


Industry standards this resource addresses.

5D/E1 ( Grades: 3-5 ): For any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals thrive, some do not live as well, and some do not survive at all.

5D/E2 ( Grades: 3-5 ): Insects and various other organisms depend on dead plant and animal material for food.

5D/E3b ( Grades: 3-5 ): Many plants depend on animals for carrying their pollen to other plants or for dispersing their seeds.

5D/E5 ( Grades: 3-5 ): Most microorganisms do not cause disease, and many are beneficial.

5E/E1 ( Grades: 3-5 ): Almost all kinds of animals' food can be traced back to plants.

  • Have students create a graph and tally the living and nonliving things.


This game helps students learn about energy and change through the use of kicking a soccer ball in different ways. The lesson plan on social networking and community building can be used and students can record all the different shapes they see in the game on padlet.

Food Chain

This game teaches students about the food chain. It can be integrated in math through the use of math word problems. For example: (if there are 20 snakes and 2 eagles eat 4 snakes how many remain?)


Students will learn and explore the forces and motions at work when pulling or pushing. This can be integrated in the 3rd grade math by incorporating addition and subtraction and how it affects forces and motion.

Earth, Sun, & Moon

This is an interactive game that quizzes students on the amount of days and hours it takes the earth, sun, and moon to orbit. This can be integrated into the math content area by having students perform addition and use their time telling skills to figure out the answers.

Earth’s Moon

This resource can be integrated into the game based learning lesson plan. Students will match the lunar phases of the moon with geometrical shapes.

Keeping Warm

This educational tool allows you to choose a type of container and then observe how the water temperature in it changes over time. This can be used with “what’s the time” video in the video integration project. You can have the students practice time, observe, and record data.


This educational game shows earth and moon rotation and revolution. It can be integrated into 3rd grade math because it uses time by setting numbers to determine the amount of hours, days, or months it takes for the earth to orbit the sun. This can be integrated with the “telling time video” in the video integration project.


FoodMASTER is a compilation of projects aimed at using food as a tool to teach mathematics and science. The goal of the project is to assess the science attitudes of participating 3rd grade students as a means of directing future science education and knowledge of subject matter. Students encounter food on a daily basis and therefore have pre existing contextual experience to create relevance for learning new science material and math.  Food as a teaching tool is conducive to hands-on, inquiry based lessons like 3rd grade math.


Great resource that helps me understand what 3rd grade scientific skills students are learning in science at this level. It also explains the science concepts third graders are expected to learn. Such as classification of animals, the human body, light and vision, astronomy and space, and forces and motion. This resource can be applied to any science and math content.


Habitat Game







PBS Kids