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NHS Description of Selection Process

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Inspiring Success in the Minds and Hearts of Gifted Children since 1994

National Honor Society 

Description of Selection Process

  1. All students who have attended Stargate High School for at least one semester and have a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.5 (weighted) or higher are invited to start their candidacy by attending a Candidate Information Meeting. Students who choose not to attend a Candidate Information Meeting are sent instruction and a Student Information Dossier.
  2. Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend one Candidate Information Meeting. During the Candidate Information Meetings, the responsibilities of membership, the selection process, and the appeals process are discussed. Students are given the Student Information Dossier (SID) and given detailed instructions on how to complete the SID to continue their candidacy.
  3. Students complete their SID and turn them in by the designated date and time.
  4. The SHS faculty provides input on all candidate via google forms.
  5. Each member of the NHS Faculty Council, a group of five faculty members appointed annually by the principal to represent the entire SHS faculty in making selection decisions, reads each student’s SID.
  6. The NHS advisor gathers reports from administration (discipline, attendance, and tardies).
  7. The NHS Faculty Council convenes and considers each student individually, taking into account the following: the information that the student has provided on the SID, the input from the SHS faculty, and the discipline and attendance reports.
  8.  After lengthy and thorough discussion, a member of the NHS Faculty Council makes a motion for selection or non-selection, another member second the motion and the Faculty Council votes. A simple motion is all that is needed for the motion to carry. (The NHS Faculty Advisor is present at the selection meeting in a non-voting/record-keeping capacity.)
  9. The SHS principal approves the list of selected and non-selected students. The principal can add students to be nominated or remove students to be nominated.
  10. Notification letters are sent to all students who petitioned for membership informing them of the NHS Faculty Council’s decision. Students who do not agree with the NHS Faculty Council’s decision may appeal the decision. (See Appeals Process for more details.)
  11. Selected students are inducted at a public ceremony.

Created 9/7/17