Letter by media & communications scholars on British news media coverage of the war in Gaza


As scholars of journalism, media and communications, we write to express our shock and dismay at what we can only describe as a dangerous suspension of journalistic values, standards, and norms in much of the British news media coverage of the war in Gaza.  

Israeli government and army officials are using genocidal language in reference to Palestinians, including terms such as "human animals", "barbarians", and "savages". Several British news media outlets not only fail to report this and warn against it but at times seem to be inciting violence against Palestinians through insinuations that hospitals are legitimate military targets. This implicates media institutions and personnel in accusations of war crimes and violations of international law.

We note that much of the coverage omits key facts and context necessary for understanding this war including that Gaza is an occupied territory under international law that has been under 16 years of illegal siege.

We observe widespread selective use of evidence in reporting. While unsubstantiated Israeli claims are reported in full and treated as trustworthy, Palestinian claims are shrouded in doubt and suspicion.

We note double standards in the coverage of the tragic suffering of civilians in Gaza and in Israel and a biased deployment of emotion in the news. While Israeli civilian victims are rightly mourned, Palestinian victims are reported as nameless numbers.

Furthermore, discrimination seeps into the use of language. We observe the widespread deployment of the passive voice when it comes to the killing of Palestinians, so as not to implicate Israel.

As media scholars, we have studied the dangers of hate and disinformation on social media. We are disturbed to see established news organisations that pride themselves on their impartiality become sources of dangerous misinformation.

We remember the coverage of the ongoing Ukraine war and how British media rose to the task of condemning occupation and voicing support for the victims of military aggression.

Palestinians are no less human than Israelis or Ukrainians and should not be treated as such by British media. The British public deserves balanced and truthful information on this escalating war.

Considering the above, we believe it is vital that news organisations take the following steps:

1.    Critically question and provide evidence on Israeli claims in the name of accuracy, fairness and truth.

2.    Challenge Israeli officials with difficult questions and not just simply give them uninterrupted airtime.

3.    Include the colonial context of Israel’s more than 50 years long military occupation of Palestinian territories and 16 years of siege on Gaza – repeatedly condemned by the UN and human rights organizations.

4.    Include Palestinian voices in your coverage, not to trap them into denouncing the acts of Hamas as a precondition of any discussion, as if they are guilty by virtue of their identity, but to offer a human perspective and context.

5.    Demand that journalists gain access to Gaza and condemn the killing and targeting of journalists doing their jobs in the region.

6.    Immediately rescind actions against Palestinian and Arab journalists reporting on the conflict.



  1. Dina Matar, Professor, SOAS University of London
  2. Omar Al-Ghazzi, Associate Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  3. Zahera Harb, Reader, City University London
  4. Tarik Sabry, Professor, University of Westminster
  5. Simidele Dosekun, Assistant Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  6. Wendy Willems, Associate Professor, London School of Economics and Political Sciences
  7. Rachel O’Neill, Assistant Professor, LSE
  8. Polly Withers, Leverhulme ECF, LSE
  9. Sebastián Lehuedé, University of Cambridge
  10. Jared Ahmad, Lecturer, University of Sheffield
  11. Ken Fero, Assistant Professor, Coventry University
  12. Jara Fernandez-Meneses, Lecturer in Film, University of Southampton
  13. Dr Melissa Beattie, Asst Prof of English/Humanities, American University of Phnom Penh
  14. Prof Des Freedman, Goldsmiths, University of London
  15. Shakuntala Banaji, Professor, LSE
  16. Ricardo Domizio Senior Lecturer in Film Studies, London South Bank University
  17. Michael Pickering, Professor Emeritus, Loughborough University
  18. Julian Petley, Honorary and Emeritus Professor of Journalism, Brunel University London
  19. Jennifer O'Meara, Associate Professor, Trinity College Dublin
  20. Myria Georgiou, Professor, LSE
  21. Francesco Sticchi, Lecturer in Film Studies, Oxford Brookes University
  22. Gholam Khiabany, Reader,  Goldsmiths, University of London
  23. Lina Dencik, Professor, Cardiff University
  24. Dr Munira Cheema, Lecturer, King's College London
  25. Meg Peterson, Lecturer, King's College London
  26. Viviane Saglier, Lecturer, University of St Andrews
  27. Tom Sayers, New York University
  28. Dani Madrid-Morales, University of Sheffield
  29. Farzeen Heesambee, Ms and University of Derby
  30. Rubia Dar, Senior Film Lecturer, University of Portsmouth
  31. Rana Arafat, Lecturer, City University of London
  32. Mica Nava, Emeritus Professor, University of East London
  33. Chris Paterson, Professor, University of Leeds
  34. Tony Dowmunt, Emeritus Professor, Goldmsiths - University of London
  35. Łukasz Szulc, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester
  36. Sara García Santamaría, University of Bristol
  37. Nina Robinson Lecturer ECR PhD Media Diversity Journalism BCU & University of Derby
  38. Dr Amira Abdelhamid, Lecturer in International Relations, University of Portsmouth
  39. Nancy Thumim, Associate Professor, University of Leeds
  40. Ki Wight, Lecturer, Capilano University
  41. Nathaniel Weiner, Senior Lecturer, University of the Arts London
  42. Aasiya Lodhi, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster
  43. Cristina Moreno Almeida, Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London
  44. Sara Tafakori, Lecturer, University of Leeds  
  45. Zhongwei Mabu Li, PDRF, University of Leeds
  46. Suzanne Temwa Gondwe Harris, Fellow, LSE
  47. Weidi Zheng, Research Associate, KCL
  48. Dr. Dror Dayan, Liverpool Film School, Liverpool John Moores University
  49. Silvia Angeli, Lecturer, University of Manchester
  50. Lee Edwards, Professor, LSE
  51. Dr Barbara Henderson, lecturer, MA Media and Journalism, Newcastle University
  52. Lucy Woods, PhD candidate
  53. Akanksha Mehta, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
  54. Holly Steel, Lecturer, University of Leeds
  55. Fatima el Issawi , Professor, University of Essex
  56. Anthony Killick, Lecturer in Film and Media, The British University in Egypt
  57. Eve Bennett, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
  58. Dr. Julia Peck, Senior Lecturer, University of Gloucestershire
  59. Kate McNicholas Smith, Lecturer, University of Westminster
  60. Dr James Morrison, Associate Professor in Journalism, University of Stirling
  61. Peter Goodwin, Principal Research Fellow, University of Westminster
  62. Cáit Murphy, Researcher, Trinity College Dublin
  63. Ceiren Bell, lecturer, Goldsmiths University of London
  64. Dr Sarah Gibson Yates, Course Leader BA Media and Communications, Anglia Ruskin University
  65. Alida Payson, Lecturer, Cardiff University
  66. Mona Baker, University of Oslo
  67. Sarah Lahm, PGR at University of Leeds
  68. Nicky Falkof, Professor of Media Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
  69. Charlotte Curle, PhD researcher, Lancaster University
  70. Dr Victoria Cann, University of East Anglia
  71. Paul Reilly, University of Glasgow
  72. César Jiménez-Martínez, Assistant Professor, London School of Economics
  73. Samira Nadkarni, Independent Academic
  74. Dr Deirdre O'Neill University of Hertfordshire
  75. Martha Shearer, Assistant Professor, University College Dublin
  76. Jean-Christophe Plantin, associate professor, media & communications at LSE
  77. Dimitris Boucas, Lecturer, University of Westminster
  78. Afroditi Koulaxi, Fellow, LSE
  79. Federica Frabetti, Associate Professor, University of Roehampton
  80. Sarah Cefai, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
  81. Dr Jonathan Wroot, University of Greenwich
  82. Nadine El Sayed, Associate Professor and Associate Chair, The American University in Cairo
  83. Mina Tever, PhD researcher, City University of London
  84. Miriam Kent, Lecturer, University of Leeds
  85. Tom Greenwood, Associate Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
  86. Marcus Free, Assistant Professor, Media Studies, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick
  87. Allen Feldman, Professor, Media, Culture and Communication, New York University
  88. Sophia Kanaouti, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  89. Nathasha Edirippulige Fernando, Lecturer, University of Westminster
  90. Abeer AlNajjar, professor of journalism abd media studies, the American university of Sharjah
  91. John Ogunrinde, Ph.D. Researcher, London Metropolitan University
  92. Daniela Treveri Gennari, Oxford Brookes University
  93. Robin Mansell, Prof Emerita, LSE
  94. Nader Salha, Prof in Digital Media - AlQuds University
  95. Jessica Saxby, PhD candidate, Goldsmiths, University of London
  96. Dr Jenn Durrett, Senior Lecturer, Bournemouth University
  97. Angela Towers, Ph.D researcher, Lancaster University
  98. Marc Owen Jones, Associate Professor of Middle East Studies, Hamad bin Khalifa University
  99. Sophie Knowles, Associate Professor, Middlesex University
  100. Wallis Motta, Lecturer in Strategic Communication, University of Liverpool
  101. Dr Janna Graham, Senior Lecturer Goldsmiths 'University of London
  102. Andrea Medrado, senior Lecturer, University of Westminster
  103. Odin O'Sullivan, PhD Candidate, University College Dublin
  104. Cíara Dempsey, Tutor, University College Dublin
  105. Emma Heywood, SL, University of Sheffield
  106. Daniel Rourke, Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London
  107. Yasmin Ibrahim, Professor, QMUL
  108. Paolo Ruffino, Senior Lecturer at University of Liverpool
  109. Kirsten Adkins, Lecturer, University of Glasgow
  110. Mark Hobart, Emeritus Professor of Critical Media and Cultural Studies, SOAS
  111. Pieter Verdegem, Reader, University of Westminster
  112. Dr Jacob Mukherjee, Convener MA Political Communications at Goldsmiths, University of London
  113. Dr. Loreley Hahn-Herrera SOAS, University of London
  114. Leonie Gschwendtberger, PhD Researcher, University of Bristol
  115. Bart Cammaerts, Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science
  116. Yasir Suleiman, Emeritus Professor, University of Cambridge
  117. Patricia Prieto-Blanco, Lecturer, Lancaster University
  118. Philipp Seuferling, Fellow, LSE
  119. Tanya Serisier, Reader in Feminist Theory, Birkbeck, University of London
  120. Pablo Alvarez Murillo, independent researcher
  121. Professor Lynne Segal Psychosocial Motion Birkbeck
  122. Nabeel Khalid, Open Source Investigator, Digital Verification Corps Amnesty, University of Essex
  123. Catherine Rottenberg, Professor, Goldsmiths, University of London
  124. Zadoc Nava, Lecturer, University of Arts London
  125. William Brown, University of British Columbia
  126. Tassia Kobylinska Lecturer, Goldsmiths, UoL
  127. Dr Richard Stupart, University of Liverpool
  128. Tim Lawrence, Professor of Cultural Studies, University of East London
  129. Soumia Medjahed, PhD candidate, Cardiff University
  130. Les Roberts, Reader, University of Liverpool
  131. Ozlem Sensoy, Professor, Simon Fraser University
  132. Siao Yuong Fong, Lecturer in Global Media and Inequality, Lancaster University
  133. Dr Cat Mahoney University of Liverpool
  134. Natalie Fenton, Professor, Goldsmiths University of London
  135. Dr Dean Lockwood, Senior Lecturer, University of Lincoln
  136. Roza Tsagarousianou, Professor of Media and Migration, University of Westminster
  137. Hannah Spaulding, Lecturer, University of Liverpool
  138. Hannah Little, Lecturer in Communication and Media, University of Liverpool
  139. Daniela Agostinho,  Assistant professor, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
  140. John Brissenden, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster
  141. Shakthi Nataraj, Lecturer of Sociology, Lancaster University
  142. Dr. Dounia Mahlouly, SOAS University of London
  143. Marcia Allison, University of Leeds
  144. Eleftheria Lekakis, University of Sussex
  145. Sana Bilgrami, Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University
  146. Dr Ana Tominc, Reader in Media and Communications, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh
  147. Dr Kerry Traynor, Senior Lecturer, Communication and Media, University of Liverpool
  148. Meghanne Barker, Lecturer in Education, Practice and Society, UCL
  149. Adel Iskandar, Director, Centre for Comparative Muslim Studies, Simon Fraser University
  150. Noureddine Miladi, Professor of Media and Communication, Qatar University
  151. Hung Nguyen, Lecturer in Digital Journalism, Goldsmiths, University of London
  152. Dr Vincent M. Gaine, Lancaster University
  153. Dr Rosalynd Southern. Senior Lecturer in Political Communication University of Liverpool
  154. Michelle Henning, Professor, University of Liverpool
  155. Ilaria Lombardo, PhD Candidate, Goldsmiths University of London
  156. Chloe Turner, PhD Researcher in Media, Communications and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths University of London
  157. David Morley Professor Emeritus,Goldsmiths, University of London
  158. Dr Allen Munoriyarwa Senior Lecturer, University of Botswana Department of Media Studies
  159. Ashwani Sharma, Senior Lecturer in Film and Screen Studies, LCC, UAL
  160. Natalie Wreyford, Lecturer, King's College London
  161. Dr Allen Munoriyarwa Department of Media Studies University of Botswana
  162. Dr Andy Williams, Cardiff University School of Journalism, Media and Culture
  163. Mohammad Ayish Ayish, Professor Media and Communication, American University of Sharjah
  164. Professor Winston Mano, University of Westminster
  165. Charles Lawrie, PhD Student, University of Sussex
  166. Giulia Champion, Research Fellow, University of Southampton
  167. Nick Couldry, Professor, London School of Economics
  168. Dr Aida Al Kaisy, SOAS University of London
  169. Dr Graham Harwood goldsmith's, university of london
  170. Milly Williamson, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths UoL
  171. Richard Wallis, Principal Academic, Bournemouth University
  172. Katy Parry, Professor, University of Leeds
  173. Ergin Bulut, Senior Lecturer, Goldsmiths
  174. Catherine Walsh, Lecturer, Cardiff University
  175. Camilla Affleck, Senior Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University
  176. Dr Tom Sykes, Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Global Journalism, University of Portsmouth
  177.  Lilie Chouliaraki, Professor, LSE
  178. Yasmin Fedda, Lecturer in Film Practice, Queen Mary University of London
  179. Taner Doğan, Lecturer, Queen Margaret University