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Suma Onesheet
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Suma Space Assessment

Time Required

Digital Service

Student Worker Friendly

What is it?

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Suma is an open-source tablet and web-based assessment toolkit for collecting and analyzing         observational data about the usage of physical spaces and        services, originally developed at North Carolina State        University Libraries. The tool        streamlines existing data collecting activities, enables fast, hassle-free mobile data collection, provides sophisticated data analysis and visualization capabilities for non technical users, and promotes  observational data analysis as an integral part of service and space design and day-to-day planning.

What are the benefits?

What are the local responsibilities?

How do I participate?

  1. Contact the Development Coordinator Lauren Magnuson to get started at:

2017 PALNI Onesheeter Series:
Summary Sheets for PALNI Services/Products

Rev. 6/26/17