Proposal Lesson plan for Teaching goes Massive :New skills needed

Overview -

This course is offered by University of Zurich with Prof Paul-Olivier Dehaye and his students. This lesson plan is created by Dilrukshi Gamage ( a MOOC student from this class due to few reasons.

1. Course started with giving some ideas, but now it appears no more ideas facilitated

2. Forums are closed and we have no clue of what to do

3. Students who take this course or any of coursera for the first time will be wondering and might lose the context of learning.

4. This lesson plan will guide us to collaboratively find solution to be in synchronized and learn from the time we invest in this.

Introduction -

The course named Teaching goes massive : new skills needed. It is our responsibility to find out what are the skills we need when we are teaching to a massive class.. or any class. Prof.Paul mentioned some experiments which we can do and previous forums already started and gone very well until suddenly closed everything.

So let us drive this MOOC ,  learn to learn ourselves how to be organized and learn from each other. Anyone can suggest things but not like as forums it has to be much more effective. This document will contain how to participate and what can you do in contributing to expand your learning. Don’t worry this will not stop suddenly as we the students are in charge.

First step lets set some objectives so we can see did we achieve when we finish this course.

Objectives -

After you complete this course

1. You will learn how to learn yourselves to work without a real teacher or a lecturer.

2. You will learn to make communications and build a network where you can share and learn throughout your interest.

3. You will learn to work on inclusive projects in the same course ( by inclusive what I mean was anyone can work in one project or more)

4. You will gain knowledge on what skills you need  and how to handle it when teaching is massive

Where to contact -

Please use the links provided in collaborating in this course as we can not do forums anymore.( besides this way much more clearer than forums ;)

Facebook page -

Google+[a][b][c][d] -

Documents and folder -

Action Plan - [e]

1. Enroll yourself in the FB and Google + groups

2. Decide which project you want to work ( you can work with all if you have time and like it)

( Going to a folder - use the link -

1.Project - Lets make a MOOC 2.0 already started by View Coursera profile

Wojciech Dudziak- He has put a huge effort on to this with many others, if you see you are familiar please use the folder Project 1- Building MOOC2.0 and collaborate inside. 
(if you want to contact me directly, joing team of MOOC 2.0, please write on FB - And you can share our survey already:

2. Project - How MOOC forums should be structured - by Matteo Ferrara

Go to Project 2-new MOOC Forum structure   folder and start working  do collaborate and come to a proposal format of forum

3. Project  - Personalised degree/gamificating the mooc by María Soledad Bernardi  the work she has started is in this thread - , I propose anyone interested to come up with a final plan can work on this project folder - Project 3-PersonalisedMOOC

4. Project  - Lets learn from other courses and construct a theory to this course.

This project will be lead by me and I will be using the teachings from .

1.Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills - -

2. elearning Ecologies -

We will make a summary of each lecture and propose a report of our findings. This report will contain

1. Summary of what they teach

2. Summary of what we think

3. Summary of what we propose to this course in next intake

folders relating this project can be access in Project 4-Summary reports of MOOC and  Google group is dedicated to communicate in this purpose.

 At the moment folders are empty - create any documents as u wish when you are working inside the folder for the project- this can be done when someone interested started already working on it. If you have problems contact me on FB page or Google page.

3. Come up with the final outcome of the projects with in 2 weeks .

4. Lets have a total account of students who are interested - please take this link to give your contact point where everyone knows about you. -

[a]You need to set up categories on G+. Start with an introductions block.

[b]pls help me with an example because I was not clear eactly what you mean..?

[c]Check out:

[d]got it.. thank you very much.. So I learn a new thing.. u been very helpful ;)

[e]Excellent! Thx for setting this up.