DLA019-0003  Transcription

Alnwick Castle

September 4th, 1930.

Dear Mr de Laszlo,

Thank you very much foryour [sic] letter of sympathy.[1] I am completely broken-hearted. We have had 19 years of the most perfect married life and companionship and he was the most wonderful husband and father that anyone ever had. I feel it is almost impossible to face life without him, but I am going to do my best to bring up my six children in the way that he would have liked. Besides being so wonderful in his home, his great sense of duty to his country and the work that he did will be an everlasting memory to his children. We were so happy, and I am so broken-hearted.

I would so like to have the last portrait of the Duke that you did [6848] copied [6850]. Could you tell me who your copyist is or who I could refer to?[2] I remember when I was in the Studio being painted you told me that you had someone who copied your portraits and you were quite satisfied with their work. I am so anxious to have his portrait at Albury Park, as I have nothing there of him.

Yours sincerely,

Helen Northumberland

Editorial Note:

Helen Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, née Lady Helen Magdalen Gordon-Lennox (1886-1965); for biographical notes, see [6841]. 



[1] The Duchess’ husband, Alan Ian Percy, 8th Duke of Northumberland (1880-1930) [6848] died of appendicitis in his London home, 17 Princes Gate, on 23 August 1930, aged fifty.

[2] In November 1930, Sydney Percy Kendrick (1874-1955), one of de László's favoured copyists, made a copy portrait [6850] of the Duke’s portrait [6848] for the Duchess’ home in Albury Park.