Conference Notes

February 2-6, 2015


 Google ACADEMY  notes in ONE place!


Life is Easy with Google Forms and Flubaroo

Presented by Veronica Garcia

Google Qualified Educator


*When completing the form for the first time, go through the quiz and make the “Student Name” ANSWER KEY so that you know which one to choose when setting the answers.

Sample Quiz:

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 Google Apps for Education and BRAINPOP - Easy to use!

Presented by: Andrew Gardner @agardnahh


If you have a BrainPop Account, then you have access to “MY BrainPOP” for your students.  


This will automatically set up when you connect your GAFE and BrainPOP accounts.  - Go to Google Apps Marketplace - you will have to set up the integration - this will automatically add BrainPOP to your Google Menu


From Template to Training - GOOGLE ACADEMY - By: Debra Reymundo Atchison

Google Apps Documentation and Support - 

Richardson ISD - 


The Paperless Research Paper

Megan Mills, Waxahachie HS



Everything Made Simple

 with Google Forms


Chrome Power User Tips & Tricks,

By: Brandie Cain


Google Certified Teacher

Google Education Trainer


Book Me, Maybe, Lori Roberts, @EdTechLori

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OMGoogle! Get Familiar with Google’s Lesser Known Apps

By: Brandie Cain


Google Certified Teacher

Google Education Trainer


Digital Writing with Google Apps


Making the Move to GAFE @zachsnow

“Grassroots Effort”

  • domain verified from Google
  • Created accounts for every teacher in district
  • Training, training, training…
  • Student Pilots
  • Buy-In
  • Transition YEAR (yes, YEAR.)

“An idea is always better when it’s yours.” Your buy-in is that much more!


Google and the Social Studies Classroom

By: Jennifer Begland (@jbergland) 


Instructions for using Story Builder - 

Story Builder Logistics:

- Account is part of your Google Account

SlideShare on Google Story Builder - 

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SO many possibilities that you could use this for!  

  • Social Studies - understanding the relationships and sequence of events for historical figures (ex. Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie - Alamo)
  • Writing - Character Development and interactions with others
  • Reading - Characterization and Character relationships


Extensions, Apps & More Extensions

Debra Atchison, @DebAtchison 


Google Classroom

@HaleyKayTurner @spearheadedtech

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Gamify your Content to level up ENGAGEMENT 

Game players regularly exhibit persistance, risk-taking, attention to detail, and problem-solving, all behaviors that ideally would be regularly demonstrated in school.

~The Education Arcade at MIT

Benefits of Gamifying your Content:

  • Motivation
  • Mastery
  • Immediate Feedback
  • Goal-Oriented
  • Empowerment
  • Failure < Success

Top 10 Gaming Principles to Engage Learners:

  1. Structure content to “level up”
  2. Create Leaderboards; Create Avatars
  3. Build in feedback loops - by providing immediate feedback, students are more motivated to do their best and understand the benefits of their effort.  
  4. Wrap content with a “Story”
  5. Utilize gaming themes - minecraft, mario bro.,
  6. Allow for “multi-players”...that’s collaboration
  7. Create “Quests” or “Challenges”
  8. Provide multiple pathways to success...make it task-oriented
  9. Scaffold success with progressive learning
  10. Don’t forget to MAKE IT MATTER!  - Takes a Google Spreadsheet and creates a game board

Make your own flashcards with - - Uses Google Spreadsheets




Speed Date My Google Apps

  • Wanted to find a way to introduce apps and extensions to staff in an engaging way
  • Broke it into 3 sessions
  • (1. Speed Date 2. First Date 3. Engage)
  1. Speed Date: 7 groups rotating every 7 minutes (total of 49 minutes
  2. First Date: Ts pick their favorite to go on a first date (SIGN UP LIMIT)
  1. presenters went through and taught all 4 apps
  1. Engage: “Kiss & Tell”


Beyond the Classroom with GOOGLE Sites and Blogger @iTechExpedition

By: Cindy Darden

What does 21st century learning look like?

  • Students are not bound within the 4 walls of their school classrooms.  They are reaching beyond their physical presence and reaching places all over the world!

Beyond the Classrooms - SITES

  1. You have to think about the structure of the site
  • Site Set-Up
  • Page Navigation - Structure:         

2. Site Layout - Horizontal Navigation is the most common layout

3. STYLE - You have a ton of freedom here!


Google Unpacked & Impaneled


Get Techy with Your PD

Brandy Wall, Frisco ISD, @elearnadvantage

Adults learn differently! Characteristics of Adult Learners:

A move to Job-Embedded professional development makes it relevant for teachers!

Teachers should be able to choose the tool that works best for them!


From Google to Great

The Idea:

  • Our town, rich in culture and history, lacks a story.  Let’s Change That!


Google Chrome

  • Let them make it personal
  • Create short-cuts/ bookmarks
  • Adding Extensions
  • Create and Pin Tabs


Flip with Google

Diana Benner @diben

  • Flipping helps break the habit of lecture. I talk. You listen.


Creating a Global Classroom Using Google+

Zach Snow @zachsnow

Do you have Your Google+ account set up ?

If so, are you following communities ?

Personalize your learning by following the right people and joining communities

Have Hangouts with Community Members

A great example is to Join the Connected EDU community and have a virtual field trip, post what you are looking for and connect with other classrooms.

Note-taking on the iPad | Smore

Flip it. Flip it Good.

Brad Cloud


Wes Ryan


  • Flipped instruction is not about technology!
  • Technology shouldn’t be the focus, it should be the background in a flipped classroom.
  • Take baby steps! Keep the end in mind. Throw a little bit in at a time. It will get easier over time.
  • Find others to work with you! Strength in numbers.
  • Get parents on board from day one! Be clear in your communication.
  • It’s ok to show the lesson in class if kids don’t have access at home. One teacher said “I don’t remember the last time I did direct teach.”
  • Use Nearpod’s homework mode to allow kids to work at their own pace. They can get out, watch more video, go back to the assignment.
  • When flipping, be careful NOT to increase lecture time bc you have more time, Don't force kids to burn out!
  • When flipping, start SHORT! You are training your kids to watch videos. 30-min videos are NOT ACCEPTABLE! Break it into chunks!
  • Additional benefits of flipping… student empowerment! Use your website for more than videos! Resources, resources, resources!
  • Flipped questions to consider: Is your classroom student-centered? Do students drive their own learning? THEY SHOULD.
  • Redesigning Learning in a Flipped
  • Why EVERYONE should flip their classroom! Why I Flipped My Classroom:
  • EXCELLENT RESOURCES for Flipping: 



Grid Jumping: A Journey into MinecraftEDU

RIchard King High School

Corpus Christi ISD

An idea is born!

3D spaces are something that NEED to be incorporated into our classrooms

Why Minecraft?

James Paul Gee - 36 Principles of Learning & Literacy...Game Design - Lead Gaming Scholar! ( 

Jane McGonigal - American game designer who advocate the use of mobile and digital technology to channel positive attitudes and collaboration in a real world context. ( 

*Gaming Can Make a Better World - 

Open Simulator - 

How to approach administration:

Minecraft EDU - 

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They do not allow their students to get on MinecraftEDU at home.

3-5 grade students can and SHOULD be utilizing this in the classroom.  

Resources for Minecraft in Elementary:

There are 2 Modes that the teacher can be in - Creative Mode - supervising what is happening in the Minecraft World.  Teachers can and SHOULD monitor what is going on even virtually!

Trolling - Shadowing or “Stalking” - NOT ALLOWED

Griefing - Knocking down other people’s blocks - Minecraft version of bullying! - NOT ALLOWED

TP - Teleporting

There is a log of all actions that are taken by the “players” and the teachers can go through and monitor the log in addition to being a part of the world!


  1. For someone that knows NOTHING about Minecraft - should a teacher learn BEFORE implementing?
  • NO!  Let the kids teach you! They know the gaming world...and it’s okay for teachers to learn alongside the students!
  1. 1 Minecraft Server can be shared among all students

Kids can do this at home on their own Minecraft - they can video what they create and what they learn in relation to the content - email their video to you!  Post on SCHOOLOGY

***Watch Youtube on how to play Minecraft

Brush Up Your Photoshop Skills

Debbi Ball, Spur High School


Using Brushes and Actions

People use Photoshop for different things.  Photo editing and Graphic Design are most common!

Brushes are common for Graphic Design

Actions are typically used for photo editing.

Start with a transparent background - 8.5 x 11

Print Resolution - 300

Photoshop comes with a really good selection of brushes.  BUT, here is how you load a new brush.  

  •[a][b][c] - make sure that the brush you are downloading is compatable with your version of photoshop.  The brush file will be ABR File - double click on the ABR file and it will automatically be installed into photoshop.  

You can resize the brushes and color of the brush marks.

Create EVERYTHING on a separate layer.  If you do not create everything on a different layer, you cannot make changes or tweak things without changing the entire layer.  

Deviant Art - - not appropriate for school so make sure you download at home - and it is not all copyright free so make sure you use the terms of use.  Most are specifically for noncommercial use and some will ask for credit and some don’t.

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Digital Portfolios in the Classrooms 


  • To understand Digital Portfolios
  • To identify benefits of effective digital portfolios
  • To know how to set up your classroom using Evernote

  1. Growth Over Time - Digital portfolios allow teachers, students, and parents to see the progress the student has made throughout the course
  2. 21st Century Skills - Digital Portfolios aid the preparation for of today’s learners for their future.
  3. Differentiation - Allows students variation in documenting their learning.

Have students read and recorded on audio file for their portfolios - at a minimum for beginning, middle, end of the year.  Students could do this after reading every book!

Older students can create their own Evernote Files - THIS CAN BE DONE in Google Drive - with a Google Site or Weebly to share in a presentation format with parents.  

Evernote - if you do 3 referrals you can get the Premium accounts for FREE!

Google Drive in the Elementary Classroom

The Google Classroom: Apps, Extensions, and Add-Ons

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Get Interactive with ReadWriteThink

  • click on the Classroom resources tab on homepage to get the student interactive activities
  • Search by grade level to get to the lessons
  • Use the URL links to the activities to post in Edmodo or whatever LMS you are using for students to access- makes it easier for students to access activity when using mobile devices or in the computer lab
  • Be sure to check out these activities for each of the lessons: Mystery Cube, Profile Publisher, Timeline (app this one is really cool), Crosswords (app), Acrostic Poems (app), Flip Book (digitally), Circle Plot Diagram, Printing Press (kids can make a newspaper, brochure, flyer (really cool), Venn (app) Trading Cards (app) all of these can be shared through email,  saved to your drive if you’re a GAFE district and used across all content level or subject and printed for them to take home
  • No login or signup to use all these features- GREAT site for ELAR/Social Studies/ Science
  • The apps are all part of ReadWriteThink (for iPad)

Breathe Life into Class with iMovie and Socrative  

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  • Engage students in a video project to spark the learning in your classroom
  • Socrative is a great tool to use for immediate student feedback which is very important in today’s classrooms.
  • Socrative can also be used for quizzes, grade level meetings, campus meetings
  • Use iMovie trailer feature to spark an intro to any project the students may want to do or pose questions about a specific problem they see in our world
  • Why use iMovie: to publish student work, collaborative learning, to aid in classroom management, review rules and procedures/assemblies, staff development, share and communicate with parents (helps reluctant learners take risks to get out there and share their learning)
  • Math video lessons with iMovie: pythagorean theory, explain how to solve a problem, create geometric shapes from math problems, model volume, etc.

Light the Fire: Ignite Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking with PBL

Link to session:

  • When using technology tools, make sure that both are not new when introducing to students

PHOTOSHOP Creative Cloud

Help Center - 

Puppet Warp tool - A ton of thumb tacks and then you can manipulate the image the way that you want!!

Text Layer - ctrl T - selects the text box

Always convert to smart filter!  You have more ability to adjust, change, manipulate, etc.

  • Then double click on the Filter you chose (ex: Blur Gallery) and you can edit the changes that you made. - Found in Filter

Blending Modes -

  • Click on an image with the arrow move key
  • Drag it to another open file - hold shift, put your cursor in the middle of the new image and release the mouse
  • Put the lighter picture on top in the layer bar
  • Choose the MULTIPLY overlay

To create PNG - ADJUSTMENT - layer - gray scale move left - Change overlay to Multiply

Tool Tip:

  • Brush Tool - To resize the tool that you want, use the left and right brackets to change the size
  • Soft Healing Brush - Click once where you want to eliminate an object, go to the other size of the object (ex: line), press SHIFT and click again, the entire line will be deleted. - Make sure you are using CONTENT AWARE
  • Hardness/Softness of Your Brush - keyboard tool

- shift bracket key left - softens brush

- shift bracket key right - hardens brush

ZOOM in on your computer to zoom in on the projector - MICROSOFT ZOOMIT - a microsoft application that runs in the background. Ctrl1 - zooms

In Content Aware - If the background is not locked - you have the select with object - Edit - Fill - Content Aware

Masking - Add a Mask Layer  - Black creates holes, White fills in holes in masking

  • x key on the keyboard switches foreground and background colors


  • Create a new folder on the desktop
  • Give layers a .png/.jpeg extension
  • File - Generate - Image Assets

Peak 6

  • Image - Adjustments - Replace Color
  • Choose the eyedropper tool from the box
  • select the color you want to change in the image - adjust the fuzziness
  • adjust the hue
  • Quick Select areas to single out specific objects rather than entire colors from an image

Space Bar - Momentarily selects the hand tool

New Project

Foreground color - blue

Background color - white

Filter - Render - Clouds

ctrl F - runs the filter again and you can select what pattern you prefer

Collaboration Station- Creating Innovative Learning Spaces

  • Book: Blueprint for Tomorrow and The Third Teacher
  • Designing spaces for the library needs to be an environment where students can be creative thinkers and learners and independent
  • Goal in designing maker spaces: get student input
  • Ask for whiteboard paint from local hardware stores (Homedepot, Lowes, etc.)
  • Involve your family, friends and community when redesigning classrooms, libraries, ext. when asking for materials or donations
  • Look for resources on Pinterest for Maker Spaces
  • Space is what you make it when redesigning any room
  • Learning needs to be visible for students
  • Book: Make Space (gr8t book for designing with no budget)

iCubs Tech Club: High Tech Makerspace

Scripting and Add-Ons

EduGames Smackdown- Tim Chase/Jeremy Johnston

  • Nitrotype:  this game focuses on typing skills and players race against other racers who are also typing using Nitros (very cool and kids love it)
  • SumDog
  • Kahoot
  • Classcraft (great for behavior management at the secondary level- middle school) the premium level has all the goodies, free version is limited
  • Arcademics Skill Builders- Swimming Otters
  • Brainpop- Game Up
  • Manga High (great game for middle schoolers to reduce fractions, multiplication)
  • ( has multiple games on website)
  • Add Up ( blocked in most school districts
  • Game Goo- Learning that Sticks
  • Jason Learning- Coaster Creator game
  • Science Pirates (free but has to be downloaded) teaches the scientific method in a very gamifying way
  • Quizlet (search for content needing)
  • Radix Endeavor
  • (for history teachers) 3rd-5th
  • Free Rice
  • Dance Mat Typing (teaches u how to type)
  • Study Stack (has quiz all kinds of quiz games and can be downloaded on your phone)

Project Planning Cycle in a 1:1 iPad

LMS Enabled Classrooms (Google Classroom, Canvas, Schoology, Blogger and Edmodo are the names you should know)

Success Begins with Unleashed Creativity in the ClassroomIMG_3440.JPG

Kim Caise

Flipping for Professional Learning 

Steven W. Anderson


Tammy’s Favorite Tech Tips, Tricks, & Tools

  • Uses Evernote to publish her handouts and notes! Turn any note into a web page and easily edit and update the webpage!
  • Can click “Save to Evernote” from her web page and it will pull it right into my Evernote account!
  • Highlight text in Evernote, the n right-click and “encrypt text” and hide that information!
  • You can measure distances in Google Maps simply by right-clicking and selecting “Measure distance”
  • SmartyPins Google maps game! Fun social studies/geography game

[a]This is my FAVORITE place to download brushes. I have it bookmarked!

[b]Do you have a paid membership?

[c]No, but there is a WEALTH of free ones!