Ms. Shari C. Hyman, Commissioner

New York City Business Integrity Commission

100 Church Street, 20th Floor

New York, NY 10007

Dear Ms. Hyman:

I am very excited to be informed about the actions and affect your organization the Business Integrity Commission has done towards the commercial waste, public wholesale markets, and shipboard gambling industries all through the NYC area. In the year 2013 your organization in the month of June arrested employees of companies you oversee following the investigation of the theft of diesel fuel. You continued in September with one of the most crucial news of how you stripped the license of Brooklyn Waste Magnate for illegally made millions by stealing recyclable cardboard. This was a great victory against recycling theft and proves how seriously this matter is to your organization. All these accomplishments and the fact that you are seeking paralegal consultants make me more fascinated in being considered to be part of your fast-growing institution. I would like to apply my expertise and schooling to influencing the future of your association to bettering the environment of our city and putting an end to corruption, delinquency, and organized crime in the waste, public wholesale markets, and shipboard industries.

To have proficiency in the job at hand I have taken courses to prepare me for the tasks you seek from your employees. I will have taken two law courses that will be introduction to paralegal field on what I have to be capable of doing including paperwork, filing important documents, increasing computer skills and understanding of basic civil/criminal law. In addition I am currently taking an advance career writing class where my computer efficiency is being put to the test and my Microsoft Office, internet usage, organization of my production, and performing projects informing my colleagues as the same time working on my verbal and written communication.

Besides my school work I have applied my expertise in past jobs I have had which can be applied to the job opening you are offering. When I worked for the Alice Austen House Museum and the READ Foundation my computer and office savvy were addressed when for the museum I needed to contact clients, informed them of important events and dates; as well as finesse the Facebook page and contact information of the company which are all proficiencies asked for in your job field. When working for the READ Foundation I was asked to be technical with my organization of important files, use proper verbal communication to get my key points to the students I tutored, the parents Informed, and the teachers I aided. Here I learned to cooperate in a work environment as I helped other tutors successfully instruct the children and their deficiencies. In both jobs the workload became hectic and sometimes with no supervision I needed to complete my duties assigned to me which helped my independent problem solving skills; a crucial skill for the paralegal work setting.

In conclusion I have enclosed with this letter a copy of my resume for your viewing; this will include my school background, certain qualifications, and my motivation to be part of excellent organization. I will contact your receptionist as soon as possible to set up an available interview date for the near future. I am quite eager to meeting you and your staff to get a better perception of the opening position and how you, the BIC, and NYC can prosper from my employment in your commission.  

Sincerely Yours,   Diego Tuso