Oceanlab: Supercharging the blockchain

Mastering blockchain data and opening the blockchain to millions

 Thank you for taking the time to read our whitepaper. We hope that the information presented here will allow you to understand our potential as a team, as an investment tool and last but not least as a powerful addition which will greatly benefit us all as well as the Waves’ ecosystem.

Enjoy our first prototype: https://gravit.ws

The problem

A blockchain is not a transfer of value between A and B anymore, it can do things which are a lot more complex. From the already available token creations(CAT) to the future smart contracts, the Waves platform is building the strongest link between the blockchain and real world applications, companies and individuals. There’s now more exploitable data available inside the blockchain than ever, and also a lot of related external data as most of the tokens and transactions are connected to actual projects. This amount of data however is very hard to read, and even harder to analyze.

The solution

Oceanlab will act as the missing link between transactions and people, you’ll be able to read the blockchain as if you were reading a newspaper, accessing information related to trading, new uses of the blockchain, new technologies, projects, ... without browsing through an enormous amount of data. Information is one of the most precious asset from this era and our aim is to master it to be able to provide it to anyone the way it is needed. We’re in the process of creating the technology able to gather and process an enormous, ever growing amount of data and we plan to make the tools to make that technology available to everyone.

But also…

We’re looking deeply into Waves ever growing capabilities to invent new features and application fields for the Waves blockchain, our lab is already working on several projects unavailable to any other existing platform and some of our tests are already succeeding. Blockchain mass adoption is a slow process and our lab will contribute to it by acting as a technical incubator for european projects, imagining new use cases and helping the best ideas become a reality.

Who is behind Oceanlab?

We’re basically a team of two, @dibatch is a designer with work experience in gaming websites design and I’m @sphearis, a developer who worked mainly in IT as a dev for the Belgian government (education) and as a regional IT manager for one of the biggest transportation company. But we’re also surrounded by a team of professionals in trading, business management, community management and designers who help regularly our projects to become even better than we imagined with an incredible motivation and dedication.

What is Oceanlab?

We both fell in love with Waves and blockchain development, the platform was awesome, simply the one we were looking for (having followed crypto for nearly 2 years). We started by creating a few community oriented projects around the Waves blockchain as well as a set of tools to interact easily with the platform. We created the faucet engine which is making thousands of transactions every day, an automatically updated token database and a few community/full nodes tools. We are now willing to unleash the potential of Waves by creating the most awesome set of tools and innovative uses of the blockchain that Waves deserve.

There are a lot of great ideas in our notebook, but these aren’t just ideas or empty promises, we know the logic behind every one of them and we’re able to develop them. We have the required technical knowledge (clearly defined development and technical execution plans), the efficiency (the faucet engine for Waves and tokens was made in less than one week, starting from scratch and creating the first version of our Dot Net library at the same time) and we have the will to make Waves our next career move, we’re also ambitious and determined.

We’re ready to do whatever it takes to make one of the biggest moves in Blockchain history.


Our prototype: Gravit

Gravit is an engine we created allowing us to develop easily and efficiently new websites and features (including some innovative uses unavailable to other blockchains), this engine is used in our first flagship product: https://Gravit.ws

Gravit.ws is actually like a blockchain explorer combined with a search engine and a community website. Every aspect of it is using some kind of gravit engine features such as in-depth information gathering, stats generation, anonymous and safe user submitted content, blockchain authentification and interaction… Advanced trading analysis is also planned with the inclusion of the Dex as well as other exchanges data and marketcap.

You can interact, add content, asset informations, comments or even chat simply by sending tokens with commands to the Gravitbot as attachment. You can also create polls and get votes registered into the blockchain. All these features provide to users blockchain secured and permanent information as well as a form of identification while remaining anonymous.

Why Gravit is important?

Gravit will be at first the best community building website around Waves and the most reliable source of information on the blockchain, its features will make other blockchain projects notice and realize the vast potential of the Waves platform


Having sufficient resources to create Gravit and other related projects at this point will allow Oceanlab to become a key player for the Waves platform and the community will benefit a lot from it as most of our projects will have an open/community version free for personal or asset creator use.

What are the first Gravit.ws features?

  • Blockchain explorer/search engine for transactions/addresses/assets
  • Realtime information and in-depth analysis of the blockchain, fast response time
  • User interaction: Introducing Gravitbot which is able to receive commands on the blockchain and execute them in realtime.
  • User interaction: Blockchain powered chat rooms for every address or asset generated automatically by the blockchain (based on address or assetID) as well as a global chatroom.
  • Blockchain chat engine automatically identifies asset creators as admins and highlights their chat messages
  • Asset creators can add more information about their own assets by sending commands to Gravitbot with the address that created them (website, link to news, exchanges urls and such)
  • Assets: User reporting, reviewing and Official/Fake flagging.
  • Addresses: All balances (Waves and assets) seen as tiles (tiles colors generated from the assetID) with the coin logo if available, direct links to the asset database and official/fake flags.
  • Poll creation
  • Non intrusive and blockchain related ads, Gravit is creating a 100% automated and blockchain powered ad publishing service. 
  • Addresses: Realtime calculation of full Wallet value using the dex and other exchanges provided information

Gravit’s planned features (short term)

-          DEX trades integration in the search engine

-          Addresses: Put assets in a spam folder or custom user folder

-          Chat: Upvote/Downvote with a Gravitbot command

-          Chat: Tipping bot/chat bot

-          Ads: 100% autonomous blockchain powered ads

-          Assets: QR Codes generation, richlists and full distribution lists

-          Community powered ICOs and news section

-          Nodes info, map and status + realtime revenues info and leasing calculator

-          Node tools: passive monitoring, block notifier, leasing reports

-          Advanced stats/Custom stats

-           Easy to use API and widgets for web pages/CMS(Wordpress, …)

And long term...

-          Assets: Store logos on the blockchain (based on a future Oceanlab storage project)

-          Chat: AI and machine learning integration in the chat channels

-          Customizable automatic trading bot system

-          Custom realtime stats generation for users/asset creators as well as a premium service for companies

-          Other major blockchains integration (Ethereum, Bitcoin, …) with user content submission to create the largest and most practical crypto ecosystem website.

-          Addresses: Real portfolio and budget management, multiple wallet viewing and interactions (drag and drop assets between wallets, …)

-          Blockchain wiki and history

-          Blockchain snapshot: View the status of any address in the Waves blockchain at a particular date/time

-          100% blockchain powered and automated kickstarter like funding interface for new projects on the Waves platform

-           Making Gravit become the first full featured Cryptocurrencies social network

A few other projects we are working on

-      IoT and automation: A Waves token powered coffee machine prototype is almost functional, it will lead to developments around Waves powered food and drinks distributors, blockchain triggered devices, blockchain communication between devices and data storage.

-      Blockchain storage: Storage of text and small pictures directly on the blockchain with transactions indexing and attachments, it will be used in Gravit for logo storage. Writers are being contacted right now to publish their first book on the Blockchain.

-      Asset creator subscriptions for transactions processing: A system allowing several full nodes to benefit from the revenues of a subscription plan aimed at processing transactions for asset creators in their own tokens, making it cheaper for them to launch big projects on the blockchain.

-      Digital rights management on the blockchain (for music, lyrics, texts, scientific papers, …)

-      Blockchain AI (Artificial intelligence on the blockchain, interacting bots and experiments, shared knowledge and analysis on Waves)

-      Waves and tokens payment system with realtime token conversion in the desired currency for the trader, realtime quote for the seller. It will be available for any token having market valuation on the Dex.

-      Digital goods on the blockchain (Software and games keys, subscriptions tradeable on Dex or transferrable).

-      Multiple coins gateway on the blockchain: Ethereum, Dogecoin, BAT, GNT, you name it… Directly on the Waves blockchain as Tokens, trading in and out 1:1 instantly with an extremely low fee.

-      Token lottery: 100% automated, 100% blockchain powered, no human intervention and randomization based on blockchain content. 24/7 lotteries available for any token. As a thank you and a support to all those who were there in Waves infancy, 50% of the small fee we’ll ask for running the lotteries will be distributed amongst WCT holders.

-      PoS4All: We have found a way to provide a PoS (Proof of Stake) feature to any token created on the platform, as soon as we’ve built the engine, it will be made available to anyone.

-        BIC (Blockchain Information Channels): Publishing information and analysis directly on the blockchain like price tickers, meteo, data analysis… And give an easy access to anyone as it is directly and constantly available on the blockchain, easily readable and easily published under any form you like. A free technical demo is released with our Gravit prototype, the Waves price ticker from Bittrex is continuously published on the Waves Blockchain. A fuel system will be created to pay for server maintenance and resources: Anyone will be able to provide funds to the bots running the channels and keep them activated. One of the first channels we’ll be working on is a trading alert channel (important volume changes alerts to warn in real time about crypto price growth opportunities.)


Our projects and labs will vary and evolve. But here’s our main roadmap:

  • ICO (7 August 2017-31 August 2017)
  • Oceanlab launch (1st September 2017)
  • First quarter (Month 1-3)

Gravit: New server infrastructure, data consolidation, scripts improvements

Gravit: Full blockchain explorer (prototype is working with a limited set of data)
Gravit: Full paginated transaction lists and trading info
Gravit: Advanced Search

Gravit: Crypto news integration in the search engine
Gravit: Social networks integration in the search engine
Gravit: Design improvements, mobile friendly version

Gravit Ads: 100% blockchain powered, autonomous ad publishing service

Fountain Perpetua: Full website redesign, new features (earnings calculator, ...)

Wavesdrop: Design improvement with new color themes, adding the ability to create your own faucet easily for free through Gravitbot commands (with your own ads)

PoS4All: Development and deployment of the community PoS system, Proof of stake available for any token created on the platform.

Partnership: Starting the development of the Energrid project, an energy sharing service

  • Second quarter (Month 4-6)
    Deployment of the data indexing and storage capability on the Waves platform
    Tech: First full exclusive book stored on the blockchain
    Tech: Digital rights management on the blockchain
    Gravit: Token logos and profile pictures (for addresses) stored on the blockchain
    Gravit: Blogposts for tokens (stored on the blockchain)
    Advanced trading features (charts, stats, …)
    Gravit: Creation of reusable components for fast integration in our other projects/designs
    Wavesdrop: Games and 100% blockchain powered token lottery system
    Partnership: Development starting for the Openjam project, a tokenized Github/Social music making network
    Partnership: Development of the best trading alert system in partnership with professional traders, alerts are published on the blockchain, available to everyone
    Partnership: Continued development of the Energrid system

  • Third quarter (Month 6-9)
    REST API, websocket and easy to use components for webmasters
    Gravit: Community trading bot
    Gravit: Full online wallet and portfolio management
    Anycoin: Multicrypto 100% automated gateway for the Wavesplatform with more than 20 coins at launch.
    Openjam: Continued development
    Tokengames: Arcade platform which pays you to play and first blockchain powered games

  • Fourth quarter (Month 9-12)
    Easy, anonymous and secure payment system for websites

Tokengames: Development of multiple blockchain powered games
Partnership: We’ll start the development of a tokenized family entertainment center in Belgium: Kids areas, animations, lasergames, drone races, … With tokens as reward and payment system. Creation of a Waves/Tokens ATM and NFC card reloading terminal.

  • After our first year
    Continued development of all our products and partnerships.

    Creation of an open blockchain makerspace where new devices will be designed and ideas put into application.

    The Lab will evolve with research and development in automation, AI and machine learning linking the blockchain to real life (smart) applications.

    We’ll also start working on our second big project, an innovative application of the blockchain for everyone: It will be used by communities, companies and in every household. We don’t release any information about this project right now but we know it will be a game changer for Waves, mass adoption of cryptos in general and the use of the blockchain.

What will be the funds used for?

We actually both have a day job and we have to work in our free time to develop all these motivating projects. It can be hard sometimes even if we really love what we do. Especially when you’ve got a family behind you, as supportive as everyone can be.

The funds will allow us to be able to spend more time and focus on our projects while being less dependent on our daily income. Our personal investment will know a transition phase at first, but as soon as the company begins generating revenues we’ll be able to dedicate ourselves completely to our projects and research.

At least 3 of the services we’ll deploy in our first year of operation will generate revenues.

The funds will also be used to upgrade our current infrastructure (network, servers, …). This will greatly improve speed, reliability and will make our engine able to evolve at the same rate as the Waves blockchain.

We have a good work experience in some of the most complex industries and/or public services, I’ve worked as a consultant for small companies and we know how to manage our money to make the most of any resource we have, that’s already what we’re doing now, we’re getting results with almost nothing in our hands.

We will use the funds with precaution. There will be monthly usage limits based on what our infrastructure needs to remain effective, our salary and those of future employees as well as sponsoring events and participate in conferences where we can promote our products. The funds will also serve as a reserve allowing us to pay for new hardware or services required by our contractors to start developing their projects. Our work will switch between contracts and community services building/experiments/innovations around the blockchain.

We know people are worried about ICO cash-outs, we don’t plan to do any of that, we analyzed our needs correctly for the first few years of operation and evolution and we already planned to work on a very limited budget for at least one year. There won’t be any bad surprise on the markets (not from us anyway). We raise money not for ourselves but for our projects, we’ll still win a lot in the end by proving who we are.

Oceanlab’s ICO structure

We’ll have a fixed amount of 50 000 000 tokens:
2 500 000 tokens will be kept by us for our internal operations (5%), these won’t be used for at least two years and will be released only if needed with a monthly limit of 100 000 per month.

500 000 will be used for bounties and events (1%)
250 000 (0.5%) will be airdropped to WavesCommunity Tokens holders as a gesture of appreciation for their support as Waves community members

250 000 (0.5%) will be airdropped to MRT holders as a gesture of appreciation for their support to the Waves network

The remaining 46 500 000(93%) will be sold in our ICO.

Our ICO will run from the 7th August 8AM GMT to the 31st August 8AM GMT.

You’ll be able to invest in Oceanlab with any verified token on the Waves platform having a market valuation (You’ll be able to invest in Ripto Bux, Euro, Ethereum or Waves Community Tokens for example) by sending them to a Waves wallet address which will be revealed when the ICO starts.

There will be a first day bonus (24hours) of 15%, a second day bonus of 10% and a third day bonus of 5%.

From Day 4, a permanent 5% bonus will be added to people who invest in our project with Waves.

We have set several funding targets for our ICO. Even if the “Baby Squid” level already allows us to keep working on our initial plans, any additional amount collected will grant us more efficiency and support the completion of the whole project as it is intended.

Tier 1: The baby squid - Target: $1 000 000 - Token valuation approx. 0.02$

- New infrastructure (hardware, network, ...) and ability to provide advanced functionalities.

- Continued development and promotion of actual projects (Gravit, Fountain perpetua, Wavesdrop including all dependent services and features in the whitepaper) with the current team.

- Limited partnerships with other projects creators.

Tier 2: The Squid - Target: $5 000 000 - Token valuation approx. 0.10$

-    Everything from Tier 1.

-    Core team improvement with people assigned to specific products to enhance their quality.

-    More active partnerships and external projects.

-    More focus on Research and development + community services.

Tier 3: The Giant Squid - Target: $15 000 000 - Token valuation approx. 0.32$

-    Everything from Tier 1 and 2.

-    Small blockchain makerlab for devices and real world applications (sales, automation, smart objects ...).

-    Blockchain technology introductions to project creators, collaborative projects building and classes.

Tier 4: The Colossal Squid - Target $30 000 000 - Token valuation approx. 0.64$

-    Everything from Tier 1 to 3.

-    First official Blockchain center/Blockchain lab in Europe (opening in 2019 due to the limited budget plan for the first year of operation).

-    We'll act as ambassadors for the Blockchain in Europe, with events, classes and labs to introduce as many people as possible, from individuals to governments.

-    More resources for research and developments.

-    More resources for individual projects, more development speed, support and quality.

-    High-end infrastructure allowing us to create and maintain more community services, commercial services and information systems.

Hard cap: 35 000 000$ 

Tokens will be released on the 1st week of September.