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Fall Food Trivia Quiz
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Fall Food Trivia Quiz!

1. Did candy corn use to be called chicken feed, true or false?

2. When is “National Candy Corn Day”?

A: September 29th

B: October 30th

C: October 6th

3. In 1950, what was the price of candy corn per pound?

A: 10 cents

B: 50 cents

C: 25 cents

4. Which was created first? The caramel apple or the candy apple?

5.What apple is commonly used for caramel apples?

A: Granny Smith

B: Gala

C: Red Delicious Apples

6: In “Mary Poppins” did Jane and Michael eat caramel apples after the horse race, or candy apples?

7: The apple is in what family?

A: Rosaceae

B: Cucurbitaceae

C: Apiaceae

8. Match the pumpkin, with its name.

Peanut Pumpkin___ Jack Be Little___ Cinderella___ Minikin___

A:     B:  C:


How many pounds is the largest pumpkin pie in the world?

A: 2,001

B: 3,699

C: 1,000

Is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?

 What are two main ways to prepare butternut squash?

Which one, is spaghetti squash?

  1.   B:  C:

Where did squash originate?

A: Europe

B: The Americas

C: Asia

I hope you enjoyed this trivia quiz! Each problem is worth 1 point, except for question # 7! That one is worth two points!

             Scoring Sheet

1: True!  Goelitz Confectionery Company, called candy corn “chicken feed”. A colorful rooster was on the box, with the logo “ something worth crowing for.” How funny!

2: B. September 30th is “National Candy Corn day”! This day is for all the people that would have this as their motto: Eat candy corn. Sleep. Repeat.

3: C. 25 cents! Now, that is penny candy for ya!

4: The candy apple. Candy maker William W. Kolb put together red cinnamon candy and apples when he was experimenting with

it for selling at Christmas time. He dipped some apples in the coating,  let them cool, put them in his display window, and sold them for 5 cents only! Soon, they became a hit, and years later a candy maker created the caramel apple.  

5: A. Granny Smith. They are commonly used because their natural sour taste reflects the sweet salty caramel.

6: They ate candy apples! Here is the video clip: 

They appear in the video after 20 seconds.

7: A. Rosaceae

8: Peanut pumpkin= C

Jack Be Little= D



9: B: 3,699 pounds! That’s a lot of pounds!

10: A Fruit! Specifically it’s a berry, and it’s part of the Cucurbitaceae family.

11: Two main ways are sweet and savory.

Savory is adding salt, pepper, and so on.

Sweet is adding nutmeg, or other sweet spices.

12: A. Spaghetti squash looks a whole lot like spaghetti which is B, but if you look closer A has more of a squash looking consistency. C is literally mashed squash.

13: B. the Americas.

Autumn Smash!

1-5 answers

You know a little about fall foods!

try out some fun games, with candy corn!

Fall Know It All


You are smart and know, a thing or two about fall foods!

For fun, try roasting butternut squash!

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