DLA019-0042  Transcription

11th June, 1930.

A. E. Marriott, Esq.,

37/38, Golden Square, W.1.

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your letter of yesterday’s date, enclosing a cheque for ten guineas in payment for Mr. de Laszlo’s article.[1] 

Mr de Laszlo is unable to say whether he would be prepared to write an introduction to your volume on “THE ITALIAN ARTISTS AS MEN.” He would, however, be pleased to receive a set of proofs.

Yours faithfully,

Editorial Note:

Albert E. Marriott, one of a number of pseudonyms of Netley Lucas (c. 1903-1940), an infamous fraudster and self-proclaimed “aristocrat of crooks” who had, in 1925, authored the best-selling The Autobiography of a Crook.



[1] DLA019-0043, letter from Albert E. Marriott (pseud. Netley Lucas) to de László, 10 June 1930. For de László’s chapter, ‘Art in 2030 A.D.’, see DLA019-0048.