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Appendix F: Comments on Global-Mindedness and Global thinking
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Appendix F: CLS as a Best Practice in Student-Directed, Globally-Minded Classrooms, Hanson-Peters                


Comments on Global-mindedness and Global Thinking

**The following is a partial sampling of comments made by teachers, students and pre-service teachers in Finland regarding “global-mindedness” and “global thinking” in schools.  Intended to be used during Session 6.

Oli- Biology & Geography teacher in Vantaa

Satu- Counselor in Jyväskylä

Vesa- Primary school teacher in Palokka

Petteri- History & Philosophy teacher in Vantaa

I take for granted that our students have a global outlook because all of our courses are designed with an emphasis on global thinking… for example the way we study hurricanes and natural disasters…

We have no choice to be global here in Finland because we live in the middle of nowhere…

 Students consider themselves to be Europeans because to be only a Finn is too narrow and they want to be more modern… Our students travel a lot, their understanding of the world is very good, they are well aware of global risks, they follow the news, and they have opinions...”

“[Global thinking] is embedded in our school… Ari (our principal) helps a lot…. students enjoy it… and slowly more and more people and teachers are getting involved.”

“The pupils have to get used to different kinds of persons and it’s very good” in reference to the economic and ethnic diversity at his school

“Finland’s destiny is decided by what happens outside of FInland.”

Student, female, vocational school, Vantaa

Monika, 2nd year student, Jyväskylä

Ville, 3rd year, Jyväskylä

Nuutti, 2nd year male, Jyväskylä

Alisa, 2nd year female, Jyväskylä

Milja, 2nd year female, Jyväskylä

Minni, pre-service teacher, Jyväsklyä

Laura, pre-service teacher, Jyväsklyä

“This [school] is far more international than any lukio. This will help me in my future… I like the international path… Students here have done internships in Spain, Netherlands, Norway, Malta, New York, Detroit.”

“I think that I think globally and I am globally minded.  I like traveling and I like to get to know different cultures...

maybe that you think about how your choices can affect the whole world”

“For me when we talk about ‘global’ it mostly refers to Western countries...I have many friends all around the world and I really follow global news...When you already have to take others' perspectives then it is easier to take a global perspective of other people in the future.”

“Culture, knowledge and language.”

“You have to know other cultures and habits ... you need to know the habits that belong to the culture.”

“We are the ones who need to decide these things in the future so we have to think about them now.”

“Important to teach children because they will be the ones living here in the world after we are gone...My role as developing global outlook and students is the same as developing any other outlooks on life as well: it's my job to guide, to help the children understand various ways of life. It's not my job to tell what way is the right way to be global, or anything else, but to help my pupils find their own ways...The role is very important because in the future world will be very globalized and united. That means you have to work more with people who come from different cultures and our role is that we make those differences known among the children.”

“With the current situation in Finland everyone's everyday lives become more and more globalized. It was always discussed in school but still Finland was a very isolated country with a very homogeneous population. Now with increasing refugee numbers and diversity in Finland it's more and more important to teach finish students global at looks even more. Their point of you can be distorted depending on where they live but this day and age globalization can't be avoided. Teacher has a critical role in this. Teachings should have more global outlooks and current affairs.”