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Book Review Blog Competition
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It List Book Review Blog Post

Instructions to Compete

Individual Event

Limit 1 entry per chapter


Students will create a blog article discussing one of the current Tome Society It List nominees that they have personally read for use on the Tome Society blog.

Anchor Standards:

Method of creation:

Document (must be PC compatible) Recommend MS Word or PDF Format. (File will be uploaded to Tome through submission form)


  1. Should be written in formal language (i.e. no LOL’s, etc.)
  2. Should have perfect grammar and spelling
  3. 500 words or less

Method of Submission:

Fall Adviser Competition Entry Form

All entries must be submitted by:

The Fall Competition deadline found at  Entries must be submitted by the Chapter Adviser to the Canvas Adviser group -- only 1 entry per chapter/level (3-5), (6-8) and (9-12).

Product should include in any order:

  1. A title for this blog post
  2. Image of book cover
  3. Book title
  4. Author of book
  5. Description of book (no spoilers!)
  6. Personal review of book
  7. Best audience for the book (i.e. guys, girls, anyone, etc.)
  8. If you like this book, you might also like….and why (at least 2 other recommendations)
  9. Point reader to other online resource(s) related to this book (i.e. author website, trailer, etc.) with links
  10. Other books, media or information related to this book (i.e. other books in series, movie, etc.)
  11. Any other personal additions to make it your own


It List Book Review Blog Post

Competition Rubric

Student submissions will include the following and will be judged on the quality of each category. Blogs must use formal language and correct grammar as well as be written in 500 words or fewer:






Blog Post Title (5)

The post includes an appropriate, descriptive title for the blog. (5 points)

The post includes a title but it is inappropriate and/or non-descript (1-4 points)

There is not title for the blog included (0 points)

Book Title


The blog post includes the title of the novel, preferably at the beginning of the post so that readers can quickly identify the novel. (5 points)

The blog post includes the title of the novel, but it is unclear at the beginning of the post what book the blog is about. (1-4 points)

The title of the book is not included in the blog (0 points)

Book Cover Image (5)

The post includes a correct image of the book as well as a link for the image. (5 points)

An image of the book is included, but not a link to the original image location (3 points)

No image is included (0 points)



The blog post correctly identifies and names the author of the book. (5 points)

The author’s name is included but misspelled. (2 points)

The author’s name is not included (0 points)



The blog includes a short description of the book without revealing any plot surprises or extra details. (20 points)

The blog’s description of the book gives away the main plot surprise or the description is lacking and unengaging. (1-19 points).

No description of the storyline is included (0 points).



The blog will include a personal, reflective review of the book. (20 points)

The blog’s review of the book is not personal, engaging and/or reflective (1-19 points).

No review of the book is given (0 points).



The blog identifies the intended audience for the book (10 points)

The blog’s identified audience for the book is incomplete or inappropriate (1-9 points).

No recommended audience is included(0 points).

Recommendations (10)

The blog includes other book recommendations for students who enjoyed the book. (10 points)

The blog includes minimal and/or inappropriate book recommendation. (1-9 points)

No book recommendations are included (0 points).

Online Resources (10)

The blog includes online resources for potential readers with usable, appropriate links. (10 points)

The blog includes minimal and/or inappropriate online resources for potential readers. And/or some links are broken. (1-9 points)

No online resources included (0 points)

Other Resources (5)

The blog includes other relevant information for the book such as other novels in the series or by the author. (5 points)

The blog includes minimal and/or inappropriate other relevant information for the book  (1-4 points)

No other relevant information is included (0 points).

Creativity/ Personal Touches (15)

The blog includes detail, language, and other details that make it creative and unique to the submitter. (15 points)

The blog post is not creative, engaging and/or in a unique style of the writer (1-14 points)

The blog is repetitive, unengaging, and rote (0 points)


The blog post has perfect grammar and spelling in formal language (no LOL’s). Blog is less than 500 words.(20 points).

The blog has 1-4 grammar/spelling/language errors and/or is more than 500 words(1-19 points).

The blog has more than 5 grammar/spelling/ language errors (0 points)




It List Book Review Blog Post

Classroom Lesson Plan


Tome Society

Unit Objective:

Students will be able to participate in competitions and conferences in order to showcase their knowledge with reading comprehension and technology.


Create a Blog Article

Lesson Objective:

Students will create a blog article discussing one of the Tome Society It List 13-14 nominees that they have personally read for use on the Tome Society blog.


Tools/Equipment Needed:

Novels from the Tome Society, Video Creation Tool/Software, Desktop Publishing Tool, Word Processing Software/Online Tool, Computer/Mobile Device with Internet Connection, Blogging Online Tool

Links to Prior Knowledge/Activities:

Students will have already read their chosen book and participated in an online discussion. In addition, the students will have created a book trailer for their chosen novel and created a promotional book flyer.

Lesson Activities:

  1. Teachers will begin by reviewing the novels the students had read for the Tome Society and will remind students of the Tome Society and what events they will participate in the future.
  2. The teacher will then provide instructions on how to create a blog post about a book review and give students the guidelines concerning their blog post. The teacher will then provide a clear example of what an appropriate blog post looks like while highlighting exactly which items each student should include. The teacher will also take time to review the rubric in which the students will be graded.
  3. Students will then work in pairs to create an incorrect fake blog post which they will then present to the class to highlight 1-2 problems their post might include and how they can fix the problems. From these presentations, the students will create a list of appropriate and inappropriate blog items which will be compiled into a handout for the students to use in their creation of the blog post.
  4. Students will then have opportunities, both in class and outside of class to complete their assignment. The teacher, other students, and discussion boards will be able to assist and guide students with their blog post.
  5. As students submit an initial posting, other students will peer review the project. The student will then be able to correct any problems they might have encountered.
  6. After any corrections, students will submit their final project which will be graded both by their teacher and by the judges of the Tome Society Blog Review, using a rubric.


The students’ blog reviews will be graded according to a rubric and the finished product will serve as the assessment.

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