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Persuasive Essay Rubric (First Draft)
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-All paragraphs are well written, descriptive, and convincing.

-Introduction goes from broad to specific.

-Thesis statement is clear and is the last sentence in the introduction.

-Topic Sentences/Support Claims are used Correctly

-Support paragraphs provide facts and analysis that support your thesis.

Essay contains some structure and organization, but loses focus at points.

Thesis statement is weak or in the wrong location.

Some topic sentences are off topic

Thesis is in the wrong place.

Argument is presented way too early within the introduction.

Essay is lacking structure, focus, and/or organization.

No thesis statement

Thesis statement does not include all necessary elements

Introduction is poorly organized.

No topic sentences.

Weak conclusion.


Strong detail is used to support your thesis.

All evidence is focused on supporting the thesis.

Evidence is always followed with analysis that connects it back to the topic sentence.

Some detail may be missing.

Detail is not focused on supporting the thesis at times.

Evidence is given, but not connected to the argument.

Detail is weak.

No detail at all.

Detail is off-topic completely.


-Basic punctuation is used correctly.

-Spell check was obviously used.

-All necessary words are capitalized.

-Sentences are clutter free and demonstrate sophisticated structure.

-Essay may contain a few errors in basic punctuation.

-Spell check wasn't used.

-Several capitalization errors.

-banned words were used.

-Some cluttered sentences; sentences show some sophisticated structure.

-Many errors in punctuation, spelling, capitalization.

-Obvious failure to use spell check.

-Several banned words.

-Cluttered sentences and lack of sophisticated structure.