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Informational Writing Session 4
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

Writers of History Pay Attention to Geography

Historians think it is important to include details about the places where things occurred- about the geography of that place- because geography will always have an impact on what occurs.

Which region did your tribe live in?

Which states did your tribe live in?

What type of climate is in this region? Describe the temperature and precipitation.

Give specific examples of major landforms in this area.

Did your tribe live near a large body of water? If yes, which one?

How did this region affect the type of clothing of your tribe? Describe.

How did this region affect the type of home your tribe lived in? Describe.

How did this region affect what your tribe ate? Describe.

How did your tribe get to this region? Did they have to travel there from somewhere else?

Does your tribe still live in this region today?

Why do you think your tribe still lives in this region today? Give at least two reasons.