Published using Google Docs
October 16, 2015
Updated automatically every 5 minutes


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October 16, 2015

Student Memberships in Local & National Geological Associations: Student membership in the Utah Geological Association (UGA) is only $5. Click here for a membership form. The UGA brings geoscientists together who share a common interest in Utah's spectacular geology. The UGA also supports undergraduate geoscience majors with scholarships and promotes the general public's awareness of the importance of geoscience knowledge.

Jump start your professional career by becoming a student member of the Geological Society of America (GSA). GSA is the premier professional society for North American geologists and offers many benefits for student members. Click here to find out more and to access the online membership form. The promo code for new members is "JoinGSA16". Dr. Ford (801-626-6942) is WSU's GSA Campus Representative; feel free to contact him if you have any questions.

Field Reviews of New Geologic Maps: The Utah Geological Survey invites you to attend a field review of recent geologic mapping of the Baileys Lake and Salt Lake City North 7.5' quadrangles (airport, downtown SLC, Woods Cross, City Creek Canyon areas) on Wednesday Oct. 21 and the Willard 7.5' quadrangle near Brigham City on Thursday Oct. 22. Geologic mapping of these quadrangles focused on geologic hazards and provides a scientific basis for future geologic hazard, groundwater, geologic, and geotechnical studies. Participants will review and discuss revisions to surficial and bedrock geology, revisions and improved accuracy in the location and extent of the Wasatch fault zone and other faults, and other geologic hazards of concern to existing and future development such as rock falls, debris flow hazards, and landsliding.

There is no cost to attend, but participants are responsible for their own transportation and lunch. For logistical reasons each trip is limited to 50 participants. Reservations are required for planning and so we can contact you in case the trip is postponed due to bad weather. If a trip fills up and we have enough interest we will schedule a second day.

Northern Salt Lake City area                  Willard and Brigham City area

Additional information is on the attached flyers. Please contact the Utah Geological Survey at 801-537-3300 if you have questions.

SGE Campout Rescheduled - New Date TBD: The SGE campout that was scheduled for after the Alumni Picnic this Saturday, October 17th, has been cancelled. The new date has yet to be determined, but is expected to be sometime this fall. Please watch future issues of this newsletter for more information. If anyone has any questions in this regard, please contact Matthew Johnson (801-452-1280).

Fall Break is Next Friday: There will be no classes next Friday (October 23), WSU's Fall Break. Please watch for our next newsletter to hit your in-boxes on Thursday, October 22.

Presentation; Confidence Crisis for Girls & Women: Join us as Dr. Susan Madsen, Orin R. Woodbury Professor of Leadership and Ethics in Woodbury School of Business, UVU, presents, "The Confidence Crisis for Girls & Women". She'll talk about the role that confidence plays in our lives, explain the confidence gender gap and offer ways we can help girls get and keep a strong sense of confidence in all areas. The presentation will be held Thursday, November 5th, at 6:30pm in the Shepherd Union Ballrooms. Full information and RSVP information is on the attached flyer.

Round River Scholarship Applications Due Soon: In mid-September we ran a blurb, "Opportunities to Join Round River Conservation Studies." If you attended that seminar and/or are planning to apply for this study abroad opportunity, we're more than half way to the application deadline of Monday, November 2nd. Applications are due in the Department of Zoology by 5pm on that day. For more information, please see the attached flyer.

Photo of the Week:


Island in the Sky, Canyonlands NP, Moab, facing east wth La Sal Mountains in the background. (Photo credit; Thomas Ruffing, taken at the Shafer Canyon overlook in June while on a family hike)

Have a great weekend!

Dr. Elizabeth Balgord

x 6225

Marianne Bischoff

Admin. Specialist,

x 7139

Dr. Rick Ford


x 6942

Dr. Michael Hernandez

x 8186

Dr. Marek Matyjasik

x 7726

Sara Summers

x 6208

Dr. Adolph Yonkee

x 7419


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