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Security and Server Sizing
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[PlanetJ Corporation]





WOW Architecture, Security, and Deployment

WOW Overview:

WOW Components:

1) Application Server

2) WOW Application

3) WOW Metadata

WOW Security

SSL Security

Operating System



Firewall/Gateway Security

WOW Server Sizing

WOW Overview:

WOW (Web Object Wizard) is a 100% Java™ based web application development tool and runtime engine that creates "data centric" Internet/Intranet/Extranet applications.   If you need to put data on the web, WOW is your answer.  Using a Web based development interface, applications are created by specifying JDBC/SQL operations and configuring application metadata. Customers can easily access and manipulate data stored in any relational database including DB2, Oracle®, and SQL Server. Applications execute within WebSphere™, WebLogic™, or Tomcat™ application servers.  

Interactive product demonstrations can be viewed at:  

For additional information about WOW, or to report problems with WOW, please contact for customer support.  


WOW Components:

1) Application Server

 WOW produces browser/web-based applications.  An underlying application server is needed to provide the infrastructure and web Servlet services that WOW utilizes at runtime.  Apache Tomcat is a free open source product supported by Apache open source community.  The application server component can run any virtually any Java enabled platform including

Windows, OS/400, LINUX, UNIX, and OS/390.  

2) WOW Application  

WOW is a development and runtime product that runs on top of an application server.   WOW is written in 100% pure Java and can run on any Java enabled platform including Windows, OS/400, LINUX, UNIX, and OS/390.    WOW was developed and is supported by PlanetJ Corporation.  

3) WOW Metadata

 WOW stores all application-based data in either H2,  IBM DB2/400, or MySQL.


WOW Security

Security is an essential requirement for all applications.  WOW and its associated server elements provide robust and complete features to ensure applications conform to the highest of security requirements including the Sarbanes-Oxley requirements.  Following are the elements that combine to provide security.  Depending on your environment, you may implement a combination of these elements.    WOW can operate in Intranet/Extranet or Internet configurations.  WOW runs applications on standard user defined ports such as 80 and 443 for SSL/TSL.  

SSL/TSL Security

SSL can be configured at the web server or application server level.  SSL enables all transmitted data over the network to be encrypted therefore securing all data from outside viewers.  Setup and configuration of SSL is performed according the instructions provided by the application or web server.  

Operating System

WOW runs on any Java enabled platform and can fully utilize the underlying OS security features.  Metadata is accessed in a special user profile that only has limited ability to access the metadata.  Users should secure the operating system using standard security practices for their environment and platform.  Information on securing Windows server:


Databases such as DB2/400 provide built into utilities to administer and control security.  Database files/tables can be secured to allow access only to authorized users.  Further security can restrict usage to READ ONLY access if appropriate.  Journaling and commitment control provides full audit and recovery facilities.  All access is recorded and can be reversed if needed.  WOW uses JDBC drivers that can be configured to restrict access to READ ONLY as well.  


 WOW has built-in security to restrict users in the following ways:

1. Control ability to insert, update, read, and delete data

2. Control ability to view and update database fields

3. Control ability to view and update database records.  Access can be enabled to allow users to view only the records that they are authorized to.

Firewall/Gateway Security

A firewall can be placed between the WOW runtime environment and the Internet.  This further allows Internet/Extranet traffic to be restricted to HTTP only ports such as port 80 or port 443 for SSL.  In this configuration, users from the Internet do not have direct access to either the WOW server or IBM iSeries.  The firewall blocks all unauthorized ports and forwards appropriate HTTP request to the WOW server.  When desired, another level of security can be implemented by placing the WOW server into a “DMZ”.  The “DMZ”

serves to further isolate the WOW server from the rest of the internal network.  If the “DMZ” server was compromised, the internal network is still protected.  Firewalls can be configured to allow certain ports from the “DMZ” server to connect to specified ports on the i5 or other systems.  Consult your firewall provider for details specific to your hardware and environment.  


WOW Server Sizing

The following charts show minimum and recommended server configurations for running WOW applications.  Since each WOW based application is  custom built and unique in its features, database environment, and database optimization; these recommendations should only be used as general guidelines.  Your application may require specific load testing to determine server sizing.  Obtaining a server with the maximum processor and memory available is always recommended for peak performance. The following assumes a server with maximum optimization.  See this document for optimization instructions.  

WOW Minimum Configurations: 

Operating System

Application Server




Windows 2012, Linux

Apache Tomcat



OS/400 V5R4

Apache Tomcat



NOTE:  WOW will run on older Windows versions but without operating system support!

WOW Recommended Configurations: 

Operating System

Application Server



Concurrent Users

Windows 2019 and up, Linux

Apache Tomcat




Windows 2012 and up

Apache Tomcat




WIndows 2012

Apache Tomcat

8GB -32GB



NOTE:  Each usage scenario is dependent on database queries, database load, and several other factors.  Usage testing is recommended.