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Tome Society Book Talk Public Speaking Competition
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Tome Society

Book Talk Public Speaking Competition

Instructions to Compete

Individual Event

Limit 1 entry per chapter


Students will create a book talk discussing one of the current year’s Tome Society It List Nominees for their grade level that they have personally read..

Anchor Standards:

Method of creation: 3-5 minute public speaking presentation at TomeCon. Student may bring PRINT visual aides (including but not limited to a copy of the book) and/or a one-page print handout accompanying the book talk for audience members. No digital visual aides permitted.

Recommendation: Students should preview “How to Give a Book Talk” handout in preparation

Presentation should include in any order:

  1. Book title
  2. Author of book
  3. Description of book (no spoilers!)
  1. Include hook, content, and cliffhanger
  1. Personal review of book
  2. Best audience for the book (i.e. guys, girls, anyone, etc.)
  3. If you like this book, you might also like….and why (at least 2 other recommendations)
  4. Other books, media or information related to this book (i.e. other books in series, movie, etc.)
  5. Any other personal additions to make it your own


  1. Should be presented in formal language (i.e. no LOL’s, etc.)
  2. Should have perfect grammar
  3. 3-5 minutes total presentation time
  4. Performance quality of presentation should be high quality and professional.
  1. Delivery is natural, confident, and enhances the message; posture, eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, and pace, indicate confidence and a willingness to communicate.
  2. Speaking style is expressive, clear, audible, and well paced.
  3. Vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing, and other nonverbal expressions are consistent with the message.
  4. Limited filler words ("um," "like," "you know") utilized.
  5. Optional -- Presentation aids are well suited to an oral presentation and add considerably to overall audience engagement.
  1. NO question and answer during presentation, may offer to answer questions after all competitors have presented.

Method of Submission:

Advisers will submit the NAMES of student entries by February 1 through the online “Spring Adviser Competition Entry Form” which will be emailed to advisers.


Actual Book Talk will be given in person at state conference.

All participant names must be submitted by: 

No later than Spring Competition deadline found at - Entries must be submitted by the Chapter Advisor -- only 1 entry per chapter (3-5), (6-8) and (9-12)

Tome Society Book Talk Public Speaking Rubric: Book talks must cover one of the It list nominees and be between 3-5 minutes in length. Book Talk will be disqualified from competition if Book Talk does not cover a current year Tome Society It List Nominee.


Title of Book: ________________________      It List Nominee: ____ Yes   ___No (No equals automatic disqualification)

Book Talk Rubric




Points Earned

Book Title (5 points)

The book talk includes the title of the novel at the beginning of the talk in a natural point so that readers can quickly identify the novel. (5 points)

The book talk includes the title of the novel but not at the beginning or the title did not flow as a natural part of the talk. (1-4 points)

The book talk does NOT include the title of the novel. (0 points)

Author (5 points)

The book talk correctly identifies and names the author of the book. And some back ground info is given about the author. (5 points)

The book talk correctly identifies and names the author of the book. But no background info is given about the author. (1-4 points)

The book talk does NOT correctly identify and name the author of the book. (0 points)

Description (20 points)

The book talk includes a short description of the book without revealing any plot surprises or extra details. Including hook, content, and cliffhanger (15-20 points)

The book talk includes a description of the book but either reveals plot surprises and/or extra details or the description is not enough to engage the listener. The talk does not include a hook, content, and cliffhanger. (6-14 points)

The book talk does NOT include a description of the book or includes a minimal description. (0-5 points)

Review (20 points)

The book talk includes a personal, reflective review of the book.(15-20 points)

The book talk includes a review of the book, but it is not personal or reflective.(6-14 points)

The book talk does not include review of the book or the review is minimal.(0-5 points)

Audience (10 points)

The book talk identifies the recommended intended audience for the book and explains why this group would like the book (10 points).

The book talk identifies the recommended intended audience for the book but does not or not adequately explain why this group would like the book (1-9 points).

The book talk does NOT identify the recommended intended audience for the book (0 points).

Recommendations (10 points)

The book talk includes other book recommendations for students who enjoyed the book and explains why these recommendations match this book (10 Points).

The book talk includes other book recommendations for students who enjoyed the book and explains why these recommendations match this book (1-9 points).

The book talk does NOT include other book recommendations for students who enjoyed the book (0 Points).

Other Resources (5 points)

The book talk includes other relevant information for the book such as other novels in the series or by the author. (5 points)

The book talk includes other information for the book but it did not tie in well with the overall content (1-4 points)

The book talk did NOT include other relevant information for the book such as other novels in the series or by the author. (0 points)

Personal Touches (5 points)

The book talk included great detail, language, and other details that make it unique to the submitter. (5 points)

The book talk included some detail, language, and other details that make it unique to the submitter. (1-4  points)

The book talk did NOT include detail, language, and other details that make it unique to the submitter. (0 points)

Presentation Length (10 points)

Total Time: ___________

The total book talk is between 3-5 minutes in length. The length was appropriate for the information covered and the book talk content was engaging throughout and not repeated to build time.  The pace did not feel too slow or too rushed. (10 points).

The total book talk is between 3-5 minutes in length. But the length presentation did not match the information covered; or the pace felt too slow or too rushed; or the presentation may have ended abruptly. (1-9 points)

The total book talk was NOT between 3 – 5 minutes in length. (0 points)

Performance (50 points)

·   Delivery is natural, confident, and enhances the message; posture, eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, and pace, indicate confidence and a willingness to communicate.

·   Speaking style is expressive, clear, audible, and well-paced.

·   Vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing, and other nonverbal expressions are consistent with the message.

·   Limited filler words ("um," "like," "you know") utilized.

·   Optional -- Presentation aids are well suited to an oral presentation and add considerably to overall audience engagement.


(35-50 points)

·   Overall delivery is natural, confident, and enhances the message; posture, eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, and pace, indicate confidence and a willingness to communicate with some issues.

·   Overall speaking style is expressive, clear, audible, and well-paced with limited issues.

·   Overall vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing, and other nonverbal expressions are consistent with the message with some issues

·   Some filler words ("um," "like," "you know") utilized.

·   Optional -- Presentation aids did not add considerably to overall audience engagement but instead distracted. 

(10-34 points)

·   Delivery is not natural, confident, and enhances the message; posture, eye contact, smooth gestures, facial expressions, volume, and pace, indicate confidence and a willingness to communicate.

·   Speaking style is not expressive, clear, audible, and well-paced.

·   Vocal tone, facial expressions, clothing, and other nonverbal expressions are not consistent with the message.

·   Many filler words ("um," "like," "you know") utilized.

  ( 0-9 points)

TOTAL Possible 140

Student Name: ____________________________________________    School Name: ________________________

Judge’s Comments:

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