Alexandr Legkov

Alina Zagitova  

Anton Shipulin

llya Kovalchuk

7.Match the sports and the descriptions.

Curling,  Snowboarding, Biathlon, Figure skating, Ice-Hockey

1.It is a sport in which players slide stones on the ice towards a target to the centre of the ring. There are two teams, each of four players; take turns sliding heavy, polished stones. A game may consist of ten or eight ends.

2. It is a kind of sports in which two teams play against each other by trying to beat puck into the opponent's goal using a  stick. It’s a very interesting game.

3. It is a winter kind of sport. Sportsmen ski and shoot. It is a very popular sport. There are many kinds of this sport. Sportsmen must be strong and have good eyesight

4.It is a sport and activity in which may take part one or two sportsmen. They dance on the ice.  The four Olympic disciplines are men's singles, ladies' singlespair skating, and ice dancing.  

8.Lets sing the song together. «We are the Champions»

We are the champions - my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are the champions of the world




1.Look at the screen.  Answer the questions of English students from Oxford University.

2. Divide these sports and games into Winter(1) and Summer(2) Olympic Games. Write the number 1 or 2 above the word.

Boxing, Tennis, Basketball, Snowboarding,Cycling, Figure skating, Rowing, Football, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Swimming, Handball , Sailing, Golf ,Wrestling, Ice hockey, Skiing, Speed skating, Bobsleigh, Curling, Short-track, Ski jumping, Skeleton, Nordic combined ,Luge, cross-country skiing, biathlon ,alpine skiing.

3. Look at the screen.  Translate the words.

The Olympic anthem-

The Olympic mascot-

The Olympic flame-

The Olympic flag-

The Olympic motto-

The Olympic creed-

4. Look at the screen. Choose the right answer.

5. Watch the video about Highlands and read the text.

Announcer: Today we have the finest of our athletes, dancers and pipers, with competitors coming from all over the world, including…

Some people call this the Scottish Olympics. The real name is the Highland Games. These games are not only sporting competitions: here music is as important as sport-the music of the pipes and drums and traditional Scottish sports like the tug-of-war. The most famous of these summer games is the one at Braemar, watched by the royal family. But nearly a hundred smaller games are held between May and September all over Scotland.

While athletes throw the hummer at one end of the arena, you can watch a dancing competition at the other end. The most popular Scottish dances are the Highland fling and the sword dance. Of course the dancers, pipers, athletes, in fact nearly all the competitors at a Highland games wear a kilt. So also do the judges, and the soldiers in the military pipe bands.

This is a caber. Tossing the caber is a sport for the strongest athletes. Each caber weighs about sixty kilos and is six metres long. The caber must not fall back towards the athlete; It must fall forwards-Yes! Like that! Will it go?...Yes! Well done!

a).Which sentences below are true (T) and which are false (F)?

1. The Highland Games are only sporting competitions(F).

2. The Highland Games are held in winter(F)

3. The most popular Scottish dances are Highland fling and sward dance(T).

4. A caber weighs about ninety kilos(F).

5. The Queen visits the festival every year(T)

6. Only  the competitors wear a kilt(F).

7. The tug-of-war is the traditional Scottish sports. (T).

8. Tossing the caber is a sport for the strongest athletes. (T).

b).Look at the pictures and phrases below. Which phrase goes with which picture? 

A. throwing the hummer

B. the bagpipes

C. tossing the caber

D. the Highland fling

E. a tug-of- war

F. a race

1.2. 3.

4 5.6. 

6.Listen to the monologues about Olympic champions and fill in the table.( fugure skating, skiing ,short track , biathlon,  ice-hockey, figure skating)

The name

Kind of sports

   Type of medal

Victor An

Adelina Sotnikova
