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Workday Checkout


Licensed Staff may leave the building and district grounds during lunch, as necessary. Departures during preparation periods must be approved by the building principal or designee. Staff may be required to check out and in from the main office, as requested by the building or site administrator.


Classified Staff are permitted to leave the building and district grounds during their lunch break.


Staff may be required to check out/in with the office prior to leaving during the work day. This will enable office staff to respond appropriately in the event of any emergency situations that may arise.


Year-End Checkout


Each building will establish year-end check out procedures for all staff that do not work year-round. Staff members who leave employment will be required to turn into the building office all district-issued materials, including keys, prior to the last day of work, unless other arrangements are made with the building principal or designee.


Leaving Employment with the District


Staff leaving the District is required to complete a District Checkout Form and return it to the Director of Human Resources when complete.