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Homework 3.12 Answers
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Using Newton's law explain why kicking a bowling ball would hurt much more than kicking a soccer ball.

It takes more force to move the bowling ball because it has more inertia. When you kick the bowling ball the amount of force you put on it is also applied to your foot due to Newton’s third law.

If you blow up a balloon and let it go the balloon goes flying through the air. Which one of

Newton’s Law is being demonstrated?

Newton’s third law, the action is the air coming out of the balloon and the reaction is it being pushed forward.

If you were given an objects mass and the force put on it what formula would you use to solve for acceleration?


Which of Newton’s Law explains why the planet Earth hasn’t stopped orbiting the sun for billions of years? Explain your answer.

Newton’s first law, the Earth was put into motion and because there is no force going against it’s motion it continues to do what it’s been doing.

If a rocket uses a force of 84,288 N to accelerate 8 m/s2 what is the mass of the rocket?

10536 kg

If a 25 kg cannonball is shot at a wall with an acceleration of 4.5 m/s2 with what force does it hit the wall?

112.5 N

If 125 N force causes a ball to accelerate 5 m/s2 what was the mass of the ball?

25 kg

A person with a mass of 68 kg is walking down the street with their 25 kg dog on a leash. The

dog then sees a squirrel run by and takes off with an acceleration of 1.3 m/s2. How much force does the dog put on the persons on when it jerks the leash?

19.23 N