
We hope to figure out if different light intensity will affect the amount of photosynthesis that the plant performs. This is important because we could help indoor greenhouses to see if could use less light energy, but the plant will still be healthy. We will use the same batch of water to have the same amount of baking soda. What we will do for one test, is the light will be 12 inches away from the plant. The other light will be 24 inches away from the plant. The last plant will be 36 cm away from the light. The plant, (Elodea densa) will be 6 cm long. If it is more or less than 6 cm then the plant can have more chloroplast. When there are more chloroplast the plant will take in more light and that would ruin the experiment. We will only have the green part of the plant, not the brown, so it seems healthy in in the beginning. There will not be any color in the light. We will have two plants. Both plants will be set up the same way. We will measure the length of the bubble at the top. We will make a line with a sharpie, of where the bubble starts. The bubble is made of atmospheric oxygen and atmospheric oxygen is made from photosynthesis. This experiment will take 5 hours and 15 minutes. This is what the experiment will look like:


If we change the light intensity, then we think the closest plant intensity will be the best because we think the closest will do the best.  We think the closest plant will make photosynthesis at a faster rate because it will have more sunlight.


The results

The light is 200 watts

1 = least amount of energy. 2 = more energy.

What happened?

Result 1 (in grams)

Result 2 (in grams

Average (in grams)


Closest plant

12 cm


The closest plant got burned and died, so we know that too much energy is bad.





2nd closest plant

24 cm


The 2nd farthest plant had an okay amount of atmospheric oxygen, and it was doing bad.





Farthest plant

36 cm


The farthest plant was doing a little worse then the 2nd farthest.






Will a farther plant create the same amount of photosynthesis? We found out that if the light is to close the plant will die, and if the plant is too far away, then it will not get enough light so it won’t live long or create much photosynthesis. That leaves the 2nd farthest plant as the best way to make photosynthesis. Although, with a more powerful light a farther plant could do the same. That means that if the plant is closer to a less powerful light, it would use less energy than a farther plant with a more powerful light. There could have been a human error, like how the closest and 2nd farthest plants, were in a different room than the farthest plant. Also we could have took out one of the plants accidentally before or after another plant. We could improve the experiment by changing the light intensity or the distance of the plant from the light.