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Copy of Life on Minimum Wage
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Life on Minimum Wage

A simulation created by Richard Byrne -

The goals of this game are up to you. The first person to reach all of their goals wins (or do they?).

In order to reach your goals you must work hard. By working hard and being careful with your money, you can reach your goals.


1. You must identify your goals before the game begins. Everyone needs at least five goals.

2. Everyone will be randomly assigned to a job that pays minimum wage.

3. In order to earn money you need to complete the requirements on your task card. When you complete those requirements you will be paid.

4. You can work more than one job, but you have to complete all of the requirements of your assigned job first.

5. You can not work any more than 39.9 hours at any one job.

6. You must pay all of your bills including Taxes, Food & Beverages, Rent, Utilities, and "surprise bills" before spending your money on any of your goal items.

7. You cannot steal money. If you steal you will be sent to jail and disqualified from the game.

Goal Choices

Goal: 54" Big screen TV $1650

Goal: XBox 360 - $300

Goal: Movies and Dinner for Two $65

Goal: Cable and Internet access $100/month for 12 months =$1200

Goal: iPhone with required data plan.

$400 + $1200 for year's worth of calling and web access.

Goal: Energy drinks every day for a month. $120

Goal: Used Snowmobile $2500

Goal: Disney World Vacation = $1200

Goal: Cell phone with standard calling plan. $50/month for 12 months = $600

Goal: iPod Nano $150

Goal: Attend Community College $2500 semester.

Goal: Guided fishing trip in Canada = $2000

Goal: Used Car. $1200 down payment.

Goal: Browning Rifle $800

Goal: Laptop Computer $700

Goal: 27" Television $350

Job Options

Create Paper Airplane

1 Airplane = 1 hour of work

Stuff Envelopes with 1 Index Card

1 Envelope = 1 hour of work

Label Maps of the United States

1 Labeled Map = 1 hour of work

Fly paper airplanes

1 Airplane flown 15feet = 1 hour of work

Unstuff envelopes and sort cards by color.

1 unstuffed envelope = 1 hour of work

Cut out the states from labeled maps.

1 Cut up map = 1 hour of work

Required Bills

Rent (heat included)


Food & Beverages

$50/week per person


25% of paycheck


$75/ month

Transportation (public transit or gas money for friend with a car)


Clothing & Shoes

$60/ month

Surprise Cards


You just had a baby. Congratulations!

What's that, you don't have health insurance? Pay $100/month for 6 years.


You got stopped for speeding on your way to work.

Pay $200 fine


Congratulations on reaching your goal of buying a car.

Pay$150/month for insurance.


You've contracted the flu.

Miss three days of work and go to the health clinic.

Forfeit 24 hours of pay + $150 for health clinic visit.


Your employer has cut your hours to 20 hours/wk for the next month.


Oil prices spike. To pay for the heat your landlord raises the rent $25/hr.


Your sister has a baby boy. Buy your new nephew some cute outfits.

Pay $30


Your roommate forgot to pay the cable bill.

Pay a $50 reconnection fee.


The person who has been giving you a ride to work is sick and can't drive you. Take a taxi to work for a week.

Pay $100


You mixed colors in the washing machine. All of your white clothes are now pink. Wear pink or replace all of your white clothing.

Pay $100


Babies are expensive.

Pay an extra $50/week for food and diapers.


You just got married and your new spouse has moved in. Pay an extra $50/month rent and increase utility bills by 20%

Wage Cards

10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


10 hours of work = $75


5 hours of work = $37.50


5 hours of work = $37.50


5 hours of work = $37.50


5 hours of work = $37.50


1 hour of work = $7.50


1 hour of work = $7.50


1 hour of work = $7.50


1 hour of work = $7.50
