Bible Interpretation Class – Hiawatha Bible Chapel

Evangelical Presuppositions in Bible Interpretation

Lesson 1 – March 24th, 2017


  1.         The         Bible is inspired by God but Written by Man

2.        The         Bible is True

3.        The         Bible is Authoritative

4.        The         Bible Consists of the Protestant Canon

5.        God         Speaks Through His Word, the Bible

6.        The         Bible is Clear in its Major Teachings

7.        The         Truth of Scripture has been Revealed Over Time

8.        The         Grammatical-Historical (“Literal”) Sense of Scripture is its         Primary Sense

  1. The Test of Absurdity – How Reasonable or Absurd is it to take the         text Literally?

B. Test of Context – Does the Immediate Context Indicate that the Text is         Figurative?

C. Test of Contradiction - Does Taking it Literally Cause it to Clearly         Contradict Other Scriptures?