Story Title: Kaitlyen in San Cheetah

Authors: Eric, Paula, Monse

Other Chapters/Books that will be in the same book:



Plot Piece

Who is doing it?



Exposition (setting/Character introductions)

Inciting moment

Rising Action (with bomb theory)

Character development


Falling Action


Begin writing on next page. Reminder: Make a new page for each page in your storybook. Remember there will be illustrations on each page. Happy Writing!


A fire crackled as Kaitlyen and her two grandchildren gathered around the dancing flames. Kaitlyen began to tell the story that the children always begged to hear. She began her tale.

When I was just as small as you two and the world was a whole lot different, I lived in a beautiful town called San Cheetah where cheetahs and humans lived in harmony. The King was a human named Hunter and the Queen a beautiful cheetah with fur white like her name, Snow. Hunter’s rule was primarily over the humans and Snow’s rule was over the cheetah population. By doing this they were able to rule and coexist in peace. They lived in a beautiful castle where I helped by bringing fresh fruit each morning before school.


All of a sudden the Queen began to fall ill. I stopped seeing her around the castle or anywhere really. She was adored by all citizens thus, the city began to panic. However, King Hunter assured them that all was well and she would be back as soon as possible. In spite of the King’s reassuring words, Snow had not been seen for weeks. I still had a feeling that something was wrong. Each time the king told us that she was okay, his words dripped with insincerity. I couldn’t rest until I knew what we really going on.  

3. That night I snuck out of my house in the middle of the night. I was greeted by a rush frosty air and the only sound heard was my own footsteps. I made my way up to the palace and entered silently through the service door that I had the key to. I blindly stumbled through the dark halls hoping I wouldn’t bump into anything. I turned a corner and heard two quiet voices.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” whispered the first voice with a worried tone.

“Me either but it’s not like we can do anything about it with these tight chains holding us back and Queen Snow trapped in the throne room,” replied the other with defeat in his voice

I slowly backed up and retraced my steps back to the service door. The second I got back out into the fresh air, I hit the ground running and didn’t stop until I got home.


The next day I woke up and immediately knew that today was the day. I was going to go save the queen. I got ready and left the house with a basket of fruit ready to rescue her. As I was walking to the palace, I ran into some girls I knew. “Whatcha up to Kaitlyen?” They asked.

“I’m going to save Queen Snow. I can tell something is terribly wrong,” I answered as a

concerned look rested on my face.

“Why in the world would you do that?” My first friend asked with a demanding tone.

“We’re better off without her. Humans are finally being given the respect and power they deserve. We’re above the cheetahs, not the other way around,” continued the other with her nose in the air.

 While the two girls were talking I saw a cheetah being forced into a cage.

“Serves them right. They were probably trying to rebel, Ha!” The two girls laughed and left me standing alone in the middle of the empty road.

After dropping the basket off by the service door, I returned to home with doubt in my mind. I thought I was doing the right thing but after that I didn’t know what was right and what was wrong.


I entered my home with a sadness in my heart. “What are you doing home so early honey?” Asked my mother with a concerned look on her face.

“Are we better than the cheetahs because we’re human? I said as tears welled up in my eyes threatening to spill.

“Look at me sweetheart,” my mother tenderly spoke as she scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand. “Everyone deserves to be treated equally and with respect. Right now, the cheetahs are being treated unfairly and as if they were less than us. You can’t treat anybody differently for something they can’t help. However, I know you are a beautiful and kind girl that will always do the right thing. Always follow your heart Kaitlyen.”

I then felt a small smile began to take root in my face. I went to bed and drifted off to sleep with a new sense of determination to save Queen Snow.


The next day, I approached the towering palace and began to take the small rugged path to the service door in the back. I then noticed that all of the guards were now cheetahs and saw the chains that the guard had been talking about last night.

“This is much worse than I thought,” I murmured to myself as I passed the enslaved cheetahs. I walked down an menacing hallway with walls like skyscrapers and dim lighting. The entire room had a feeling of stiffness.  A grim feeling swept over me as a large elaborate door came into my vision. I pushed the door open and with a loud creak it opened. Behind it, stood King Hunter with a mischievous look on his face.


“Your majesty,” I forced myself to say as I leaned down into a curtsy. As I lowered my view, I noticed a golden key resting on the king’s hip glinting in the sunlight. Behind him was a discreet door with a matching key hole, I knew then that that’s where Queen Snow was being held. After seeing my sign of loyalty, a horrible grin spread itself across his face from ear to ear. He came closer to me and began to walk in circles around me.

“So, what has brought you here my young child?” hissed the king. Hunter had a voice that dripped from his lips like honey but was venomous like a snake’s fang.

“I noticed the Queen hadn’t been seen in awhile,” thinking on my feet I made up a lie to earn his complete trust. “I wanted to take over her position as Queen and rule San Cheetah alongside you.” The king stopped circling me and paused. He looked at me, amused.” Do I know you little girl?”



“So you’re interested in being a Queen huh?” He took a step toward me. I was surprised he had fallen for it. All I needed to do now was to hook him in completely.

I said something that I knew would convince him. “I’m someone who is determined to put cheetahs in their place. We need to control the cheetahs and stop acting like we’re equal when we all know that us humans are better.”

He took another step toward me, sizing me down. I look at the key and estimated whether or not I could grab it. He was still too far. I began to think of everything that could go wrong and felt myself losing hope. At that moment my mother’s voice came back to me telling me to always follow my heart.

“The cheetahs don’t deserve equality.” He stepped closer once again. He was right in front of me. I took my chance, grabbed the key, and sprinted towards the door.


I felt the king’s heavy footsteps pounded behind me like an alarm clock telling me I was out of time. I would be imprisoned along with the Queen forever. I reached the door, adrenaline pumping through my body. I unlocked the door and a moment later Queen Snow pounced out of the room and faced King Hunter. The smug look on the king’s face disappeared, and he turned white as a sheet.

Queen Snow pouncing out of the room

10.          From the shadows, the previously submissive guards prowled forwards with an aura of power radiating around them. The king was completely encircled by the horde of vengeful cheetahs. As the were about to pounce onto Hunter, the queen's voice rung throughout the room.

Halt. Although he has been foul to the cheetahs and deserves no mercy, we must be better than him. He will live out the rest of his life in a dungeon left to think about his actions,” The queen’s powerful yet calming voice put a spell over the restless cheetahs and at once they were satisfied with his punishment.

“And you my small child, you seem familiar, where do I know you from?” The Queen directed her attention to me and I felt a nervous feeling resonate throughout my body.

King surrounded by cheetahs


“My name’s Kaitlyen and I bring vegetables, I mean fruits to the palace and I’m so sorry for what I said I didn’t mean anything I said I was only trying to get his trust so I could save you because the King was mistreating the cheetahs because he thinks that humans are better than cheetahs and I thought that wasn’t fair but then some girls told me we’re better than cheetahs and that saving you would hurt humans but then my mom told me I was doing the right thing so I came here and……  I’m sorry what was your question?” I ended out of breath.

Snow let out a light chuckled and flicked her tail behind her in a friendly manner.

“No need to be worried child, I can tell you are pure of heart and mind. Hmm… I wonder,” The queen purred cryptically

Snow and Kaitlyen talking

12.         I looked at her puzzled as the gears in her mind began to work. The Queen was about to say something that would change my life forever.

“Kaitlyen, the bravery, selflessness, and intelligence you have shown today has surprised me. After this traumatizing event, I feel the need to have more protection. You have proven to me that you show all of the traits I need in a guard. Would you be willing to quit your current duties to assist me? We could provide space for you and your family to live in the palace and teach you here,” The Queen’s words sounded hopeful.

My face lit up as I thought of all the opportunities and experiences I would have as I grew with Snow’s Influence along with my supportive family.

“Of course my Queen. I would be beyond honored,” I proclaimed with a genuine grin landing upon my face.

Kaitlyen smiling


We Dedicate this book to Kaitlyen and to the Monarch School.

Acknowledgements (Thank You, Appreciations):
We would Like to Thank Sara & Vivian

About the Author:

Eric is a 9th Grader at high tech high Chula Vista, Eric miranda loves his family, friends and his dogs. Eric was born and raised in san diego, California.

Paula is a 9th grader at High Tech High Chula Vista and is 14 years old. She enjoys writing and spending time with family, friends, and her dog Marley. SHe was born and raised in San Diego, California and would like to be a lawyer when she grows up.

Monse Is a 9th grader at high tech high chula vista,  she really likes being with her family, In her free time she likes watching tv and being on her phone. She was born and raised in san diego, california.