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App Creation Competition
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Tome Society  App Creation Competition

Instructions to Compete

Individual or Pair Event

Limit 2 entries per chapter

Objective: Students will create an original app individually or in pairs.

Anchor Standards:

Method of creation: Any app creation program or software, such as, or Web apps are acceptable.

 Product should include: 

  1. App that can be downloaded from a web link or an app store.
  2. Clear purpose of app
  3. Catchy and original name for app
  4. Students’ original ideas and work
  5. A clear description of what the app is and how you can use it
  6. 3-5 minute video including:
  1. name of app
  2. description of app concept
  1. what it does, problem it is meant to address, how it solves this problem,  etc
  2. if a game, statement of game concept, uniqueness of game compared to others available on the market, etc.
  1. show the app in action, describe its functionality
  2. description of primary audience for app, intended user experience, etc.
  3. description of how the app was designed and created, including programs used, etc.


Questions to consider when creating your app:

  1. What do I want the app to do?
  2. Why do people need this app?
  3. Is what I want it to do legal?
  4. Is this my original idea?
  5. Are there already lots of apps that do this?

Submission limitations:

Each chapter is allowed to submit 2 entries.

Entries can be created by individual students or pairs of students. No more than 2 students will be awarded for each winning entry. All entries will be judged together, whether individually created or partner created.

Method of Submission:  Advisers will submit entries through the online Canvas Adviser Group. Directions will be emailed to paid chapter advisers prior to the deadline. All entries must be submitted by no later than February 1 - Entries must be submitted by the Chapter Advisor -- only 2 entries per chapter (4-5), (6-8) and (9-12)

Tome Society App Creation Rubric

Student submissions will include the following and will be judged on the quality of each category.




Points Earned

App Concept

App concept is clearly described in the video; app is unique to the market; app clearly solves the problem intended or is a well developed game. (20 points)

App concept is described, but not in detail, in the video; OR app is similar to others in the market; OR it is unclear how app solves the problem intended or is a not a fully developed game. (1-19 points)

App concept is not described in the video; app is not  unique to the market; app does not solve the problem intended or is not a well developed game. (0 points)

App Functionality

App functions as advertised and clearly addresses the intended use. All of the app’s functionality  is demonstrated in the video (20 points).

App has some functionality issues or doesn’t clearly address the intended use; and/or, only some of the app’s functionality  is demonstrated in the video (1-19 points).

App does not function as advertised and/or does not clearly address the intended use and/or app’s functionality  is not demonstrated in the video (0 points).

App User Experience

App is easy to use and understand by the intended audience; app is easy to find and download for users. (20 points)

App is slightly difficult to use and understand by the intended audience; and/or app is slightly difficult to find and download for users. (1-19 points)

App is difficult to use and confusing to understand by the intended audience; and/or app is difficult to find and download for users. (0 points)

App Design

App design process is clearly outlined in the video; app has no grammar or spelling mistakes (20 points)

App design process is vaguely outlined in the video; and/or app has 1-5 grammar or spelling mistakes (1-19 points)

App design process is not outlined in the video; and/or app has 6 or more grammar or spelling mistakes (0 points)


Video is 3-5 minutes in length and is produced and edited in a professional manner. (20 points)

Video is outside of the specified length and/or is lacking polish in the production and editing process. (1-19 points)

A video is not included with the app submission. (0 points)

Points Earned
