goes down roadside drains or stormwater drains on roads,yardsand car parks 
  • Collects wastewater from outside your house
  • Flows into sewage treatment plant before being dispersed into the environment 
  • Collects wastewater from inside houses, offices, schools, factories etc .
  • Flows into stormwater pipes which carries run-off into the nearest stream, harbour and beach

Challenge 2

Create a Popplet to show the differences between wastewater and stormwater. You may need to use your research skills to find more facts on the Internet. Remember we are looking for facts about NZ!


Upload your popplet to your blog once you have finished and your information has been checked.

