DLA016-0130  Transcription





Mr P.A. De Laszlo,

2 Fitz Johns Avenue

Dear Sir:

I have since our conversation had considerable correspondence with our New York office in reference to the reproduction of your painting of the Pope [6690].[1] The people in our New York office have gone to a considerable effort in the matter and they suggest that it might be a good thing for you to allow one of the well known National Magazines to print a full page reproduction in one of their issues. They have gone to the extent of consulting these Magazines & they have obtained the consent of the Publications.

This would give you a great amount of publicity which would be valuable for your proposed trip to America,[2] and at the same time it is more than likely that one of the larger Publishers would

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approach you for Publishing rights; you could then make what terms with them that you saw fit. I could come up to see you & discuss this further if you would let me know.

I have also received from our New York office a form which they have as a customary official permission & I would be very grateful if you would sign it & let me have it back.

I want to thank you for all the courtesies you have shown me & hope that you may desire some benefit from our efforts on your behalf.

Sincerely yours,


Editorial Note:

J. Walter Thompson Company, pioneering international advertising agency.



[1] See also DLA016-0131, letter from J.Walter Thompson Company to de László, 31 October 1924

[2] De László was in America from October 1925 to April 1926.