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Religion: 10/6/14 to 10/10/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject __Religion_________          Grade Pre-K1      Week of 10/6/14 to 10/10/14____________                            

Unit 1 Lesson 4, Parts 1-3                Unit Title God’s Gift of People.        Essential Question Why God gives us many people  to help us and care for us?









(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.









 The children will learn to appreciate the all the caregivers who helps take care of them.

How does teachers and relatives take care of us?


  1. The teacher will present a large box, wrapped as a present filled with items that would identify a helper from the community.
  2. Explain the many gifts God has given us .
  3. Open the box and pull one object that identifies someone who helps.
  4. Have the children guess who this helper is and how this person helps.
  5. Continue until all the objects in the box have been shown.
  6. Give the children  objects and whisper to them what helper is associated with the object and what this helper does.
  7. Have the children act them out.
  8. Distribute Activity Page 15.
  9. Discuss with the children how teachers and family relatives help our families take care of us.
  10. Invite the children to take turns being a “teacher” or “big brother or sister,” act out how they take care of children.
  11. Teach the following poem: Helpers Care for Me. 
  1. Who are the people who care for for us?
  2. What special jobs they do to help us?
  3. What would happen if we did not have these people?









 The children will learn to appreciate the all the caregivers who helps take care of them. 

 What special job helpers do in their community?

  1. Have the children take our a helper from the Big Gift Box.
  2. Have the children act out the helper.
  3. Have the children ask: What special job he or she have in their community? Why do you like to help in the community? What do they like best about their job?
  4. Repeat activity with other helpers. 
  1. What special job helpers do in their community?
  2. How do you do your job? (Act out)
  3. Why you like best about your job?








The children will learn that God comes to us through the many people who love and care for us.


What choices they have to make in their community? 

  1. The teacher will present a large box, wrapped as a present filled with items that would identify a helper from the community.
  2. Explain the many gifts God has given us .
  3. Open the box and pull one object that identifies someone who helps.
  4. Have the children guess who this helper is and how this person helps.
  5. Continue until all the objects in the box have been shown.
  6. Give the children  objects and whisper to them what helper is associated with the object and what this helper does.
  7. Have the children act them out.
  8. Distribute Activity Page 15.
  9. Discuss with the children how teachers and family relatives help our families take care of us.
  10. Invite the children to take turns being a “teacher” or “big brother or sister,” act out how they take care of children. T
  11. Teach the following poem: Helpers Care for Me.
  1. Who are these people with uniform?
  2. What duties do they have?
  3. What choices they have to make in their community?









 The children will be able to express their delight in their families, friends, and others others that love and care for them. 

Who are the family, friends, and others who love and care for them?


  1. Place the children into five groups.
  2. Give each group puzzle pieces of people who love and care for us..
  3. Have the groups put them together.
  4. The teacher will explain that God has given us  all these people to take care of us and to show us his love.
  5. Distribute Activity Page 17.
  6. Have the children identify the people on this page.
  7. Have the children identify and tell how that helper helps us in our community.
  8. Ask: Why is their job so important in our communities? Which helpers job is dangerous? What risk some of them  they take? Why do you think they do it? How would you show your appreciation to them?
  1. Which helpers job is dangerous?
  2. What questions would you ask if you met one/
  3. How would you show your appreciation to them?









Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1. helper                               6.

2. community                               7.

3. job                              8.

4. people                              9.

5.                               10.

Use of Technology:

   ___*_ Smartboard

   ___*_ Student Response System