How to Become a Great Leader

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader (BrainyQuote, 2016)

I think John Quincy Adams hit the nail on the head for a good leader!  However, it is much easier said than done.  As you start in your leadership role, I think having an outline of fundamentally sound rules to help guide the way will help you stay on track and get you to your destination must faster and hopefully, less painful.  Leadership is much more than a trait!  A good leader recognizes that and helps build a team that will be successful in whatever their project is (Northouse, 2016).  It’s about turning vision into reality (Cloud, 2016).  A good leader will have a good vision, focus, and attention (Cloud, 2016) on what they are going after.  (Cloud D. H., 2013).  (Schwerdfeger, 2014)There is a lot of great information out there on being a good leader and I have matched what has worked with me along with some great advice from other leaders like General Colin Powell.

You have a vison and a dream and now is the time to go after it.  The place to start is building a solid team with people who have similar goals (Northouse, 2016).  Having the proper people in place is incredibly important to help steer you to a successful organization or project.  You want people to be working with you and not against you.   Secondly, listen to your team, even if do not like what they have to say (Demers, 2015)!   This will help keep your eyes open and on track. Make sure the communications lines are open and you have become a great listener.  You just can’t know everything.  Use all of the talents of people around you. Keep your mind open to new opportunities to learning (Baugh, 2016).   Next, lead by example!  Show the team what type of person you want them to be (Demers, 2015).  Be consistent with your decisions and stick to them (Baugh, 2016). Don’t let others make your decision.  If it doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t!  Make your own decisions, right or wrong, accept it, learn from it and move on (Tanner, 2015)!  Be positive!  Nobody like to work with someone who is always negative or angry.  If you are always being yelled at, it shuts down the part of the brain that performs (Cloud, 2016) and that does nobody any good.  Learn how to delegate work and build on others experience.  Look for mentors and leaders to help you stay on track (Demers, 2015).  A good mentor can communicate to you when they see things go astray.  Or they can be a good sounding board when you have questions or concerns.  Keep your emotions in check.  Never make an emotional response.  Step back, calm down, then decide.  As General Powell once said: “Get mad, then get over it!”  And, remain calm and be kind (Tanner, 2015)!    (Powell, 2011)  Remember, it is okay to fail!  Remain positive and learn from your experience and move forward.   These are golden opportunities to get closer to the goal (Baugh, 2016).  An often forgotten rule is to prioritize your team.  To be successful or even having a chance to be successful you have to give them the tools and resources to get there (Demers, 2015).  In addition, make sure you share the credit (Demers, 2015).  Everyone wants to hear they’ve done a good job, not just the leader!  There will be times when things are not going as planned; however, don’t give up!  Perseverance!  As you move through the process, use solid data to help back up your decisions (Baugh, 2016).  There’s tons of research out there that will help you move forward with your dream.  Remember, the devil is in the details!  Check the small things.  Here is where things usually fall of the tracks.  One of the rules that I think is very important is don’t sacrifice your personal life!  Balance is the key here.  Work needs to stay at work! Finally, develop discipline!  Don’t let instant gratification get in the way of good decision making (Baugh, 2016).  Learn to say no when you aren’t sure or if it doesn’t feel right.  

Being a leader can be very rewarding if you follow some simple rules.  These rules are by no means all inclusive; however, I think they form a good platform to launch from.  Everyone is different and they should sit down and draw out a plan of what they think will work for them and where you want to go.  Also, review your plan and rules on a regular basis to keep you on track.  There will be rough times throughout the process but the end result is well worth it.  


Baugh, A. M. (2016, January 12). Tips for Becoming a Successful Leader. Retrieved from Lifescript:

BrainyQuote. (2016). Leadership Quotes. Retrieved from BrainyQuote:

Cloud, D. H. (2013, April 11). Dr. Henry Cloud on BOUNDARIES FOR LEADERS. Retrieved from YouTube:

Cloud, H. D. (2016). Dr. Henry Cloud: Leading with Boundries. Retrieved from CBN:

Demers, J. (2015, October 15). 50 Rules for Being a Great Leader. Retrieved from Entrepreneur:

Northouse, P. G. (2016). Leadership Theory and Practice Seventh Edition. Los Angeles: Sage.

Powell, C. (2011, February 10). The Essence of Leadership. Retrieved from YouTube:

Schwerdfeger, P. (2014, January 26). Leadership Skills: How to Become a Better Leader. Retrieved from YouTube:

Tanner, R. (2015). Revisiting Colin Powell's 13 Rules of Leadership. Retrieved from Management is a Journey: