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WEB Course Outline - Design 9
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COURSE:        Design 9

TEACHER:        Charlotte Paterson


Course Description

The overall purpose of the Design program at Island Pacific School is to use a model of inquiry and problem solving to develop creative thinkers ready to face the challenges and opportunities presented in an increasingly technological society. The MYP Design course helps to prepare students for the study of computer science, design technology and information technology in a global society.

In this course we will focus on using the MYP Design Cycle as a model of thinking and as a strategy to help students inquire into and analyse design situations, develop ideas, create solutions and evaluate their success through the products they generate in class. Students completing this course will have developed skills to promote their creative and critical-thinking strategies throughout the design process and not simply be concerned with the final product.

The aims of MYP design are to encourage and enable students to:

Term Overview

Term 1:        A Review of the Design Cycle, Safety and Equipment best practices

Interdisciplinary Unit with Arts - Batik Lamps

Textiles: Create two textile variations to be applied to a shoe template, which will be assembled upon completion. (Vectr)


Term 2:        Coding: Continue to learn a coding or programming language

Cross-grade Design Challenge

Term 3:        A Review of Safety and Equipment best practices

Building + using Rick’s Shed

Resources & Materials

In this course, students will be using a variety of resources across all projects. Since much of the research and investigation work we do will take place online, it is essential that the student brings their IPS Chromebooks to every class. Additionally, some of the projects will require that students gather materials from home for building and modification. When possible, we have tried to ensure that projects in this course do not require the students to purchase new materials, though some students may wish to purchase items when recycled or “up-cycled” materials are not available.

Achievement Grades:

Achievement grades are based upon assignments that have been marked using the MYP Assessment criteria.

Criterion A

Inquiring and Analysing

Maximum 8

Criterion B

Developing Ideas

Maximum 8

Criterion C

Creating a Solution

Maximum 8

Criterion D


Maximum 8

For a complete list of the Design criteria and their relevant level descriptors for Year 5 (on which our Year 4/Grade 9 levels are based), you can download a PDF at the following URL:

For more information on the BC Ministry of Education’s Applied Design, Skills and Technologies, you can find it at