Subject: Boycott Eurovision 2024. Ireland should not participate in the contest if Israel is permitted to participate.
FAO: Those in charge of matters concerning Eurovision Song Contest at RTÉ
I hope this email finds you well.
My name is [Your Name], and I am writing to you as a proud fan of the Eurovision Song Contest, deeply concerned by RTÉ's decision to participate in the 2024 competition.
The European Broadcasting Union has announced the broadcasters due to take part in the Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, Sweden, next year. I was ashamed to see our own national broadcaster, RTÉ, listed alongside the Israeli broadcaster ‘KAN’ in the list of participants for next year.
I urge you to reconsider RTÉ and Ireland's participation in the 2024 contest and ask that you immediately withdraw our support and participation in the contest next year, if Israel is permitted to compete.
Israel's participation in the contest next year brings the entire competition into disrepute. I strongly believe that by competing alongside Israel, we are supporting the atrocities currently being carried out by Israel in Palestine. At a minimum, our participation shows an indifference towards the ongoing human rights abuses, alleged breaches of international law and attempted genocide and ethnic cleansing currently being conducted by the Israeli government in Palestine.
Additionally, it appears that Israel’s participation is part of a concerted public relations effort by the Israeli government to portray itself to the global community as a modern, liberal, forward-thinking state, despite the years of occupation and violence against Palestine.
While our boycott of the competition will not end the brutal violence, it will serve as a symbol of solidarity with the Palestinian people, prove we are a nation committed to human rights for all, and show a total condemnation and rejection of Israel's current violent campaign, and colonial violence everywhere.
Ireland is an essential part of Eurovision's tapestry. We are a vital part of the heartbeat and history of the competition. It is essential that we use our voice now to condemn the actions of the Israeli government in pursuing their war on Palestine, implore them to stop the suffering, and share no platform with them in promoting their continued injustices.
Eurovision claims to stand for unity; a community of international musicians united by music. In 2022, Russia was excluded from the competition after their invasion of Ukraine, due to pressure from participating nations who wanted to stand against those atrocities. This sent a powerful message of solidarity to the citizens of Ukraine, and showed the world that Eurovision stands for unity and peace. The people of Palestine deserve to hear that message.
Thank you for your attention to this issue. I urge you to withdraw our participation in the Eurovision Song Contest next year, until such a time as Israel is no longer permitted to perform.
Yours Sincerely,
[Your Full Name]