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2016-17 2nd Quarter final exam review
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2nd Quarter - Final exam review

Name _____________________________

World War I

) Fill out the following diagram representing the alliance system
before World War I began – 3 countries that made up the Triple Entente, and 3 countries that made up the Triple Alliance.

) What is militarism, and how did it contribute to the start of World War I?

) Prior to World War I, why did all of the European countries think that their armies were invincible, and that their side would win the war in a very short period of time?

) What was the event that set off World War I, causing Austria to declare war against Serbia?

) What were 4 types of weapons technology present in World War I that had not been used in previous wars in Europe?

) What is total war, and how was it used during World War I?

) Explain 4 reasons why the United States entered World War I.

) Why did Russia surrender to Germany in 1917?

) Explain the differences in the goals of US president Woodrow Wilson at the Treaty of Versailles negotiations compared to the goals of Britain and France.

) On the pre-World War I map below, label the following 16 countries: the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Serbia, Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Austria-Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the Netherlands (Holland)

World War II

) How did the Treaty of Versailles (which ended World War I) indirectly cause World War II?

) What caused Hitler’s rise to power in Germany?

) What was the policy of appeasement, and how did it help cause World War II?

) What were 3 of Hitler’s biggest mistakes during World War II?

) Describe 3 reasons why the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan.

Cold War

) Describe the Truman Doctrine of containment.

) On the post-World War II map below, label the following 9 countries: Austria, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Finland, Romania, West Germany, and East Germany

) What is a proxy war?  Give two examples of proxy wars that occurred during the Cold War.

) Why was the United Nations Security Council mostly ineffective throughout the Cold War?

) What was the Marshall Plan and what was it trying to accomplish?

) Why did the United States overthrow the democratically elected Iranian government?  How did the US go about overthrowing it?

) What were two of the biggest unintended consequences of the United States supporting the Mujahideen during the Soviet-Afghan War?  Why did they occur?

) What was the Domino Theory and how did it affect US involvement in the Vietnam War?

) Describe the differences between how the US viewed the Vietnam War compared to how the Vietnamese viewed it.

) Describe 4 reasons why Americans began to protest against the Vietnam War.

) Cold War causes and effects - Match a cause (A-J) with an effect (1-10).  

Causes                                                Effects

A. Fidel Castro leads a revolution in Cuba                        1. The Soviet Union crushes all resistance, US does nothing

B. Mohammed Mossadegh nationalizes the oil industry        2. The US sends money and weapons to the Mujahideen

C. The Soviet Union invades Afghanistan                        3. The United States offers to remove its missiles in Turkey

D. Abdul Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal                        4. US invades South Vietnam, begins bombing North Vietnam

E. The Soviet Union blockades Berlin                        5. UN Security Council authorizes the US military to intervene

F. US navy claims to be fired upon in Gulf of Tonkin                6. The US overthrows the Iranian government

G. The people of Hungary revolt                                7. The US airlifts food and medical supplies

H. People leave Eastern Europe for Western Europe                8. Britain, France, and Israel invade Egypt

I. The Soviet Union puts nuclear missiles in Cuba                9. The US tries to invade at the Bay of Pigs

J. North Korea invades South Korea                        10. The Soviet Union builds the Berlin Wall

Essay question - Create an outline.  You may use your outline during the exam.  

1) Did World War II have to happen, or could it have been avoided?  Explain.