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Blackboard @ IIT | Using Course Copy
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Using Course Copy in Blackboard 9.1

Blackboard Learn users with elevated privileges (e.g., Instructors) can move content across existing courses using a number of processes.

* When IIT transitioned from the old Bb 8.x system to Bb 9.1, it required using Export/Import as those systems were entirely distinct. The old method still works, but Course Copy is now a viable (and simpler) alternative.

How to export content from the current system:

Log into Blackboard and navigate to the course you want to export.

When you are in your course:

1. Go to “Control Panel” under “COURSE MANAGEMENT“ (left side navigation)

2. Go to “Packages and Utilities” and click “Course Copy

3. In the Course Copy area,

  1. Verify that Select Copy Type is set to “Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course.” (NOTE: The current system setting for Instructors should mean that is the only option that is displayed in that dropdown.)

  1. Choose a destination course under 2. Select Copy Options. In most cases you will need to browse to verify the correct target/destination course.

To find the destination course ID, click Browse

You can use the search tool to narrow the list. NOTE: The Submit button on the bottom of the page can easily be confused with the Search button, which is easily missed.

3. Based on your results, use the radio button (to the left) to choose a destination course and click Submit.

4. Once you have returned to the Course Copy screen, under 2. Select Copy Options verify that your destination course ID is now displayed.

Use the checkboxes to select the Courses Materials to copy. NOTE: Some course elements like Assignments or Tests will not copy unless you also choose to copy the Grade Center.

Once you have made your choices, click Submit.

5. You should receive both system and email messaging when the copy is completed. Once you receive notification, navigate the to destination course.

The system will have added items in areas with exactly matching names (for example, if you moved items from an area called CONTENT to a course that also has CONTENT). If you have edited or changed names in the source course, however, the system adds anything that doesn’t match (for example, if you created something called ASSIGNMENTS or WEEK 2 and the source course doesn’t have those, the system will add those items at the bottom).

You can use the tools to move (left of the item name) or edit, hide, delete, etc… (click the circle to the right of the item name).