Safety in Science Classscientist testing water using proper protection

Learning Objectives



Research in physical science can be exciting, but it also has potential dangers. For example, the field scientist in this photo is collecting water samples from treatment ponds. There are many microorganisms in the water that could make her sick. The water and shore can also be strewn with dangerous objects such as sharp can lids and broken glass bottles that could cause serious injury. Whether in the field or in the lab, knowing how to stay safe in science is important.

Guided Learning

Safety Symbols

Lab procedures and equipment may be labeled with safety symbols. These symbols warn of specific hazards, such as flames or broken glass. Learn the symbols so you will recognize the dangers. Then learn how to avoid them. Many common safety symbols are shown below.

chart of symbols indicating science lab hazards[2]

Q: Do you know how you can avoid these hazards?

A: Wearing protective gear is one way to avoid many hazards in science. For example, to avoid being burned by hot objects, use hot mitts to protect your hands. To avoid eye hazards, such as harsh liquids splashed into the eyes, wear safety goggles. You can learn more about these and other lab hazards and how to avoid them at this website.

Safety Rules

Science labs can be dangerous places. More accidents happen in school science labs than in professional science labs. Some of the equipment, including Bunsen burners and toxic chemicals, pose dangers in just about any lab. Injuries from burns are quite common in labs. But the most dangerous type of “equipment” in all labs is people. Science labs can be fun and exciting, and they don’t have to be dangerous. All that’s required is being careful and following science safety rules.

Safe practices help prevent accidents. Several lab safety rules are listed below. Different rules may apply when you work in the field. But in all cases, you should always follow your teacher’s instructions.

Lab safety is always your responsibility.

You are most likely to be injured when you are not paying attention.

1. Always listen to instructions. Properly following instructions can prevent accidents.

2. Think before you act. Acting sensibly will prevent tripping, falling, and breakage. Never engage in horseplay in the lab.

3. Never work in the lab alone.

4. Keep the work benches clear of coats and bags. Cluttered desks can cause spillage or breakage.

5. Never eat or drink in the lab. Most chemicals are poisonous.

6. When your teacher gives permission, use your hand to fan vapors toward your nose rather than smelling substances directly.

7. Never leave a lit flame unattended. Take care near Bunsen burners or other open flames and keep them away from flammable materials such as paper. Use mitts to handle hot materials.

8. Always wear safety goggles when performing experiments. Chemicals can easily be splashed into the eyes.

9. Wear appropriate clothing in the lab, including closed-toed shoes, and remove any dangling jewelry or accessories. Long hair should be tied back.

10. Dispose of lab wastes according to your teacher’s instructions.

11. Report all accidents to the teacher immediately. Even when you follow the rules, accidents can happen. Report all accidents, whether or not you think they are serious.

12. Always clean up your area and put all equipment away properly.

13. Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the lab.

You should always know the location of all safety equipment in the lab, and how it is used.

Listen to this science safety rap to learn how to stay safe when you do experiments in science.

Field Research Safety[3]

Scientists who work outdoors, called field scientists, are also required to follow safety regulations. These safety regulations are designed to prevent harm to themselves, other humans, animals, and the environment. If scientists work outside the country, they are required to learn about and follow the laws and restrictions of the country in which they are doing research. For example, entomologists following monarch butterfly migrations between Canada, the United States and Mexico must follow regulations in all three countries. Before biologists can study protected wildlife or plant species, they must apply for permission to do so. This is important to protect these fragile species. For example, if scientists collect rare butterflies, they must first get a permit. If scientists collect butterflies without a permit, they may unknowingly disturb the balance of the organism's habitat.



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[1] Scientist, Safety in Science, CK12, 2014. Web, 25 July 2014.

[2] Safety Symbols, Safety in Science, CK12. 2014. Web. 25 July 2014.

[3] Monarch Butterfly, Safety in Science, CK12, 2014. Web. 25 July 2014.