
Benjamin Franklin and His Contributions To Science


"Science." Colonial America , edited by D. Thorp, Dr., vol. 9, Danbury, Connecticut, Grolier, 1998, pp. 671-74.


"In 1751 Franklin also set up the Academy of Philadelphia, which formed the basis of the University of Pennsylvania, a center for scientific learning. Franklin invented the lightning rod and much of the terminology that is still used to describe electricity (such as positive and negative). He also designed an iron stove that was much more energy-efficient than the open grate type popular at the time. Bifocal lenses were another of Franklin's ingenious ideas." 


My Ideas:

Benjamin Franklin is credited for a lot of inventions and scientific contribution. He created academies and opportunities for people with scientific interests to learn. In 1752 he proved that lightning was electricity in the atmosphere by flying a kite in a brutal storm. On the string of the kite, he attached a key to attract lighting. I wonder if Benjamin's up bringing created opportunities for him to discover these things. After researching this I found that most scientists developed their interests while learning a trade. Benjamin finished his education at the age of 10 and apprenticed his brother. He worked at a printing plant. He later developed a fascination for science his friend sent him a device that generated electricity. This sparked his joy for science and i'm sure his education helped. I infer that at the time nobody at his time learned a lot of science in their education. They would usually develop interest during their future work life. Benjamin went on to create possibly the most revolutionary device world the medical world, the Bifocal lenses. I wonder what would have happened if Benjamin were not sent that device that generated electricity. I infer that science would have created a lot of the devices way later. This shows that Benjamin Franklin was the most respected scientist at the time and that he sparked the scientific revolution.


Created: 10/26/2016 09:25 AM