Dedication: this book is dedicated to Ivania  the most inspiring sweet little buddy i could have.Also to her family who i hope have a bright future ahead of them

        Acknowledgments : I would like to thank the monarch school for letting us work with their amazing first graders, that had led me to meet Ivania.

        About the authors: The authors are Chantal Estrada and Jaheem nowlin,two ninth graders in High Tech High Chula Vista. We worked really hard on this book and we hope everyone can enjoy it.


1. It was the perfect day to go have fun at the beach, with the perfect group of friends. Ivania and her good friend Hannah the Horse grabbed their towels, beach ball, sunblock and swimsuits as fast as they could. They left their houses in seconds.

2 .When Ivania and Hannah were together they were always jumping around with joy, with huge smiles on their faces. They were always laughing together.

3. They wanted to do so many things; they wanted to swim, sail, surf, build sandcastles, but the first thing they had to do was put on sunblock. They started to build their sandcastles; they wanted to see who could make the biggest sandcastle ever!

        4 . At first they started a competition to see who could build the best sandcastle, but after hours of work Ivania looked at Hannah’s castle and she saw little crumbs of sand falling down the castle’s tower.

        5.They decided to work together to make the best sandcastle that ever existed. After hours of hard work they made a sandcastle as big as a house. As they looked up to the castle the sun got in their eyes. They weren’t sure whether to squint their eyes or resist the pain. 

6. Once they finished their castles, Ivania and Hannah decided to play ball. They were having so much fun tossing it back and forth. Ivania threw the ball to Hannah and instead of throwing it back, Hannah kicked it with all her might. It flew over both of them, out over the water, and landed on an island.

        7. Ivania look and Hannah looked back at her. “You kicked it so you have to go get it,” Ivania  said.

        “Fine,” Hannah said with a side. She walked toward the water and stepped inside. She swam toward the island. Two fish swam in front of her.

        “You can’t go there!” they said.

        “Why?” Hannah asked. “I need to go get my ball.”

        Ivania saw Hannah’s worried face as she spoke to the fish. She swam out to see what was going on.

        “There’s a mean octopus who lives on the island.”

        “I’m sure he’s not that bad,” Ivania said.

        The fish exchanged worried glances. “Whatever you say.”

        8. When they reached the island, it seemed darker that it had from the shore. Ivania stepped onto the island without fear, but Hannah began doubting every step she took. It was dark, lonely, and it was full of spider webs. The palm trees that seemed bright from the beach, were dry and decaying up close. Hannah began to panick.

        9. Hannah saw the bright pink ball sticking out under a brown palm tree. She was about to reach for it. The fish saw what she was doing and yelled “stop!”

        11. Hannah turned around. Two fish stood in front of her. Their mouths were open in panic.

        12. “He’s here.” They pointed to a dark shade moving out of a cave of rocks.

15. His big shining eyes lit up the whole cave and revealed the octopus’s large body. They could see through him to the walls of the cave because he has clear as water.

16. Hannah and Ivania were too shocked to move. They just stood as if they were frozen.  The echo of their shaking could be heard.

17. “Do you think he can see us?” asked Hannah.

18. The octopus screamed, “What are you guys doing here? Aren't you scared?”

19. “No,” Ivania said with no doubt at all. Hannah looked at her friend, confused.

20. The octopus grew bigger and bigger and moved his tentacles through the air. The fish trembled. “Are you sure you’re not scared?” he asked.

“No,” Ivania said. Hannah looked at her wondering why her friend was saying such nonsense. “You’re just a kid like us. There’s no reason to be scared.”

21. The octopus shrunk back to his normal size and lowered his tentacles. “Everyone is usually scared of me.” He smiled. His smile lit up the whole island. The trees turned green and the darkness quickly faded. “Thank you,” he said.

22. Hannah picked up the ball and threw it to him. The fish got closer to the island. The octopus threw the ball to them. They smiled and splashed in the water. For the first time ever, the octopus had friends.