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3. Lost Flower
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Kyou Kara Maou?! (MaruMa Gaiden #4)

Chapter 3: Lost Flower

Author: Takabayashi Tomo

Illustrator: Matsumoto Temari

Scans: Portrait of a Demon King

Chinese version: 迷途之花 @ Skyfire

English translator: pyrrhic_victoly

With spring in the air, the garden is full of white flowers.  They are paler than the roses and lilies[1]; coming closer, the honey-sweet fragrance seems to have been deeply influenced by a woman's affection.  But for the man who had always placed himself on the dusty battlefield, perhaps it was disconcerting.

Walking along the winding corridor, following the broken pieces of a conversation of which the voices were familiar, Lord Weller came to a stop.

The young man in front of him turned around to say, "May I ask...  Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing...  I just heard a familiar voice coming from that group of women."

"Aaah~"  The man leading the way gave an innocent smile that didn't look like it belonged to a soldier as he gazed toward the garden.  Perhaps his green-tinged brown hair was blocking his view; he brushed his hair back from his long, narrow eyes.  This man, who was even younger than himself, is actually the son of the castle's master.  "Her Majesty Cäcilie has also arrived.  She's with my sister."

"I see.  So it was my mother."  As soon as he thought of his beautiful mother giving away her political power to her older brother Stuffel von Spitzweg, only wanting to keep herself in an elegant lifestyle like a butterfly bush, Lord Conrart Weller couldn't help but let out a bittersweet[2] smile.  "She's come uninvited again.  Will this give Lord von Wincott any trouble?"

"How could that be?!  This is an unsurpassed honor."

The sounds of women chatting and giggling came from the garden.  Although Lord Weller's mother is the Demon Queen, she doesn't have a monarch's bearing at all.  Even during times of war, she is still not concerned in the least about dispatching troops, setting up defenses, or other affairs of state.  Soldiers are subjects of Shinou and Her Majesty the Maou, but they're not acting on the monarch's orders.  Instead, they're forced to obey Stuffel, who has been named Regent.

Stuffel von Spitzweg is quite determined to keep his power.  He belongs to a warmongering political party, and is very supportive of expanding the country's territory.  This has caused him to quickly invade the human countries surrounding Shin Makoku and expand Shin Makoku's territorial waters.  Moreover, he used military force to suppress the smaller countries, taking the opportunity to declare war.

Aside from a few members of the level-headed political party that held an opposing view, most of the aristocrats supported Stuffel.  Most of the citizens also quietly accepted this foolish policy.

It's been ten years since that time, and this country has not yet been able to break free from the bogs of war.

Conrad's father was a human from the country now considered to be an enemy state.

Among the Ten Aristocratic Houses, most members stick rigidly to conservative ideals about bloodlines and lineage.  Therefore, even if they acknowledge him as the Queen's son by birth, his right to speak in the political sphere still amounts to zero.

On top of that, he's unskilled in speaking to persuade others, so he's willing to forever be a rank-and-file soldier.

It's just that he heard that his older half-brother, Lord Gwendal von Voltaire, is in a very difficult position, being stuck between the two political parties.

Looking at Cäcilie chasing after beautiful things and places at this time, he can't help but ask, "What Queen?  So all one needs is a lofty title to put behind the luxuriously veiled throne, and that's a Queen?"

On the other hand, he can't help but give an understanding smile, thinking to himself that it's amazing that there's actually a woman like that in the world.

"I hear that we achieved an overwhelming victory in the naval battle at Ramsbottom[3]."

"Yes, we've received that report."  Conrad's train of thought was pulled back into the present by this person's words.  He gave a perfunctory nod.  "It should have been easy to drive them away.  After all, it was only a small scale battle.  Shimaron was only coming to spy on our movements."

"Even so, a victory's still a victory!"  The young man, who in the future will have the opportunity to lead the soldiers of the Wincott forces, passionately clenched his fist and said, "Don't you think it's important to strike first?  Do you know if Sizemore[4] has gone out to battle?  It's said that as long as it's a naval battle, no one is a match for him!  If possible, I hope to be sent to his troops.  I'd be willing to leave my hometown if I could study under such an amazing commander."

"For someone born in Wincott, must you go out to sea?"

This is a place where the sea breeze does not blow.  Conrad could not understand at all why this young man was so resolved to join the navy.

"Actually, it doesn't matter where I go.  It doesn't have to be the navy; I could be sent out to the mountains or the plains, and it would be all right.  I just want to go to battle as soon as possible, for the glory of His Majesty Shinou.  I also hope to distinguish myself as a soldier.  There should be quite a few people in the army that are about my age, right?"

"Indeed there are."  Lord Weller's tone was ambiguous as he thought of these new recruits.  For the children of the nobility, that is not an environment they would enjoy.  "However, those youths are all unemployed, or perhaps they did not wish to claim their family inheritance.  That is why they volunteer for the service, hoping that they can achieve something there.  A young noble such as yourself already possesses tactical knowledge.  When the time comes, you will be given a leadership position."

"But you're not like that."

The two men stopped in the pale green corridor.

A maid stood in front of the guest quarters, embarrassed because she was told by the master of the room to guard the doorway.

The young Lord Delchias von Wincott was apparently not aware of this.

"You're the current Maou's son, and you've already gone to the battlefield many times, and you've distinguished yourself in battle many times, right?"

"I'm just a chess piece, going where I'm called.  Wherever there's insufficient military strength, I go there to assist them.  When the defense can no longer hold, I'll be called to go there as well.  I've done nothing of merit."

"But I..."

Looking at the young man's expression as he hit a dead end, Lord Weller stopped walking and asked rhetorically, "Why are you worried?"

His position is different from that of a delinquent on the streets who's unable to make a living; it's different from a homeless orphan.  He's the heir to the von Wincotts, the most illustrious family among the Ten Aristocratic Houses.

As long as he prepares well and follows the methods learned from the academy, he'll be able to mount a great military campaign.

Or is it that this passionate young man knows why Conrad has been called to this place, and so he thinks his position is being threatened?

Even if he's sent to a remote territory, the Wincott clan has been residing here since before the founding of the country.  This family has left a great impact on the history of the Mazoku.

There are special abilities hidden in their bloodline, so there are quite a few born with exceptional magical ability.  In the past, some of them also took the position of Maou by Shinou's decree.

As for those soldiers without magic, it is said that all of them are quick and strong.  In terms of fighting ability, they have never lost to a representative from another region of the country.  However, they do not have the tradition of passing down the arts of swordsmanship or marksmanship, and so are unaccustomed to armed combat.

In order to make up for this shortcoming in his troops, the head of the household, Lord Odell von Wincott, turned to Lord Conrart Weller for help.

He hoped to entrust the training of his soldiers to the young man called the "Swordmaster".

For his heir, this is not an interesting matter.

Moreover, Odell attaches great importance to outstanding military service among his family; his personality is very boldly upright.  That's why Delchias hopes to win his father's recognition before Lord Weller does, and why he wants to quickly gain military experience.  He wants his father's approval.

"If you're dissatisfied with your father's decision to invite me, I can refuse the position."

"No, Lord Weller, it's not what you think!  I approve of my father's proposal.  To be indebted to Your Highness...  No, that's not right.  To be indebted to Your Excellency, I approve.  No situation could be better than this!"

"Then, is there something else you're unhappy with?  A young member of the nobility wanting to place himself in the middle of danger...  The situation on the battlefield hasn't reached a point where this would be considered normal."

The young man lowered his head and softly replied, "...To protect my family's reputation."

"Family's reputation?"

Lord Weller thought, "Is there a disreputable rumor going on about this family?"  He honestly had no clue.

"My father hasn't completed his military campaign this time.  Although he's still a healthy man, if he were to go out with His Majesty Shinou's troops, his age would be an important factor.  My uncle suffered a foot injury three years ago; even riding a horse is difficult for him now.  Luckily, my older sister's magic has everyone's recognition, but it was extremely difficult for her to obtain a respectable position in the army reserves.  But if I have to send my blind sister to the battlefield, then I really...  I really can't do it.  In addition, my older brother died young.  In this family, there's only me left."

"Your words are truly worthy of admiration." 

Conrad thought it must be hard to shoulder the burdens of one's entire family.  At the same time, he took out his mistaken views and compared them.  He had thought that this was just another young son of the nobility asking for trouble. 

"I thought that you were overly eager to join the military.  Regardless of the family, there will be generations with different opportunities.  Every family will encounter a time when they are unable to produce soldiers.  The Wincotts have all tried their best to support the country.  Therefore I believe His Majesty Shinou will not blame your family."

As for the other aristocrats, they also won't slander this family.  After all, they have to spend what time they have looking after their own affairs.

But he himself is different.

In the soldiers under Conrad's command, none are from prestigious households. 

Not only are they middle or low class citizens in Shin Makoku, but they even have human blood.

Fortunately, this matter has not reached the Regent Stuffel's ears, but among the soldiers, there has long been strong suspicions about the patriotism of those with human blood.

In order to assuage these doubts, they are forced to participate in the most dangerous battles on the front lines.  They risk their lives and go all out in battle.

But no one expects them to perform well.

Without noticing Conrad's bitter smile, the young Wincott continued to speak.

"Even if there's no one to blame on the surface, there will definitely be people who whisper about us behind our backs!  They'll say things like, 'Even if you have a glorious history, now you're just rural aristocrats at best!'  Perhaps Your Highness would not understand, being related to the von Spitzwegs..."

"My father was a human of unknown origins."

The youth's facial expression changed drastically.  He was embarrassed because he had made an indiscreet remark, so he lowered his head and stared at the tips of his toes while he apologized.

"I'm...terribly sorry..."

"That's all right; I don't care.  On the contrary, it's rare that anyone would envy me.  Most of the aristocrats aren't willing to acknowledge me as a Mazoku.  In such a situation, your father was willing to turn the responsibility of training the soldiers over to me.  I feel very honored; my heart is filled with infinite gratitude."

"Then you promise to take this on?"

"That's what I've planned."

The young man swiftly lifted his head, and asked excitedly, "Really?"

"Really.  If you have use for a younger member of the family like me."

"Thank you so much.  Your Highness Conrart...  No, Your Excellency, this way father will change his mind about marrying off my sister!"

"Marry off your sister?"

He had not heard that the daughter of the von Wincott family was of marriageable age.

It was said that she was exceptionally skilled at magic, but it was a pity that she was blind.  Otherwise she could have displayed her abilities on the battlefield.

But those were all rumors spread by lonely soldiers.

The soldiers who lived with Conrad were only interested in women they could meet, like a wife or lover in their hometowns, the women they saw in the streets, or the women they molested in the bars.

It was the same in the other castle, so until now he hadn't had the chance to know what kind of woman this young man's sister was.  He only knew that she was the current Maou's friend, and that the two seemed to be very close.

"He's planning to marry my sister into the Grantz family."  Delchias spat out the name like it was a personal enemy.  "He's going to marry her to Lord Adalbert von Grantz."

"Is that so."  Conrad had heard that name before.  That person was very handsome, was a strong soldier, and had a long string of military successes to match his looks as well.  He was the type of man that women went crazy over.  "I think that will be a good marriage..."

"It's not good at all!  Von Grantz looks down on us.  If she gets married into that kind of family, my sister will never be happy!"


From a soldier's view, he was an impeccable man.  But from a prospective bride's view, there may have been some problems associated with the family.  However, no matter what he said, this was not an issue in which he could meddle.

The wind changed direction again, and he again heard the sound of women laughing.  Lord Weller urged his guide on, the youth who had not completed his task yet.  They continued walking toward the city.

Josak Gurrier gave up even as he was still holding the pass in his hand..  It was the first time he had entered the castle, and he was lost.

"Eh—  Where am I?  Where am I?  Where the hell am I, damn it!"

All he had seen so far were never-ending stone walls.  Viciously grabbing a handful of his hair, which was the color of ripe fruit, Josak started to speak aloud to himself.

"I can't believe that someone like me, who can sneak in and out of enemy camps with no problem, would get lost in Her Majesty the Maou's castle."

He had been in the military academy; he had also been a soldier.  He knew the area around the city and the suburbs by heart, but he had never set foot in the famous Blood Pledge Castle.  Actually, that place was off-limits to all but the Queen and her trusted subordinates, members of the Ten Aristocratic Houses, and the servants who passed in and out all day.

For an ordinary soldier of unknown origins, there was no way to approach this place except to be on guard duty.

"Where's Instructor GunGun-sama?"  He reached in to loosen the collar of his uniform as he mumbled under his breath.

The document he had tucked in his chest would be useless without a signature; it would just be an ordinary sheet of paper. 

If he wanted to go into the military academy instructor's office, he had to walk straight ahead, exit into a large courtyard and then follow a winding corridor to the north, turn into the gate on the right and keep following along the left hand path, turning to the southern part of the castle.  Then he had to turn right, turn left, turn left, turn slanting right, and then take approximately 58 large, slow strides...  After asking for directions, he finally made it into this part of the castle, but after crossing the gate, he had accidentally tripped.  And now there was trouble.  To his right were many doors of the same color and style.

"Anyway, what's a 'long, slow stride'?  What does 'long, slow stride' even mean?  Can I do it with feet this size?"

Right now, he could only look around randomly.  If he could even find a kid to show him the way, that would be great.  However, the person he found wasn't a cute young lord or lady, but a soldier who held himself with great dignity, and who had a murderous aura about him.

The other man turned around a corner, walking by very quickly.  Judging from his clothes and the quality of the sword at his waist, this man should be a high-ranking noble.  He himself had dealt with all sorts of privates and captains, but he'd never seen that sort of dark green uniform before.

The upper part of the man's uniform wasn't much different from his own in terms of length.  If the waist on the long coat was real, then he must have had very long legs.  His hair, a dark gray that was nearly black, was bound up in a ponytail, but for some reason, a few strands were sticking to his cheeks.

With a sharp look in his eyes, he said, "You're not a guard.  What's a soldier like you doing here?"  His eyes, which looked very unhappy, were a deep blue.


His melancholy expression was actually quite attractive.  Presumably, many women went to extremes to impress him.

"...Who are you?"  Stopping about five paces from him, the tall man asked a question—  That was a deep voice that one could easily become infatuated with.  "You look unfamiliar.  Are you a new guard?"

"No, that's not it."

Uh oh.  He forgot to show the proper respect.

After discovering this, Josak added a quick, "Your Excellency."

"I thought as much.  You don't look well-suited for the guard position."

"You have great insight, Your Excellency."

Josak moved his line of sight downward and found that there was, underneath the chest area of the deep green uniform, an unnatural bump.  This man's already a member of the Ten Aristocratic Houses, so did he still need to steal grain?  As soon as Josak thought this, he was unable to keep back his smile.

"If you're lost, return to the main entrance and try once more.  You should be able to find your way as long as you follow along the outer wall."

To be honest, Josak had really wanted to follow that suggestion and try again.  However, this man hadn't offered to help him find the right path.

Cooly suppressing his emotions, the man refrained from blaming Josak for acting so rudely toward someone of a higher social status.

If a commanding officer used such a calm voice to issue orders, it would probably be impossible not to obey the order no matter what it was.  Only a man with this kind of voice is suited to lead the armed forces.

Judging from his age and the aura he gives out, he's probably in a prominent position.

Although you can't judge a man by his appearance, he should be over a hundred years old.  If he didn't have wrinkles on his forehead, it might have been possible to see his real age.

By human years, he should be about 26-27 years old.

After doing this comparison, Yozak suddenly felt guilty.

The years he had spent in Shin Makoku already outnumbered those he had spent in human lands.  It's just that his skill in guessing a Mazoku's age has remained the same as when he first arrived.  Even now, he still feels that his own aging is unbearably slow.

What part of him is human?  And what part is Mazoku?

Perhaps if he could use hard data to calculate this, he'd be much happier.

"If you have some business here, state your unit and rank."

Only half the words had gotten out when the aristocratic man's chest started to expand.  Actually, it wouldn't stop moving.  He arched his back as if he was letting the lump under his clothes go where it wanted.

Josak couldn't help but inquire about this strange situation.

"Your Excellency, how is it that your chest is moving?"

"Ah, that's not, this is..."

It looked like he had placed a small animal under his clothes, and not only that, but its ears were about to pop out.

Was it to keep warm?

No, it was a warm spring afternoon.  Would it be necessary to hold onto something furry in this weather?  And if it was really to keep out the cold, he didn't have to hide it, did he?  Josak had to suppress his smile and—


As soon as he heard the shout resounding from another corridor, the solemn aristocrat started to tremble.  His complexion got worse and worse.  His eyes darted around nervously, as if seeking out hiding places.


Just hearing that voice rendered him completely flustered.  He stuffed the animal, which was perhaps a kitten, back down into his shirt, and at the same time grabbed hold of a nearby doorknob.

"Damn it!"

It was locked.  No matter how he turned it, there was only the creaking sound of rusted metal.

"Excuse my insolence, Your Excellency, but please close your eyes for a sec...  Hyaa!"

Josak pushed the officer behind him and kicked the lock and hinges off the door.  He used his shoulder to hold open the wooden door as he said, "Ah—  How mysterious.  It opened without a key.  If you're not opposed to it, please enter."

Without first expressing his gratitude, the man charged into the room and hid behind the large desk.  Only the hem of his coat was still visible.

Josak smiled as he held up the door.  The shouts and footsteps were getting closer; that person seemed to almost be at the bend in the hallway and would arrive very soon.  If asked, "Where has so-and-so gone?" all he had to do was say, "Haven't seen him," right?

It wouldn't be a lie because Josak didn't know for sure if the man with the kitten hiding behind the desk was "Gwendal".

If he was lucky enough, this person might be able to tell him where to find the instructor Lord Günter von Kleist.  It would be good enough if either the man who ran and hid, or the woman coming this way were familiar with the castle.

Just as Josak managed to close the door, the pursuer rounded the corner, walked over, and suddenly stopped.

This person kept rubbing the soles of her leather shoes on the stone floor, and was even giving off a burnt odor.

Her imposing manner was quite intimidating.


The voice sounded very severe; perhaps she was an infamous woman.  Josak was about to turn back around when she firmly wrapped both slender hands around his waist.


He could feel the woman's chest pressed to his back.  At that moment, he felt like he had hit the jackpot.  Any minute now, she would say "Gotcha!" or some other sweet and happy phrase...

"You're completely captured!"


The petite pursuer grabbed a hold of Josak's hands; tightening the grip of her arms, which were extended under his.

"Gah...wait, wait a minute!"

"I've finally caught you, Gwendal.  I never expected that you would escape from my all-day Mazoku nightmare research.  It seems like today you're even more slippery than usual."

"Guh-Gwen—  Gwen—"

He couldn't get anything out because the air was being squeezed out of him.

"Just give up.  What are you doing, shouting your own name at a time like this?  'Gwen, Gwen, Gwen,' you say.  Are you a duck now?!  Really, you're so stubborn!"

"You...  You've misunderstood...  Gwen—  Gwen!  I'm not Gwendal..."

"And you're trying to pretend to be someone else again.  You should have learned your lesson by now; that won't work on me because there aren't many in this castle as absurdly tall as you."

Listen to me!

Josak thought to himself, "If I stay like this, I won't be able to breathe anymore," so he tried his best to wriggle out.  Even if he couldn't move the restricting hands, at the very least he would be able to move his head.

"Are you trying to headbutt me?  I'd advise you not to go through with such a futile resistance.  Just a few days ago, during the testing of the 'Amazing Defense!  Maryoku-Powered Helmet, Bullet Forehead-kun', we discovered that your forehead wasn't quite resilient enough...  Eh?"

The petite pursuer stood at Josak's back and took a deep whiff.

"Smells different.  Gwendal, have you taken it upon yourself to stop using Poison Lady brand impure soap?  Oh god, even your hair color's changed.  It's because you haven't been using Poison Lady brand Super Stench 'Blinding Spray' shampoo that your hair's turned into the color of rotten oranges!"

"I, I am not a rotten orange!  It hurts, it hurts, could you please loosen up a bit!"

"Your voice has also changed...  Could it be that the one who secretly smoked the sooty mold[5] I was collecting wasn't a loud duck[6], but you?"

Josak Gurrier used all of his strength to twist his body around, attempting to break free from his opponent.  He also wanted to see what kind of fearsome warrior this person actually was, to be able to squeeze him to death.

But nothing happened.

It seemed that this person was of a smaller stature than him, so he moved his line of sight lower.

He could only see some hair twirling.

He took one step back, two steps back, and then turned again, directing his gaze with great difficulty to—  Really short.

If the two of them had been hugging, he wouldn't be able to rest his chin on her head.  No, she wouldn't even reach his chest, and she looked younger than him, too.

However, he couldn't use this alone to judge that she was younger, because a Mazoku's age can't be accurately guessed from physical appearances.

"I'm telling you, you've got the wrong guy!"

The other person's eyes widened.  She looked Josak up and down, then smacked her own forehead and said, "I never thought the Poison Lady Anissina would make such a mistake!"

"Poison Lady—?"

Josak couldn't suppress his shout.

She's the infamous Poison Lady Anissina!

One of Shin Makoku's Three Great Witches[7], the fanatical maryoku researcher, the Red Devil Anissina...

The incredible stories of Lord Anissina von Karbelnikoff were famous even among the soldiers.

For example, taking down a rampaging bear with a single slap, hitting the pressure points of a man-eating four-horned dragon, winning a staring contest with the king of the mermen, etc.  These interesting tales spread around the bars or the camps where the soldiers were stationed, and each one sounded completely impossible.

The drunkards all put their own spins on them.

Piecing things together from the nonsensical rumors, the lead role in these stories was a huge guy with a head of wild red hair; a bear in the right hand, a shark in the left, and also in possession of frighteningly sharp teeth.

In reality, only the red hair was true.

According to the drawings made by the artistically skilled soldiers, there also should have been macho horns growing above the ears.

God, to think that it would turn out to be a woman!

Thinking carefully about it, though, someone being called the fanatical maryoku researcher wouldn't normally be a very muscular person.

The real version of this person was standing in front of him right now.

This person wasn't normal.

Moreover, "Poison Lady" wasn't a nickname others called her.  It seemed like something she used for herself.

"It's such an honor to meet you...though I thought you were a large-statured man...woman warrior."

He never thought that, upon meeting the real deal for the first time, she would turn out to be a woman who ran around wearing such unique clothing.

Josak accepted her challenging stare, but secretly let out a sigh.

Lady Anissina had her hands on her hips in a pose that said she thought herself to be amazing.

Her fiery red hair was bound up in a high ponytail that flowed down to her waist.  She lifted her sky blue eyes just a tiny bit while lowering her stern eyebrows in an expression of curiosity.

Between the tall lord who was hugging a cat and Lady von Karbelnikoff who chased after him, there were no cuter people among the Mazoku.

For Josak, a spectator who didn't understand their routine, he'd really seen a lot in today's tour of the castle.

"Please forgive my rudeness, Lady Anissina, Your Excellency."

"I didn't think there would still be people calling me 'Your Excellency'.  Please don't lump me in with the soldiers, those violent fools, all right?"

"Then how should I address you?"

"You may refer to me as Lady, -sama, Doctor, or Professor.  They're all fine as long as you use them with the proper respect.  But what about you?  You're a stranger.  Judging from the color of your hair, are you a painter?"

"About that, I'm sorry, but I'm one of those violent fools.  But I'm just a regular soldier with no rank worth mentioning, in the troop that gets sent all over the place.  Lady Anissina, I'm here today to look for the military academy instructor's office, but unfortunately I've gotten lost," Josak said with a shrug and a smile.  A normal person would have said this while looking troubled and stuttering.

Upon receiving a request, they would head out to lend support no matter where the others were located.  It was like being on a boat, but never finding a harbor.  All the other soldiers made fun of them.

After hearing about this, Lady Anissina's face didn't really change.  She only flicked aside the hair on her shoulder and said, "I don't recognize that troop.  The official name, report!"

Josak was startled by these words.  He snapped his heels together and straightened his back, adopting the posture used to address higher ranking officers.  "Forgive this subordinate's disrespect.  I'm a soldier of the 12th division's Merrick unit, Josak Gurrier."

"Oh, Lord Weller's unit, huh."

"You know him?"

"Lord Weller is my friend's younger brother.  I've heard of his exploits, and of course about his unit's many victories.  Most did not expect that your unit would become our main force."

"It hasn't gotten to that point yet..."

"Of course it has.  Don't they say, 'Good and evil, Shinou sees all'?  But to be honest, it would be quite suspicious if His Majesty Shinou hadn't foreseen this.  He can see everything using just maryoku."

She didn't sound very religious.

"According to the analysis of Maryoku-powered Eye #1, the spying machine, Virgin Mary, your unit has long since been chosen by MONITOR.  It's often at the top of the list."


He didn't know what a MONITOR was supposed to be, but it was great that she knew Lord Weller.  Josak thought of the reason why he came to the castle and lightly placed his hand over his chest.

He rarely came to the city, but he was here now to express the soldiers' discontent.  It was all for the sake of having his childhood friend and commanding officer, Lord Conrart Weller, resign from his new post.

No matter what they had said to him, he wanted to accept the invitation to Wincott province and left without saying a word.  Lord Weller went to become an instructor, a drill sergeant; to take on such a mediocre position.

What sort of joke was this!

If Lord Weller were to leave the army, what would happen to the soldiers under his command?

What if they were to get a new captain who was a bratty young aristocrat?

If they were to be put under the command of someone horrible, not only would he be incompetent at managing the troops, but they wouldn't obey him, either.

Even if they were all decommissioned, the soldiers wouldn't be able to make a living.  These men, who've gotten used to the battlefield and to constantly fighting to survive, wouldn't be able to handle a civilian lifestyle.

In order to calm those who were worried about losing their jobs, Josak and a few other members had to write this petition.  But to be honest, even though they collected numerous chickenscratch signatures from the soldiers, it lacked persuasive power.

They needed the signature of a high ranking official, and that was why Josak was here.

Everyone's first idea was to seek out the support of their military academy instructor, Lord Günter von Kleist.  However, even if they only met by chance, if he could get the support of Lady Anissina von Karbelnikoff, it would be twice as strong.  The more signatures they could get from the nobility, the more weight the petition would have.

"What can I do to convince her?" Josak thought.  He bowed and softly said, "I'd like to discuss something about Lord Weller.  Your Excellency...  No, Lady Anissina, please, if we could just talk..."

The red demoness crossed her arms over her chest, raised her chin, and snorted contemptuously; she appeared to crush him with her gaze.

"Do you have maryoku?"

"Maryoku?  No— I don't have any..."

"Then there's nothing for us to speak about!"

He nearly lost his footing at her abrupt refusal; it was as if all his manliness had deserted him at that moment.  It was just maryoku, but maryoku was often a serious issue.

Anissina didn't try to offer the tiniest bit of reassurance before she commenced tracking down her original goal.

She asked Josak, who was perhaps the only eyewitness, of her target's whereabouts.  "Josak Gurrier.  Did you see which way Lord von Voltaire went?  He's tall, with dark gray hair, should be wearing a dark green military uniform."

"Lord von Voltaire?"  Josak parroted back the question.

Lord von Voltaire?

Then that means the person hiding in the room behind Josak, the tall aristocrat with the kitten, is His Excellency Lord Gwendal von Voltaire?

The name was very familiar.

No, not just familiar.  This was a man that he wished would sign the paper he had folded and placed in his breast pocket.

Speaking of Lord Gwendal von Voltaire, he's the eldest son of the current Maou, Her Majesty Cäcilie von Spitzweg, and also the elder brother of Lord Conrart Weller, the man who was still Josak's captain not long ago.

In essence, he's the heir to the throne.  On top of that, he's been at the center of the politics of von Voltaire province for a few years and shows a lot of promise.  He almost always wears a cold expression and smiles infrequently.  His performance on the battlefield is the same as his appearance; he is incomparably calm and callous.

On political matters, it's said that the majority of the people admire him because he dares to speak out against his uncle, the regent Stuffel von Spitzweg.

Although he's not one for flattery or kind words, he's actually quite popular with the ladies.  They blush, but say without shyness, "I really want to give myself as a gift to please His grumpy Excellency."  Those types of ladies.

Oh—  Ah—  So he's actually that kind of person.

Upon hearing the pursuer's voice, Josak remembered the Gwendal that he saw.  He couldn't help but touch his chin in confusion.

The girls in the castle town who go crazy like that, as well as the ones who "can't resist his furrowed brows", there's no telling how they might react if they were to see how he was trembling behind the desk with a kitten in his arms.

"Ah, that would also turn into 'giving myself to His Excellency in order to protect him', or something."

"What are you saying?"

"No, it's nothing."

It seemed as if she hadn't heard.

Now he just had to protect that man so he could get the documents to him.  But Anissina just happened to be here.  If it was possible, he'd like to take this opportunity to hand Gwendal over to her.  It would make her think that he was a useful man; perhaps it would leave a good impression on her.

Then again, he couldn't risk falling for her feminine wiles and ending up disappointing the companions he'd been with through life and death.

But he didn't have the heart to lie to this cute girl...

"Eh—  If you're looking for a tall officer in a dark green uniform, I remember him going that way..."


Before Josak could finish, the red-haired Poison Lady held up a hand to stop him.  She narrowed her eyes as if checking for her own carelessness.

"No!  Gwendal went that way.  I didn't want to ask you in the first place.  I guess I can only count on my magic and intuition.  Using the probabilities I've calculated based on analysis of his past actions, I can track down the escaped Lord von Voltaire's location."

Josak was almost hit with her swinging red hair as she swiftly turned around.  So dangerous, so vicious her strategy.  This was the crucial moment.

"But even if I have a clear mind, I can't predict what actions he'll take in his desperation.  Sometimes people will have sudden fits of inspiration, and will do strange things in a last-ditch effort."

Josak Gurrier thought, "Then maybe you shouldn't force him into a corner..." but looking at the woman, and the way she clenched her fists and spoke with such cute obsession, he didn't have the courage to interrupt.

"At times like these, I have to use this: the special maryoku-powered tracking device, Nimble Nose...ahem!"

A moment after she cleared her throat, she already had a puppy-like stuffed animal thing in her hand.  Where did she get that from?  Did Anissina's pocket lead to a different dimension?

Clank-a-clank-clank-clank-clank—!  "Nimble—Nose—Elephant—kun—!  Has only been used in tracking down some unimportant counterfeit goods!  And it's nearly complete!"

"There are actually counterfeits of your own inventions...  Is that little guy a dog or an elephant?"

It looked like the maryoku-powered doll was working just fine.

Even the tiniest parts were perfectly sewn on, and the colors on the head and body complemented each other brilliantly.  However, it was obvious that the body and tail were that of a dog's, but the ears were huge.  And furthermore, at the end of the long nose was a large chrysanthemum.

"All right.  Nimble Nose Elephant-kun, help me find Gwendal!"

Anissina, letting out a fearful smile, put the tracking animal on the ground.  After the yarn animal's nose let out a hissing sound, it started running toward the west.

"Oh?  Oh, Nimble Nose Elephant-kun, did Gwendal go that way?  Wait for me, Nimble Nose Elephant-kun...  No, that's not right.  You shouldn't be waiting for me!"

The little yarn animal rolled along in front of Anissina, who was arranging her skirts, preparing to run.  Perhaps it had smelled Gwen — then again, one couldn't help but think that was a failure.

Josak waited until the fiery redhead had left his line of sight, then knocked on the door behind him.

"She's gone now, Your Excellency."

Only after hearing that did the man with the dark gray hair poke his head out.  He cupped both his hands under the precious kitten, and then straightened up his slender body, stepping out of the room right foot first.

"Man, that's the first time I've met the Poison Lady."

"...Is that so?  Well, then you'd better pray not to have anything to do with her in the future."

"Why is that?  Don't you think Anissina is cute?  Oh, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have referred to a member of the Ten Aristocratic Houses by her given name."

"You try calling her cute to her face.  She'll kill you."

Although he was glowering with those dark blue eyes, the other man didn't seem to be angry.

No matter how intimidating he seemed, he had no violent intentions.  And it was all thanks to the little kitten he held in his arms.

"Ah~, look at you, poor thing.  Don't worry, it's all right now, kitty.  The evil, scary person is gone."

"Didn't she say that the experiment wouldn't hurt the animal?  So you didn't have to grab it and run, did you?"

He scratched behind its ear with a finger, and the frightened kitten let out a "meow~" as it opened its mouth, showing its canines.  They were tiny, but already looked like well-formed teeth.

"That's not it; it's just a kitten...  No, this cat is being raised outside of the military compound and is not a lab animal.  Don't ask any more."

"Well?  If it's like that, Your Excellency...  Does that mean the intended test subject was you...?"

"I told you not to ask!"

Josak looked up at the ceiling and decided not to tease anymore.  However, no matter how he tried to hide it, there were bound to be interesting rumors sooner or later.

Gwendal managed to muster up his original dignified bearing.  He gently returned the small animal to his chest and said, "I owe you a favor."

"May I ask a favor of you?"

Quite a few aristocrats embraced the idea that "it's natural for those of low social status to do everything they can to improve their station".  This nobleman, however, treated a lowly soldier like Josak as his equal, even going so far as to want to repay a favor.

It was a good thing he hadn't betrayed this man.  Although there's no telling how much suffering...  No, Josak didn't want to know.

He had no idea that he himself would be so confused by Lady Anissina von Karbelnikoff's cuteness and nearly tricked into handing over the man, but it seemed like his decision back then was the right thing to do.

"If I ask for something right away, will you be angry?"  Josak Gurrier tilted his head like a clerk at a confectionary as he took out and, with the utmost care, handed over the papers he had brought with him.  "Please, Your Excellency, you have to help us!"

"What is it?  Do you want a raise?"

"No way, we can look after our own little brothers!"[8]

Gwendal didn't pay any attention to the crude joke, choosing instead to unfold the papers.

"It's a petition..."  The wrinkles on his forehead deepened.  "You don't want Lord Weller to be the von Wincott instructor."

"Unless you want all of us to quit and drift about as unemployed bums on the street."

"However, that was Lord Weller's own choice; the higher authorities did not issue any commands to him.  Although permission was granted for him to take a temporary leave, army personnel did not decide this on their own."

That was something he already knew.

"But Your Excellency, can't you order him to come back?  This is also the wish of the majority of the members in our unit.  That's why we gathered all these signatures."

"It's not that I can't, but..."  Lord Gwendal von Voltaire passed the documents to Josak yet again.  "But I can't approve of it, nor can I take initiative on my own."

"Why is that?"

Josak had thought he would receive an agreement.  He didn't think that he would be cut off so abruptly, or that he would cause the other man to be so shaken.  He was unable to suppress the question that he kept thinking, so he blurted it out.

"Is it because he's your brother?"

Eyes as blue as the bottom of a lake turned their unwavering gaze this way; it was impossible to tell what he was truly thinking.

"You want to say that because he's my younger brother, I'm unwilling to send him somewhere dangerous?  Or is it because he's the current Maou's son, so I arranged for him to participate in fewer battles?  It's not because of that.  If it were, he himself would have objected."

Because Josak wouldn't accept it, the petition remained in the same condition it was in as when it was first handed over.  The two people stood facing each other with the yellow documents between them.

"But didn't Your Excellency say it before?  When we met just now, you said I wasn't suited to work as a guard.  This should be very clear to you; Conrad is also the same."

Even though the other man used a very informal way to refer to his younger brother, Gwendal did not object.  He just waited with an indifferent expression for Josak to finish speaking.

"He's a soldier.  He's young, but he's one of the very few swordmasters we have in this country.  You of all people should know that his ability isn't that of a fencing instructor.  That kind of post is a waste of his talent."

"You're absolutely correct." 

Gwendal's voice was even lower than usual as he spoke to his brother's friend.  He used a tone that conveyed his hopes that this young soldier in front of him, who used such irrational arguments, as well as everyone else who wasn't here at this moment, would understand his reasoning.

"Conrart, he...  Lord Weller obviously cannot stay hidden in a rural training camp.  This, I know."

Josak had actually thought similar things to those that had just been brought up— that a person who possessed that kind of voice was best suited to being a military leader.  And not only for the military, but he was also more qualified than his uncle Stuffel to be involved in political affairs.

Gwendal continued speaking in his admirable voice.  "Lord Weller and those like you are not dull swords to be waved about at a whim.  You all possess talents that are hard to come by.  It is foolish behavior to keep excellent soldiers away from the battlefield.  One could even say that this is throwing away our nation's gifts."

"Yes, but then why..."

"In every war there are so-called opportunities.  No matter how sharp the blade, if you miss the opportunity to strike, there is only the option to be cut down.  I do not wish to lose a good sword in vain."

So that meant he didn't want to send them to die in vain?

"If we persist in this war against Shimaron, the situation on the battlefield will worsen.  If talentless military leaders keep getting promoted, then perhaps one small mistake will cause it to devolve into Total Warfare."

Those words were really exciting.  He really wanted to applaud, and he also wanted to pat the man on the back and say, "Your Excellency is such an upright man!"

When Gwendal said those words, he had not cared that they could possibly be taken as criticism of the current regime.

As for the petition, it was withdrawn.

"If you were a soldier of von Voltaire province, I could transfer you as I saw fit.  Although it's regrettable, my hands are tied regarding those under central command...  Actually, I have yet to gain the authority to deploy soldiers on a large scale.  If things continue as they are now, with Lord Weller under central command, then he will only be allowed in the reinforcements, and he will continue to be used until he collapses, so that is why I wished for him to be transferred as far away as possible."

Then Lord von Voltaire raised his right hand, holding up two long, slender fingers.

"Two years."

"Two years..."

"Yes.  Wait two years for me.  I will gain the authority to command the entire army.  At that time, please become my swords on the battlefield.  Become your country's soldiers, Shin Makoku's support, and brandish your weapons for the sake of this country."

What a tempting offer.

"Since the battles are continuing on, we will definitely need your strength.  If anything happens before that time, it will cause me a lot more trouble."

Two years.

According to Lord von Voltaire, as long as they could hold out for two years, they would be considered the greatest soldiers.  No longer would they be continually transferred, but they would be at the heart of the military forces.

And not only that, but if he accepted the proposal, they could even rise through the ranks in a way that would never again allow incompetent aristocrats to steal the glory of their hardworking troops.

Josak quietly swallowed.  He didn't know how much he could trust this man.  This was the first time he'd met this aristocrat; would he really fulfill his promises?  Or was he just joking?

Gwendal did not understand why Josak hesitated, so he continued to speak.  Before, he had been expressionless, but now his face and his voice were both full of confidence and trust.

"When the time comes, I plan to call him back myself, no matter how much Wincott presses for him to stay."

"So you mean to... keep your trump card in your hand?"

Up until now, has it all just been an aristocrat treating us as his trump card? 

Josak was shaking.  And he had almost been convinced by him.  Although he didn't show it on his face, perhaps the other man could tell from the way he stroked his cheek, or get a clue from some unnatural movement of his chin.

Wait a sec, wait a sec.  Josak Gurrier, you'd better not forget.

No matter how magnetic he sounds, this is the man who cuddled with a kitten, right?

It's a kitten, it's a kitten.

It's not a man-eating four-horned dragon.

It's also not an owl, the symbol of betrayal.

But this was not enough to calm Josak, who kept stroking his chin and cheeks.  At last, he asked the silently waiting Gwendal, "When you put it that way, what are we supposed to do before then?  We'll just have to put up with fame-seeking little kids as our leaders?  Participate in battles all over the place?  You want us to accept the incompetent leaders until we're no longer usable as soldiers, so that the opinion of us mixed race people will sink even lower.  Is that what you mean?"

"Whether or not it's a young bastard...  There will be an aristocrat taking over Lord Weller's post.  You'll just have to act like you're back in the military academy.  It shouldn't be impossible for you to endure."

Josak put on a depressed expression, and let out a discouraged sigh.  He lowered his head and accepted the petition.

"I can't do it.  I'll probably punch the new commander and get kicked out right away."

"Since you're so unwilling, why don't you apply for a transfer?"

"Me?  Don't even joke about that.  I have human blood.  No one would take me."  He tried to get the other man to take pity on him by saying this.

He didn't hesitate to admit that he wasn't small or cute, but that didn't matter.

"...All right."  Gwendal considered it.  Even if it was transferring a soldier, it shouldn't be a problem.  "If you are willing to give up your position in the central military forces, I'll hire you for von Voltaire."

That's really great.

Deep inside, Josak shouted in victory.

The world is my oyster.  Let me spend another two years working by your side, and count that as compliance to your terms of exchange.

As he held the returned petition, he used a frivolous voice to ask for a tricky request.  It wasn't that he was testing Gwendal, but to see if he was serious about those words he had said.

"If it's like that, then you don't need to just transfer me.  Would you take in all of the people listed here, please?  It'd be more convenient this way.  How about it?  Your Excellency, are you willing to bear this responsibility?  If you're not, Gurrier will probably cry as he puts forth this petition."

"You—  Who do you think you are?  And also, hold on, how many people is this?"

Because its master's voice suddenly became panicked, the kitten clutched to his bosom also became frightened and started struggling.  The tips of the cat's ears popped out.

However, it wasn't trembling at all.  It must have felt very safe and comfortable in its nesting place.

Gwendal gently scratched its ear, and then returned the kitten's head to its original place.

"Then we're done here."

"You feel that the price is too high?"

Lord von Voltaire did not reply.  He just turned around and walked forth.

"Come with me.  I'll ask Lord von Kleist to help write the letters of recommendation."

"Yes, sir—"

Josak Gurrier slowly tore up the paper.

He thought it over for a while, then took it back in his hands and began ripping it to pieces.  Then, with his palm full of little scraps of paper, he threw them across this sunlit place.

From the distance came the sound of a young woman's laughter.  Could it be that she saw the butterflies and flower petals dancing in the wind?

[1]"Lily" (百合) is also "Yuri" and could be a veiled reference to the similar sounding Yuuri.

[2]In Chinese, Conrad's smile was described as 五味, meaning "all 5 flavors".  It's complex and has all the emotions mixed into it.

[3]拉姆兹玻塔姆- The romanization might not be correct.  Ramsbottom is actually a town in England and a surname, so I figured that was better than the other combinations I tried.

[4]A reference to Tom Sizemore, an actor who is known for playing soldiers in movies such as Saving Private Ryan, Pearl Harbor, and Black Hawk Down.

[5]霉雾 - The closest I can come up for this is "sooty mold", a black, powdery fungi that grows on certain plants.  As a direct translation, it would be "mold/mildew" + "fog", which could lend itself to many interpretations.

[6]Something seems to have gotten lost in translation here.  "Duck" doesn't quite make sense, but that's the direct translation.  Other possibilities: In Japanese, "duck" is also slang for an easy target, like a "sitting duck".  In Chinese, "duck" is crude slang for a male prostitute.  Take your pick :D

[7]Witches - actually a gender neutral term.  I'm going with "witches" due to seeing it translated that way by others, but it's really more like "evil magic user", hence the gender confusion.

[8]A pun involving "salary raise" and "little brother". 昇 in "raise" sounds like 小 in "little brother".