Hi there, My name is Eroleice from CN server. I just noticed this game has been launched to the global. I had some trouble for choosing factions while I just started playing, and I know it may confuse a lot of players. So I decide to write down some of my experience for Glory/Empire/Princess factions, the best 3 factions I would suggest to start with.

If you still have any questions, welcome to ping me on discord server (@Eroleice) if I’m online.


Quick Tips:

  • Some characters have “Faction buff skill”, which gives all characters in this specific faction 20% more attack, 20% more intelligence, 20% more physic defence, 30% more magic defence for 4 rounds, with cooldown of 3 rounds. Mostly you can keep this buff for the entire time. That’s the only reason why it’s better to build a faction team from beginning.
  • There’re many different factions, but for PVE, you need tank, healer, physic damage dealer and magic damage dealer. 3 factions have the full sets, so normally you would like to start with one of them. But for late game, you will have all of them. :P
  • It takes some time (and tickets) to get a full team of faction. I spent like 800-ish tickets to get all 3 factions and my friends already call me a lucky guy (actually I am!). So be patient, and don’t get mad if you don’t have all the characters you want when you just start playing. (btw I only pay for the monthly sub)
  • “Which mastery/path I should go”. For all your main characters you will need to master all T3 class to get mastery status bonus, so go with the one has faction buff skill, or the one you think more powerful in early game.
  • Leon is really good. But if you go with Glory or Princess, he’s not necessary. Cherie is a good physical attacker too.
  • There’re 4 characters every factions can add into their team, including both SSR healers, Ledin and Leon. Healers don’t really need faction buffs, and both Tiaris and Liana have unique skills. Ledin has faction buff skill himself and he has skill spot for that (but he needs to be at least lv45 with double path, otherwise he can’t tank due to no lancer soldier). Leon has skill “Knight Spirit” which gives the same effect as faction buff for 2 rounds, doesn’t stack with faction buff.

Legion of Glory

It’s a good faction for all new players. You go this faction unless you know why you would choose the other two factions.

Glory pros:

  • Its characters have enough strength let you pass all the PVE contents.
  • It has some powerful SSR, with good physic / magic damage
  • If you don’t have that much SSR, each SSR has its SR replacement to let you build up each role of your team
  • You already have Cherie, the most powerful attacker from Glory; Grenier, the SR tank from Glory and he has the fraction buff; Almeda, the healer from Glory and can be useful in late game. You also have Jessica as a free caster in early game, Narm as a *free* character from the $2 pack, she’s a strong archer.

Glory cons:

  • This faction is not good at PVP. It’s slightly weaker than other two factions in VERY late game.

Core Characters (Need for choosing this faction):

 - you already got him….

Tank for Glory:

(must be lv.45+ 30+  for lancer troop) >

Healer for Glory:

 = (not in this faction) >

Attacker for Glory:

 Main attacker, can kill caster/archer/healer one shot then fly to safety, or kill two before suicide.

 >  aoe/magic damage

 standard swordsman/attacker , can solo kill the electric dragon lol

Faction buff for Glory:

: just buff, no additional effect;

: faction buff, dealing 20% more damage while fighting back;

: faction buff, dealing 15% more damage while you having more than 80% health.

Good Troops for Glory:

: for Cherie, good status and nice defence to magic attack/aoe. Always use this for your fly units (if they can)!

: for Grenier/Ledin, tank troop. Ledin needs to be lv45 on right path to unlock this.

: best troop for Elwin/Lewin. I don’t know if it’s buffed in current global version - it used to be weak on CN server but it got buffed in one patch. Need to confirm. It’s good but only Elwin/Lewin use her, so it’s expensive. Also you need her @lv6 so that her self-damage won’t reduce your troop amount before fight (like 10 -> 9).

: general swordsman troop for Elwin/Lewin/Chris/Matt/Kirikaze, so it’s used more widely with good status.  In other words it’s cheaper than masked maid (since more heroes can use).

: for Hein/Jessica, good single target magic damage.

: for Jessica, the best mage type troop, you may want it if you also want to go Princess sometime.

Empire’s Honor / Strategic Master / Dark Circle

You probably start with Empire, but you will get all these factions at the end. This is the faction I wanted to go with while I start playing, but I gave up since I didn’t get Vargas and Leon. Playing with Empire team is more like a traditional SLG - you calculate everything and position your units to counter your enemy, like you’re a general!

Empire pros:

  • Powerful characters (Leon, you already know).
  • Different type of classes, so you always have class advantage bonus damage.
  • Super mobility when you get Altermuller for Strategic Master faction buff.
  • High physic damage, but not too much magic damage, you may have some trouble for the Ice Dragon if you don’t have Lana.

Empire cons:

  • Not much magic damage as mentioned above
  • You need couple key characters to make this faction really work

Core Characters (Need for choosing this faction):

 or  to get Empire/Strategic faction buff

 tank is a must for PVE fight right?

main attacker  for this faction, not required but HIGHLY recommend.

Tank for Empire:


Healer for Empire faction:

(not in this faction) > (not in this faction) > (she can’t be your main healer, but she can heal in early game and be a sub healer)>

Attacker  for Empire faction:

: the reason you choose Empire, most powerful man, dealing the highest physical damage

: good physic damage and mobility

: this is a hidden SSR attacker if you don’t have other physical attacker

: powerful aoe caster, with static damage (btw he’s young, just looks old…)

Faction buff for Empire/Strategic/Dark:

: dealing 20% more damage when you get class advantage

: dealing 5% more damage for each step you moved before attack, up to 15%. You never let Leon use faction buff since he doesn’t have skill slot for it.

: just faction buff, no additional effect.

: (strategic) treat all ground as ‘float’ while moving, dealing 15% more damage while the ground provides additional defence.

(QAQ I don’t have him): (Dark) dealing 15% more damage if enemy has more than 3 debuff.

Good Troops for Empire:

It’s prob wired but for empire players your main soldiers are fliers…

: for Leon, it has op status and won’t be countered by lancer. It doesn’t get hurt when Leon runs to archer’s face. It also provides good magic defence so you receive less magic aoe damage.

: for Leon/Altemuller (farm). Life steal is good when you survive. If your enemy is much weaker than Leon, he can solo them without healer.

: for Altemuller/Laird. It’s good for tough fight.

: for Leon (super attack). It has the maximum attack, but mostly they all die after attack….. Also it’s countered by lancer really hard.

: for Bernhardt/Egbert, so you won’t be countered by cavalry, and it’s slightly tankier than swordsman (but still weaker than real tank troops). Egbert can use it as a tank troop, if you use him mainly for AOE (so his troop doesn’t attack with him).

: for Bernhard, main troops for him, decent status and passive. Problem is that Bern would be the only person using this troop - it’s expensive then.

: for Bern/Lana/Vargas/Anna, this is a utility troop. Its passive: gives a random enemy within 2 block a debuff: lose X% health (by max hp) after moving. @lv6 (troop level) X = 20. HP based true damage is always good and in some (end game) fights true damage would be you main output, so nice to have them @5 or @6.

: the most tanky troop for Vargas.

: for Egbert/Hein/Imelda, good single target magic damage (but not the best ‘world wide’ - well it’s the best choice for those casters).

: for Lana/Bozel, the best mage type troop (single target).

Princess Alliance


This is the faction I start with. Princess gives you nice magic aoe damage, high mobility, cute characters. Most of Princess characters are late game characters, which means you need to invest a lot on them. Princess are weaker in early game but you still can keep progressing with this faction. Playing with Princess is like ‘I don’t care what class type my enemy is, I just nuke em all!’.

Princess pros:

  • You have all the waifu
  • Powerful magic damage (and aoe)
  • You already have Cherie ( new account event) & Narm (from the $2 pack)
  • Super fast fight while you can overpower enemies
  • Potentially let you fight with higher level enemies since Luna’s faction buff deals HP percent based damage

Princess cons:

  • Lots of core character are SSR, no SR provides faction buff
  • Many late game characters, you may invest a lot of source (time)
  • Almost SSR only, hard to use SR as alternative

Core Characters (Need for choosing this faction):

 or (not release yet) for faction buff

 or (not in this faction) as tank

At least 2 SSR attackers from Princess, so 1 more SSR attacker other than Cherie

Tank for Princess:

(not in this faction, must be lv45+30+ for lancer troops) > , Freya is ok if you really don’t have Ledin, but Ledin is a really powerful tank (do way more damage than Freya)

Healer for Princess:


Attacker for Princess:

: your physic damage dealer, can kill a caster/archer/healer, or suicide to kill two

: good on both archer/flight class, depends on whether you need a melee or range (archer requires better gear, so prob go mid first)

(not release yet): good damage, just like Cherie, can’t attack twice most time but more thanky than Cherie

: super aoe caster

(not release yet): another super aoe caster

Faction buff for Princess:

: do extra static damage (15% of target’s remaining health) after each attack (including AOE damage), the extra damage can’t kill targets (can be 0)

: skill deals 12% more damage.

Good troops for Princess:

: for Freya/Ledin, tank troop. Really nice on tanking physic damage.

: for Cherie/Angelina, good status and nice defence to magic attack/aoe. Always use this for your fly units!

: for Luna, it’s the only choice for a fly Luna. It does great damage with full HP, but it’s not that easy to keep a melee type unit always 80%+ HP. You can also use it for archer Lana (with range+1 SSR bow), you do super damage since you never lose health as archer for attacking melee enemies.

: for Narm/Shelfaniel(not released yet). The interesting thing is, this is actually a ‘fly machine’ for Shelfaniel. It brings your hero up in air so your hero’s mobility won’t block by any type of ground (like mountain/river/desert etc), while the move range doesn’t change. Since Shelfaniel does ale most time so she doesn’t need troop to attack, it’s a good one for her. Be careful, you lose that ‘fly style’ if all troops die.

: for Luna(archer)/Narm. It’s passive gives you a chance dealing much more physic damage to boss, as well as bind tank so the tank can’t guard. Good choice for Luna(archer).

: for Shelfaniel, sadly she doesn’t have sorceress, so if you really need a magic type single target troop, this is the one.

: for Lana, the best mage type troop.

“I’m not close to any of these factions, what should I do?”

Keep playing, doing main quests, you will gain lots of crystals as one time rewards. Manage those crystals for banner pulls. When you get more characters, you may get closer to one of those factions.

But before you doing so, I know you still need a team to fight. I’ll list some good SRs below that worth to play in early game, who have the potential to play with in end game if you really have some bad luck not get a SSR upgrade.

Tank:  Replace him as soon as you get Freya/Vargas, feel free to invest on his gear, since you can put those gear on your new tank later. But Grenier is still tanky enough for your early fight, don’t worry, he’s not that bad.

Healer:  >  >  This is a priority order if you don’t know which faction you are going. Almeda can be useful for some fights in end game, so it’s not a waste to push her up. I don’t list Imelda here because she requires one rune stone as a healer, which is expensive in early game, you can’t afford that waste if you finally don’t choose empire faction.

Raider: >>>(strike) Mostly raider is for Empire, they have good mobility and physical damage, good for early game.

Swordsman: He is a god in Thunder Dragon trial. He can easy be 6* since he’s a R card, and he is a must have character in high level thunder dragon trial, unless you have 5*+ Elwin or Bern with a specific SSR hammer.

Archer:  the “flight killer”, you will see more and more flight units, Narm just nuke them all! Also a range attacker is good in early game since you receive 0 damage while fighting with melee units. Also she can bind target which mean: 1. The melee units can’t touch anyone in your team; 2. If the target is a tank, he can’t guard anymore in this turn

Caster: >> this game has some op SSR casters, so only Egbert here might be useful in end game (since Empire doesn’t have many casters). Mostly you have Hein and Jessica on battle for teleport.

So if you have those faces, bring them into your team and grow up with them. They won’t waste your investment until you make your faction choice.

“But what soldier should I invest when I don’t know my faction choice?”

That’s a tough question. You can freely invest on any characters in early game because they don’t require a lot of mats and it’s easy to catch up on character levels. But for soldiers, every tiny investment affects. So you may want to secure your investments on soldier.

I would say lancer > flight > others. Reasons:

No matter what factions you go, you must have a tank. All tanks use lancer as soldier (but Vargas use a different type). So it’s safe to upgrade some lancer general status (def & health) before figuring out the faction you’re going to play with.

The reason I recommend flight is for angel. No matter which faction you have, you either use Leon or Cherie as main attacker. They both use angel in end game. Leon use bats sometimes for quick farming. The reason Leon use flight is to avoid class counter by lancer, and angel do have good status.

I have a ‘good troops’ list above for each faction, you may notice that some troops are used more widely, so you can go with them first if you haven’t decided your faction yet.