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How to Setup proxy
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                                         Proxy Details

Setting up the proxy

How to setup proxy to use the internet in IIT Hyderabad

For Firefox

Click on Edit >>Preferences>>Advanced>>Proxies

Choose Manual proxy configuration>>view

Enter in the space for HTTP proxy and 3128 for the port number.

You should do the same for the FTP proxy and for SECURITY proxy.

For Internet Explorer

Choose Tools>>Internet Options>>Connections>>LAN settings

click the check box "use proxy server" and key in the address in the address dialogue box and "port number" as 3128

For Apple Mac Operating systems*

Go to System Preferences and choose Network

Select the Airport settings on and choose the available wireless facility.

Choose Airport settings as DHCP and choose Manual IP.

Go to Proxies and use  port:3128 as your proxy.


* Apple Mac users should put the proxy for all HTTP HTTPS and other types in the proxy menu