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Science: 1/27/14 - 1/31/14
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Teacher’s Name Mrs. Fundora           Subject Science______          Grade Pre-K1      Week of _1/27/14 - 1/31/14_____________                            

Unit C Week 2                 Unit Title Investigating Objects (Physical Science)           Essential Question  What color/shape/size and texture is the object?                      








(Lesson Focus)

What will the students know or be able to do at the end of the lesson?


How will the students demonstrate that they have accomplished the desired outcome? Please state the question that will be asked during your formative assessment.


In what activities will the students be engaged to accomplish the desired outcome? Please list in the

order that you will implement.


e.g. one should be on knowledge, one on application, and one on synthesis or evaluation.









 The children will:

  • Describe the properties of different objects.


What color/shape/size and texture is the object?  

  1. The teacher will display wooden blocks of different shapes and invite the children to examine them.
  2. Lead the children in conversation about shapes.
  3. Ask: What shape do you see? Tell about each shape. Look around. What are some other shapes you see?
  4. Read aloud “Bear in Square.”
  5. Invite the children to view the shapes on the yellow background.
  6. Have the children predict what they will see what shapes they will se in the rest of the book.
  7. Read the book, track print and discuss pictures.
  8. Ask: Where else can you find shapes?
  9. Pass an ordinary object such as a ball, cup, sock, or a book around for the children to examine.
  10. Ask: What color is it? What shape is it? Is it heavy or light? Is it big or small? How does it feel in your hands? What other words tell about it?
  11. Repeat the procedure with several other objects.
  12. Display all objects and compare them.
  13. Ask: Which objects are the same color/shape/size? which feels the same when you touch or hold them?
  1. What color is it?
  2. What shape is it?
  3. Is it heavy or light?
  4. Is it big or small?
  5. How does it feel in your hands?
  6. What other words tell about it?














The children will:

  • Describe the properties of different objects.
  • Explore the properties of solid, liquids, and gases. 

 What did you learn about objects when you dropped, poured, or push against them? 

  1. Display Flip chart page 45.
  2. Read the title aloud as I track the the text.
  3. Help the children identify the pictures material.
  4. Ask: What can you tell me about this block? How does it feel when you touch it? Tell us what shape it has? Do you think is heavy or light? What do you think will happen to the shape of this block if I drop it on the desk?
  5. Have the children predict what would happen when I drop a block on the floor.
  6. Have the children touch the water in a glass and tell how it feels. Ask how does it feel dry or wet?
  7. Have the children predict what would happen to the shape of the water when we pour a little on the table.
  8. Have the children describe what shape water has when it is poured on the table.
  9. The teacher will explain that water takes the shape of the glass when is in the glass.
  10. Next, blow air into the balloon.
  11. Ask: What did I put into the balloon? How did the balloon ‘s shape changed when I put air in the balloon? What do you feel when you squeeze the balloon? What do you think is moving around inside the balloon? What do you feel as I open the neck of the balloon?
  12. Guide the children in describing the results.
  13. Ask: Which things is hard when and does not change its shape when is dropped?  (The block) Which is wet and and can be stirred and and poured and takes the shape of what is in?  (Water) Which thing cannot be seen but can be felt and can can make other things change their shape? (Air)
  1. What did you learn about objects when you dropped, poured, or push against them?
  2. Do you think the air is a balloon takes up space?
  3. Can you predict what shape will the water take when poured in a glass?



 Early Dismissal @ 12:00

Report Card Distribution

  Early Dismissal @ 12:00

Report Card Distribution

   Early Dismissal @ 12:00

Report Card Distribution

  Early Dismissal @ 12:00

Report Card Distribution








Bloom’s Taxonomy

 (HOTS Questions)







School Grade Weighting Scale:

Tests (40%):

Quizzes (20%):

Classwork/ Participation (15%):

Homework (5%):

Projects/ Portfolios (20%):


Vocabulary words for week:

1.  size                              6.

2.  shape                              7.

3.  color                              8.

4.  weight                               9.

5.   texture                            10.

Use of Technology:

   ____ Smartboard

   ____ Student Response System