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The Secret of NIMH part 2
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Match the words to the sentences

cat, quiet, rabbit, scared, shoo, singing, slow, string, tangled, you

MR AGES: Look at this mess...Oh, shoo, shoo, go on! Your son has pneumonia.

MRS BRISBY: Pneumonia?

MR AGES: It's not uncommon, but you can die from it.

MRS BRISBY: Oh please dear God, no.

MR AGES: Your son must stay in bed. Bundle him up. Not to go outside...

MRS BRISBY: But how long must…

MR AGES: Ah, three weeks. He cannot be moved for at least three weeks.

MRS BRISBY: But Moving Day is nearly here!

MR AGES: You asked my advice, and I gave it to you!

MRS BRISBY: I'm sorry.

MR AGES: He must stay in bed. Now, mix this...ah, this-this powder in a broth and make him drink it. It'll bring down the fever.

MRS BRISBY: Oh, bless you sir!

MR AGES: Oh bless yourself, you'll need it. Now, you must excuse me...You know the way out.

MRS BRISBY: Oh, of course. Thank you once again...

MR AGES: Shoo shoo (1)_____________. Go on now. Go on.

MRS BRISBY: Thank (2)_____________ so...much. Goodbye. Is everything all right here?

JEREMY: What the...Oh! Lady, don't sneak up on me like that!

MRS BRISBY: I didn't mean to frighten you...

JEREMY: Oh, you didn't frighten me, I was just sort of...working out. You just broke my concentration, that's...

MRS BRISBY: You look more like you're all (3)_____________ up.

JEREMY: Uh, yeah, I guess that's enough exercise for one day. Besides, I'm really after this terrific (4)_____________! I'm working on a love nest for two. You know what I mean?

MRS BRISBY: Oh I have a girl.

JEREMY: Well, not really, I mean...I haven't found Miss Right yet. But when I do, the whole world will hear us (5)_____________ ...Excuse me, pardon me.

MRS BRISBY: Well, you keep making all that noise and Dragon will hear you. If he hasn't already.

JEREMY: Wouldn't you sing too? I mean, if you felt... heh heh heh ... if you felt the call of the wild, but...

MRS BRISBY: I would...I would not, if I knew there was a cat nearby.

JEREMY: But...but SHE'S out there...somewhere...and when I find her I'll feel it, way down in my wishbone! I -- what cat?

MRS BRISBY: Dragon! He belongs to Farmer Fitzgibbons. Look towards the house. See if you can see him. Come back down here! He'll see you for sure up there!

JEREMY: Hey, there's a (6)_____________ out there!

MRS BRISBY: Quiet! Does he see you?

JEREMY: No. … Yes!

MRS BRISBY: Stand perfectly still.


JEREMY: Everything's fine...he's headed right for us.

MRS BRISBY: Don't panic! Fast or (7)_____________?

JEREMY: Medium. Make that fast. Very fast. I have to go now! Excuse me, I really…  Break! Oh my goodness.

MRS BRISBY: It's a (8)_____________! Well of all the silly nincompoops! You got yourself all worked up over a rabbit!

JEREMY: You should have seen yourself!

MRS BRISBY: Will you keep (9)_____________?

JEREMY: You were scared stiff! A rabbit! I knew it all along!

MRS BRISBY: Will you hush up?

JEREMY: Admit it! You were (10)_____________!

MRS BRISBY: Oh...fiddlesticks. Hold still.

JEREMY: If I had actually been near a cat, I'd be sneezing my brains out. See, I'm allergic to ca...I'm allergic to caaaaa...I'm allergic to...mfffff...ah..ahhh-CHOOOOOO! I'm allerg...AHHH-CHOOOO!  Excuse me, pardon me.


______________________________________________ ________________________



MR AGES: Look at this mess...Oh, shoo, shoo, go on! Your son has pneumonia.

MRS BRISBY: Pneumonia?

MR AGES: It's not uncommon, but you can die from it.

MRS BRISBY: Oh please dear God, no.

MR AGES: Your son must stay in bed. Bundle him up. Not to go outside...

MRS BRISBY: But how long must…

MR AGES: Ah, three weeks. He cannot be moved for at least three weeks.

MRS BRISBY: But Moving Day is nearly here!

MR AGES: You asked my advice, and I gave it to you!

MRS BRISBY: I'm sorry.

MR AGES: He must stay in bed. Now, mix this...ah, this-this powder in a broth and make him drink it. It'll bring down the fever.

MRS BRISBY: Oh, bless you sir!

MR AGES: Oh bless yourself, you'll need it. Now, you must excuse me...You know the way out.

MRS BRISBY: Oh, of course. Thank you once again...

MR AGES: Shoo shoo (1)shoo. Go on now. Go on.

MRS BRISBY: Thank (2)you so...much. Goodbye. Is everything all right here?

JEREMY: What the...Oh! Lady, don't sneak up on me like that!

MRS BRISBY: I didn't mean to frighten you...

JEREMY: Oh, you didn't frighten me, I was just sort of...working out. You just broke my concentration, that's...

MRS BRISBY: You look more like you're all (3)tangled up.

JEREMY: Uh, yeah, I guess that's enough exercise for one day. Besides, I'm really after this terrific (4)string! I'm working on a love nest for two. You know what I mean?

MRS BRISBY: Oh I have a girl.

JEREMY: Well, not really, I mean...I haven't found Miss Right yet. But when I do, the whole world will hear us (5)singing...Excuse me, pardon me.

MRS BRISBY: Well, you keep making all that noise and Dragon will hear you. If he hasn't already.

JEREMY: Wouldn't you sing too? I mean, if you felt... heh heh heh ... if you felt the call of the wild, but...

MRS BRISBY: I would...I would not, if I knew there was a cat nearby.

JEREMY: But...but SHE'S out there...somewhere...and when I find her I'll feel it, way down in my wishbone! I -- what cat?

MRS BRISBY: Dragon! He belongs to Farmer Fitzgibbons. Look towards the house. See if you can see him. Come back down here! He'll see you for sure up there!

JEREMY: Hey, there's a (6)cat out there!

MRS BRISBY: Quiet! Does he see you?

JEREMY: No. … Yes!

MRS BRISBY: Stand perfectly still.


JEREMY: Everything's fine...he's headed right for us.

MRS BRISBY: Don't panic! Fast or (7)slow?

JEREMY: Medium. Make that fast. Very fast. I have to go now! Excuse me, I really…  Break! Oh my goodness.

MRS BRISBY: It's a (8)rabbit! Well of all the silly nincompoops! You got yourself all worked up over a rabbit!

JEREMY: You should have seen yourself!

MRS BRISBY: Will you keep (9)quiet?

JEREMY: You were scared stiff! A rabbit! I knew it all along!

MRS BRISBY: Will you hush up?

JEREMY: Admit it! You were (10)scared!

MRS BRISBY: Oh...fiddlesticks. Hold still.

JEREMY: If I had actually been near a cat, I'd be sneezing my brains out. See, I'm allergic to ca...I'm allergic to caaaaa...I'm allergic to...mfffff...ah..ahhh-CHOOOOOO! I'm allerg...AHHH-CHOOOO!  Excuse me, pardon me.