Titan Hill Library Services “Menu”

This menu is just a sampling of the services that the Titan Hill Libraries can offer in addition to the Library Special time that students will receive. Mrs. Kleinmeyer and Mrs. Frascht are also open to any ideas or suggestions teachers may have! Activities can be done in regular classrooms or in the library!  

“Appetizers” (15-20 minute activities):


        Let the Titan Hill librarians read pictures books to your student!. The read-aloud selections can reinforce content being taught in the classroom or general life-skills (7 Habits, for example), and will practice intentional conversations about the thinking that goes on while reading books and can offer the opportunity for your students to practice their active reading skills!

Book Samplings

        Got reluctant readers? Let the Titan Hill librarians put together a sampling of what the Titan Hill library has to offer. Students can participate in a variety of activities--such as a Book Pass--that will create a buzz about reading!

Focused Book Talks

        Studying a particular genre or focusing on a certain aspect of literature? Allow the Titan Hill Librarians to directly promote the related books in our collection! Once again, it’s all about creating a buzz!

Extra Checkouts

        Your students flying through books? Join the librarians in the library to give your students an extra opportunity to find that “Just Right” book and keep them reading!

“Entrees” (Lengthier Activities . . . Exact time is dependent on the needs of the activities):


        So much to teach, so little time. Let the us help you cover the standards! The following are just a sampling on the types of lessons we can help support:

        Information Literacy/Research:

Genius Hour Support

Fiction vs. Nonfiction

                Subtypes of Fiction

                How to read Nonfiction

                How to evaluate websites

                How to evaluate print sources

                Steps to the research process (Big 6)


                Comparing and Contrasting various texts

                Evaluating the Author’s Purpose

        Digital Citizenship:


                Safe use of Technology (Variety of lessons)

                Citations (giving credit to owners of online information)


                Google support (Google Classroom lessons utilizing various Google Apps for Education)

                Technology Integration of various programs to support learning (Lensoo, Stick Around,

ChatterPix, etc.)


Special Events:

        Take advantage of the various literacy celebrations we offer for our students all year long! Examples include:

        Dot Day

        Hour of Code

        Biography Blast

Technology Integration Lesson Planning:

        You’ve heard about this great new website, but how can you use it in your classroom? Let us help you figure out how to best utilize the technology to support your students’ learning. Lesson Planning can range from helping to decide which technology might support your objectives to co-teaching lessons to co-grading final products.

“Ala Cart” (Behind-the-Scenes Support):

Pulling collections

Gathering technology resources

Developing lesson materials (handouts, rubrics, etc.)

Creating and adding activities to Google Classroom

Created by Lynn Kleinmeyer

 Updated 10/5/15