DLA019-0085  Translation



Dear Mr de Laszlo,

I have received your note of August 16th at the same moment when I was thinking of writing to you to tell you the pleasure I had in reading, in the second volume of Mme de Clermont-Tonnerre’s Memoirs,

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the numerous and friendly pages that are devoted to you.[1] Your friend the Duke de Gramont’s sister has a delightful talent I think, and I only deplore in her book the unfortunate remarks she makes about the Royal House of Egypt – but no doubt the people who informed her are more to

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blame than herself.

I have often spoken of you here, with my cousin Léon Suarès. The whole of London, Paris and Alexandria are at the Palace, not to mention the King of Sweden, the Duke and Duchess of Alba, the Colonnas, etc…

I have forwarded to the Palace of Ros-el-Tin the Munich letter. As to the paintings, that of Prince

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Farouk [4122] has been delivered to Cook, who is to send it to Munich while Kendrick is finishing the copy [111171] of the King’s portrait [4094].

Please kindly remember me to Paul[2] and send my best regards to Mrs de László.[3] And please believe me yours always faithfully,

Georges Cattani




[1] La duchesse de Clermont-Tonnerre, née Elisabeth de Gramont (1875-1954) [4506]; the book referred to is Elisabeth de Gramont, Mémoires, vol. 2: Les Marronniers en fleurs, Paris, Grasset, 1929.

[2] Paul Leonardo de Laszlo (1906-1983) [13214], third son of Philip and Lucy de László

[3] Mrs Philip de László, née Lucy Madeleine Guinness (1870-1950) [11474]