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Part 25: Trixa of the Trade!
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Part 25: Trixa of the Trade!


                It was a dim outlook. Aly, Charmeleon and Togepi’s fate were literally in my hands. I could feel Aly’s arm slipping from my grip. The rain hailed down on us, only worsening the situation. The muscles in my arms were in agony from the strain of their weight, but I had to hang on.

                ‘Robin’ Aly called up to me.

I tried to manage a smile, but it instantly fell once I saw her worried expression. ‘Y-yes?’ I stuttered.

‘I’m sorry for what I said before’ she said as she began to cry ‘You’re not an idiot, or at least not all the time. You follow your heart and fight for the right reasons. You’re twice the trainer I’ll ever be’

‘No, that’s not true. I’m the one who should be apologising. You’re a great trainer who gives great advice; I’m just too stubborn at times to listen. And I take back what I said about you not being able to control your Charmeleon. You two will be an awesome team when we get out of this-‘

‘Eek!’ Aly shrieked as I lost my grip on her arm. I just about caught her hand. Tears started to stream down my face from both the pain in my arms and the thought of losing a friend. I could feel her slowly slipping away from my grasp.

‘Robin, promise me one thing’ Aly yelled as I held her by the finger tips.

‘Anything, what is it!?’ I sobbed.

‘Promise me you’ll- AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!’


Aly slipped out of my grip before she could say another word. I impulsively tried to lunge after her and her Pokémon, but Salvadore swung me backwards and restrained me from committing any further attempts of following the dragon tamer off the cliff.

‘No! Let me go! LET ME GO! ALY!!!’ I cried out uncontrollably.

Her screams pierced my ears as I trembled in disbelief. I reached out a lifeless hand which slowly slumped to the ground. Growly howled and whined out to the sea. Kiro nuzzled my arm and he started to cry after the squeals of Togepi. Salvadore breathed heavily and hugged me even tighter for both protection and comfort. Cubone whimpered as he stared motionless at his bone.

Tears flooded down my cheeks as flashbacks raced through my mind and the screams of one of my best friends began to fade.

I remembered when I first met her, a confident girl with an unmistakable lip piercing. She winked at me and reassured me that everything was going to be ok before defeating Team Rocket.

I remembered meeting her again in Viridian Forest and when she joined the team, expecting a great adventure.

I remembered how she was always there to cheer me on through all my Pokémon battles, how she stuck with me through the tough times and shared with me all the good times.

She was like a little sister to Salvadore and I, yet a mother to Togepi.

But now... now she was gone.

                Her last scream reeled through my head.

The rain started to ease, pattering softly on the muddy earth.

I stared out passed the cliff into the stormy sea. ‘Aly...’

Suddenly, a flash of white light erupted beyond the cliff before us. I instantly reduced my mournful cries to a curious sob. It sounded like the howling wind whistled off beat. But no, it wasn’t the wind. It was the sound of flapping wings, beating faster and faster. Everyone stopped and stared speechless as a red blur shot high into the stormy sky leaving a trail of thick smoke in its wake.


I quickly rubbed my teary eyes with my sleeve and almost choked in disbelief. The creature bellowed fearsomely to the sky and the clouds above dispersed immediately at its command. A bright ray of sun broke through the clouds and expanded across the land and sea.

My eyes bulged as the creature began to descend. It was a Charizard! And in its arms were Aly and Togepi, surprised, but safe.

When the Charizard landed Aly stepped out of its grasp and nuzzled Togepi lovingly before gently placing her on the ground. She then smirked at my dumbfounded smile. Without hesitation I ran over and flung my arms around her. She seemed shocked at first, but then she giggled and hugged me closer. Salvadore came over and threw his arms over the two of us.

‘Glad to have you back’ the breeder said warmly ‘No offense Robin, but with just us two this story would have sucked!’

We all laughed and embraced each other even tighter.

Kiro pranced over to Togepi to receive a joyous hug from the little egg Pokémon.


Both Kiro and Togepi then glanced over to see a shy Cubone waddling towards them. He stared at Togepi and then at his bone. He nodded towards Togepi and held out his bone, gesturing her to take it.


Togepi squealed with glee as she took the bone and waved it in the air. Kiro and Cubone nodded at each other in reconcile.

After a while, Aly finally turned her to Charizard and hugged him tightly. ‘You evolved and saved us. Thank you...’ she whispered to him and squeezed him tighter. Charizard wrapped his claws around her and embraced his trainer. Aly then pulled away and stared confidently into Charizard’s eyes. ‘I think it’s time we started to work as a team. What do ya say?’

Charizard grunted and nodded in agreement.

Growly slowly edged over to Aly and Charizard. The dragon tamer smiled at the Growlithe and moved aside. Growly then propped himself up on his hind legs and extended a paw to Charizard. Both Pokémon shook in respect.

It was forgiveness and acceptance all around. Only a few clouds now coasted through the blue sky. I thought I had lost one of my best friends, but now we were all closer than ever. As I reflected on what just happened, a thought came to mind.


The dragon tamer turned to me and smiled.

‘What was that promise you wanted me to make?’ I asked curiously.

Aly rolled her eyes in thought for a moment. She then winked at me ‘Gonna have to kill me to find out!’

I shook my head resignedly as she continued to giggle.




We all glanced over at Togepi who was thumping a rock with Cubone’s bone. It was the same smooth rock I had been relaxing on before all the commotion started. To our surprise, the side of the rock seemed to shake and squirm, like it was alive. Togepi continued to thwart the rock playfully at full strength. The rock continued to writhe and moan in pain.

Anxious of what was happening; Aly and I recalled Charizard and Growly.

Suddenly, the side of the rock seemed to peal like paper. Everyone gasped in shock as a young girl burst through the fake rock and slumped to the ground, flat on her face. Togepi squealed happily and danced on the spot.

The girl was no more than two years older than me. She wore a sleeveless red tunic with white wrist bands and a belt. Her satin red hair flowed silkily over her pink neckerchief. She slowly peeled herself up off the ground and wiped down her dress. She then blushed when she noticed our presence.

‘Um... hello. Sorry for intruding. I’ll just be on my way now’ she said nervously and began to edge back towards the forest.

‘Hey, wait a second!’ Aly called out, ‘who are you? And why were you spying on us?’

The girl’s face seemed panicked as she stuttered, ‘Well... um... I guess I was... uhh?’

A thought suddenly struck my mind as she continued to struggle for an excuse. I remembered what Juni had told me when searching for the Pokémon ninja school. ‘You’re a ninja, aren’t you’ I questioned her.

The girl blushed a deeper shade of red. ‘No, uh... well...’ she mumbled before finally conceding. She bowed her head and sighed ‘Yes, I’m a ninja. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on you. I was just doing my routine concealment training when you happened to stop by and rest here. I’m sorry’

‘Oh, there’s no need to apologies’ Salvadore said in his goofy voice as he cupped the ninja’s hands in his own ‘If anything, it should be us apologising for interrupting your training. How about we introduce ourselves properly. My name’s Salvadore. I’m a Pokémon breeder, but I’ve been told that I’m also a good cook. How about I rustle up some food right now. Maybe a candlelight dinner or-’

Cubone was almost ready to beat his trainer senseless when both he and Salvadore noticed something odd. The breeder looked up to realise he was not holding a pair of hands, but a leafless branch. He fell backwards when he noticed that the beautiful ninja had been replaced with a tree stump dressed in a similar red tunic. We all gasped in shock at her deceiving disappearance.

‘Thanks for the offer, but its seafood chowder night back at the Pokémon ninja school’ the ninja called out as she stood smugly high up on a tree branch. ‘By the way, the name’s Trixa. Please to meet you’ she said with a wink.

My jaw almost hit the floor in surprise. ‘Wait, you’re Trixa!?’

‘That’s me. I didn’t realise I was famous’ she giggled.

I cleared my throat and recomposed myself ‘I came out here to find and train in the Pokémon ninja school. My friend, Juni told me to look for you’

‘You know Juni?’ Trixa asked in astonishment. Without warning she flipped elegantly off the frail branch and walked over to me. She extended a friendly hand. ‘Any friend of Juni is a friend of mine. I’d be honoured to show you the way to our ninja school’

‘Really? Thanks’ I smiled back at her and we shook hands ‘My name’s Robin and these are my friends; Aly and Salvadore’

Aly nodded wearily at Trixa, still suspicious.

Salvadore wanted to rush over to the ninja and express his love for her, but Cubone gave him a warming stare, keeping the breeder at bay.

‘Nice to meet you all. I’m sure Master Evian won’t mind having a few more around for dinner. Come, follow me’ Trixa gestured kindly and began to lead the way towards the forest.

‘I still don’t trust her’ Aly muttered in a whisper.

‘I don’t blame you. Most people don’t’ said Trixa glancing back at Aly ‘Then again, most people think a bit more highly of ninjas and not just creepy trainers who like to hide and surprise people’. Trixa shot a sly look at Aly.

The dragon tamer stammered and her cheeks were embellished in a bright shade of pink as she remembered how she had dismissed ninjas as good Pokémon trainers. Trixa must have overheard the entire conversation.

We continued the rest of the journey in silence. Trixa guided us into the dense forest. Most trees were starting to go bare, their leaves painting the soggy ground in a collage of autumn colours. A sharp breeze whistled through the trees as the sun began to set, leaving only a trace of red sky light to shepherd us through the dark woods. Winter wasn’t far off.

A family of Mankey could be heard screeching and swinging from tree to tree in the distance. Some Oddish slept peacefully, sheltered by some shrubbery. Pidgey and Hoothoot cooed and hooted high above in their nests.

After trekking through the looming forest and trying to keep up with a quick paced Trixa, we could finally make out some sounds of people chattering and joking. They seemed to grow louder and louder with each stride we took until we eventually broke out into a clearing.

The sun had now almost completely set, but the clearing was well lit with dozens of lanterns. A large wooden dojo like building lined the back of the site. Groups of people strolled casually around the area as they conversed, all wearing attire similar to that of Trixa. No one seemed to mind our presence.

 Many Pokémon seemed to accompany trainers or roam around the clearing with fellow Pokémon, some of which I had never seen before. This had to be the Pokémon ninja school.

‘Trixa, glad to see you’re back. I was starting to think you wouldn’t return at all’

We all spun around to face the light hearted voice. A young man stood before us, also dressed in the blue ninja uniform, like all the other male ninjas. His long fringe draped down over one side of his face, supported by a head band. A strange bug Pokémon hovered by his side. Its wings moved so fast, it was hard to believe it had any at all.

Trixa rushed over to the older ninja and bowed respectfully ‘Master Evian, sorry for being so late. You see, I was practicing the concealment technique when I happened to meet Robin here and his friends. They were hoping to train here’

‘Hehe, don’t worry about it, Trixa’ shrugged Evian. He then turned to me and we shook hands. ‘Please to meet you, Robin. My name’s Evian and I run this Pokémon ninja school. Now tell me, what brings you all the way out here?’

‘I’ve come here to train my Pokémon so they can become stronger!’ I said sure of myself.

Evian stroke his chin and seemed to ponder for a moment before asking me curiously ‘And why is that?’

I didn’t even have to think about it. I knew what my main goal was. ‘My Pokémon need to become stronger so that I can defeat the gym leader, AJ’

Evian stroke his chin once more and then sighed ‘Well, if that’s your sole purpose of coming here then I’m not sure there’s much I can do for you. Sorry...’

I stood there, momentarily speechless. I had come so far in one last attempt to strengthen my Pokémon to battle AJ and now this guy was saying my journey here was totally pointless? I balled my fists and my face stiffened. I could feel all the anger welling up inside me once more.

‘NO!’ I screamed defiantly ‘There has to be something you can do! Some hidden techniques or special food. Anything!’

Evian patiently closed his eyes as I continued to fume. He then opened his eyes and stared intently into mine. ‘I guess the best way to explain something is by doing. How about we have a quick Pokémon battle?’

My fists immediately eased and my tense muscles relaxed. ‘A battle? Right now? Sure... I guess’

‘Good. Let’s make this a one on one. Trixa, would you do the honours?’ Evian asked politely as he sauntered far over to the opposite side of the clearing. The Pokémon that seemed to hover by his shoulder floated along side him.

‘Of course’ she said as she bowed and made her way over to the centre of a clearing. ‘This will be a one on one Pokémon battle between Master Evian and Robin. There will be no time limit. Let the battle begin!’ she yelled and signalled for the match to start.

‘Ninjask, you’re up!’ Evian signalled to his mysterious Pokémon.

At its trainer’s command, the Pokémon whisked into battle at blinding speed, almost like it teleported. Overwhelmed by its speed I checked my Dex:

Ninjask, the ninja Pokémon and the evolved form of Nincada. Sometimes Ninjask move so quickly that it becomes almost invisible. Its cries can cause prolonged headaches.

I knew it was fast; that was evident. However, I also knew speed wasn’t everything and I had to prove a point to this guy. I had to prove my worthiness and show Evian I was worth training.

After a quick thought I glanced down at Kiro and gave him a nod ‘What do ya say, buddy? Fancy a battle?’

The silver Eevee smiled and was thrilled with the chance to battle. He confidently pranced over to face the speedy Ninjask, poised and ready for battle.

‘Ok, Kiro! Let’s start this off with a shadow ball!’

‘Double team’ Evian commanded confidently.

Just as the Eevee launched an energetic purple orb at the Ninjask, the ninja Pokémon began to duplicate rapidly. The Ninjask copies continued to replicate until they fully encircled Kiro. His shadow ball attack hit one of the fake Ninjask and faded. However, a new copy of Ninjask immediately filled its place. Kiro cocked his head around in a panic.

Even I was overwhelmed by the intensity of double team. ‘Um... try a series of shadow ball attacks!’ I screamed.

‘Use screech Ninjask!’


Kiro only managed to blast three duplicates before succumbing to Ninjask’s ear splitting screech attack. The silver Eevee cringed and covered his ears. I just stood there, helpless.

As soon as the screech attack ceased Evian spoke across the field to me ‘Robin, are you ok?’

I glanced at the ninja and then back at Kiro. He was shivering, still feeling the effects of screech. ‘Kiro, are you still good to battle?’ I cried over to him.

Kiro took a deep breath and struggled up on all fours. He yelled a defiant battle cry at the surrounding Ninjask duplicates.

‘Well, it’s good to see both you and your Pokémon have spirit, but it’s a pity you still don’t get it?’

Get what, I thought to myself. Does he not think Kiro is capable of winning this battle? This only fuelled my anger and spurred me on ‘Kiro, use quick attack on all of those Ninjask!’

‘Dodge it with agility and then use fury swipes!’ Evian ordered promptly.

Kiro made a dash towards the circle of Ninjask, sprinting at full speed with determination. Just as he made a final lunge towards the ninja Pokémon, all the Ninjask duplicates zipped and whisked by one other, constantly building up momentum.

I gasped in shock as Kiro ducked and dived around the place, desperately trying to dodge a bombardment of razor sharp scythes. There was no pattern or reduction in the Ninjask’s onslaught. Several copies struck the silver Eevee at the same time and he cried out in pain.

‘Kiro, get out of there!’ I pleaded.

It was no use. Every time Kiro managed to get up on his paws he was swarmed by several more Ninjask. The hordes were relentless in their attack as they continued to hack at the Eevee.

I looked over at Evian in dismay. He stared at me motionless with his arms folded, waiting for me to make the next move. I glanced back at Kiro. He wasn’t getting back up this time. He just lay helpless on the ground, taking fury swipe after fury swipe. There was nothing I could do. There was nothing he could do. I failed him... I failed him...

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped as I was struck with an overwhelming realisation. I shook my head and decided to end this ‘STOP! Please stop! I forfeit!’ I yelled.

Evian raised his hand and the droves of Ninjask instantly came to a halt. One by one, the fake copies on Ninjask began to fade until only one remained. The real Ninjask hovered over to Evian’s side.

I quickly ran over to Kiro and fell to my knees. I cradled the wounded Eevee in my arms and gently embraced him. He slowly lifted his head and smiled weakly at me. I shook my head as tears rolled off my cheeks. ‘I’m so sorry’ I whispered to Kiro, ‘you did great out there. It was me who failed... and it always has been. All this time I’ve been trying to figure out how to make my Pokémon stronger and ignoring the one who needs the most training- me’

‘Robin’ Evian called me as he walked over and offered a hand, helping me to my feet. He then stared into my eyes ‘Why did you come here?’

I glanced down at Kiro and then closed my eyes in thought. My mind raced through every battle I had lost. Against Emmett, Damian, AJ, Evian... Gary; my Pokémon had given their best efforts. Each one of them possessed incredible power and unquestionable strength, only to be held back by me. I cleared my throat, but kept my eyes closed when answering the ninja ‘I have come here not only to strengthen my Pokémon, but also to strengthen myself and the bonds between my Pokémon and I’

‘And why is that?’ Evian probed.

I raised my head and opened my eyes, meeting Evian’s focused stare.

‘To become a Pokémon Master!’

Evian’s intense gaze eased and he then turned to Trixa ‘See that this Eevee gets treatment straight away’

Trixa bowed and jogged over to me. I hesitantly placed Kiro in her arms. She cradled the silver Eevee and promised me she would take care of him. She then ran into the dojo like building and out of sight.

Evian turned to face me once again and smiled. Resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder he said, ‘If you and your friends are hungry, our famous seafood chowder will be served in fifteen minutes. I’d highly advise all of you to get a stable meal and a good night’s sleep. Training will begin at eight in the morning’ He then turned on his heels and strolled towards the wooden building.

‘Evian, wait!’ I called after him.

The ninja came to a halt. His Ninjask also froze in midair by his shoulder.

‘Thank you’ I said sincerely.

Evian cocked his head backwards and winked at me ‘No worries. Welcome to Pokémon Ninja School’