An Example of the implementation of the Logo Contest – Primary School Oton Ivekovic

1     VEAC – Project summary

2     Values – what they are and how to show them

3     Logo – what is it and what are the characteristics of a good symbol

4     Information about the Contest

5     Realization

1     VEAC – Project summary

Board plan


The Teacher informs the Students that the School is taking part in a Project which will last for two years. The Erasmus plus logo is shown/projected.

The students are told that the project is one of Erasmus plus projects and are asked what they can deduce by looking at the logo. The most common answer is that they can see the EU flag; the T tells the Ss that the flag is here because these projects are supported by the EU.

The word LOGO is written on the board.

2     Values – what they are and how to show them

Board plan


VEAC Values – the Essence of an Active Citizen

“Vrijednosti – bit aktivnog građana”

T writes on the board “VEAC Values – the Essence of an Active Citizen”; the Croatian translation is added. Ss are told that this is the name of the project.

It is discussed what it means to be an active citizen. T and Ss give their examples.

The concept is further explained by showing the Ss the familiar logo of the Croatian School Sports Alliance. The Ss observe the Croatian red and white chequers – telling us that the symbol stands for something in Croatia. The Ss also see a human shape in movement – representing an active sports person.

The Ss reflect on what values are and how to represent them. Eventually they give their ideas and propositions.

3     LOGO – what is it and what are the characteristics of a good symbol


VEAC Values – the Essence of an Active Citizen

Vrijednosti – bit aktivnog građana

plan ploce.jpg

The T explains that we are looking for a symbol for the Project and that such a symbol is called a “logo”. The Ss are reminded that they have already seen the logo for Erasmus plus and the logo for the Croatian School Sports Alliance.

The logo of another project is shown.

The symbol tells us that the project has to do with music, and that schools from six countries are involved.

The T writes the names of the seven countries and puts the seven flags on the board, and tells the Ss that in our Project schools from these seven countries are involved.

The qualities of a good logo are discussed.


Symbolism of shape

“A New Sound for the EU”: staff and music symbols = sound; flags = partner countries

The Ss are reminded that our shapes should symbolise values.


Logo of Kuusalu Keskkool, partner school from Estonia, shows an owl – the symbol of wisdom. Drawing made by hand and a cheerful character in movement are adjusted for the child’s perspective.

Simplicity and symbolism

The shape of the bow on a traditional Viking ship is the symbol of the community in Sogndal, where Kvåle skule, partner school from Norway, is located. The entire logo has the shape of a shield, which additionally reminds us of traditional values.

Symbolism of colour


Agrupamento de Escolas Cego do Maio, partner school from Portugal, is located next to and traditionally oriented to the sea, and the notion of the sea is transmitted in the colour blue.

The form of Cego do Maio, local hero who saved people after shipwrecks, is surrounded by the name of this group of schools, just as the schools are united with common ideals.

Our school’s logo is deliberately making use of the basic colours, symbolizing that we are a primary school. The merge of the natural shape of the flower and the geometric structure symbolizes the relationship between the school and the child.

The relationship between shape and text

10 Engin Can Gure Logo.gif

Engin Can Güre Ortaokulu, partner school from Turkey, combines initial letters of the school name with a shape – the shape of a heart. The colours are also symbolic – the red stands for girls, and the blue stands for boys, and the green for the environment. The word “can“ means “life”.

Ic. “Laura Lanza Baronessa di Carini”, partner school from Italy, also combines letters with a shape. The window symbolizes a view into the world as well as the future, and the style of the window points to traditional and cultural values.

The shape of the window comes from the castle of the Baronessa di Carini, and invokes traditional and cultural values, whereas the ever changing sky points to progress and innovation.

Combining different elements


Text – a message within the logo, the representation of the school front, as well as a drawing made by hand – all present within the logo of Zespół Skół w Pobiedziskach, partner school from Poland.

4     Information about the Contest

The Ss are told that the best solution will be chosen to become the logo of the Project VEAC. They are informed that a specially appointed committee consisting of three teachers and two students will choose the top 10 ideas in each school, and one of those ten will represent each school in the final voting, in which all students and staff members will have an opportunity to take part. The top 10 will be rewarded, and their ideas will be displayed in a virtual gallery on the eTwinning portal.

5     Realization

We want the Ss to be original, as well as represent the project, its theme “Values” and its participants in the colour, shape and text of their logo. The Ss are free to use multiple A4 size sheets of paper, it is suggested that they start by making sketches in pencil, and afterwards felt-tip pens. The Ss may choose other materials if they wish.

During the work process, ideas and solutions are discussed one-on-one by T and S.

After the top 10 ideas have been chosen, the features and characteristics that make them the best will be discussed in class.


The realization is expected to take two periods (2x45 minutes in continuity).

This example of realization is tailored for 13 to 15 year-olds.

Where necessary, in some classes, I offered additional examples:

4 Olimpic Games Logo.gif


There is a possibility of finishing the work in the following session, I did not want to burden the Ss with a time limit.

I adapted the lesson for younger students and students with learning difficulties by telling them about the project and values in the beginning and asking them to invent a sign for the project. I gave them examples during their work and we discussed them if needed.

I hope you can use some of my example of the Logo Contest realization. I am looking forward to receiving your comments and examples of the Logo Contest realizations from your schools.

Vlasta Kovačević Herzog, Art Teacher

Primary School “Oton Iveković”, Zagreb, Croatia