“Gaga for Google” Session at ICE Conference 2014

Presenters:         Melissa Wilson (melissa_willson@ipsd.org)

Andy Fekete         (andrew_fekete@ipsd.org)

Steve Wick         (steve_wick@ipsd.org)

Google and the 4’cs

4 Cs and 21st Century Skills Pinterest Board : http://goo.gl/PmWpHt 

The 4 Cs - Teachers' 21st Century Skills - Google Sites : http://goo.gl/2k2D8q 

Above and Beyond, The Story of the 4Cs : http://goo.gl/sK4uZj 
Google Apps for Education Lesson Plans:

Google and Common Core

Every Common Core Standard Related to Technology and Digital Media - Ben Rimes: http://goo.gl/alTRtD 

Google Apps for Education Meets the Common Core Pinterest Board : http://goo.gl/ymgHVF 

Google Apps Meets the Common Core (Paperback) - Michael Graham : http://goo.gl/jNkDjz 

General Google Training Resources

Google in Education Online Courses : http://goo.gl/oaDfh5 

Google Gooru : http://goo.gl/qpLssk 

Sophia Chrome Classroom Certificate : http://goo.gl/7dkKbB 

Google in Education Training Resources : http://goo.gl/v7cVlC 

Google Search Tips and Tricks : http://goo.gl/mf2QkK 

Google Tips Website : http://goo.gl/qs7UTc 

Guide to Going Google : http://goo.gl/dKJbvH 

Google Chrome

100 Tips and Tricks for Google Chrome : http://goo.gl/5l1PXW 

Google Gooru Chrome Tips, Tricks, Training Videos & Articles : http://goo.gl/RMtQWS 

Chrome Training : http://goo.gl/QWbBmD 

Google Sites

Google Sites Help : http://goo.gl/KJFd6C 

Google Sites Training : http://goo.gl/P9n24z 

Google Sites Tutorials : http://goo.gl/OC0abx 

Sample Sites : http://goo.gl/ff5yBA 

Google Drive

Google Gooru Google Drive Tips, Tricks, Training Videos & Articles : http://goo.gl/K02uXY 

Google Docs & Drive Training : http://goo.gl/hsMOJi 

Google Drive and Docs Tutorial : http://goo.gl/3NCHyw 

Google + and Hangouts

Google Gooru Google+ Tips, Tricks, Training Videos & Articles : http://goo.gl/W8MpKm 

Take a tour of Google+ : http://goo.gl/575Y74