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Part 30: A Farfetch'd Fearow Failure!
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Part 30: A Farfetch’d Fearow Failure!



‘Looper, use vine whip against Clefairy. Beri, use your razor leaf on Exeggcute!’ I commanded confidently as I stared across at Salvadore and his two Pokémon.

The Tangela cried out as she whipped her vines against the brittle grass, coated in light frosty dew. The small Bulbasaur hunched over, aiming her bulb at the waiting Exeggcute. She screamed fiercely as several razor sharp leaves shot out from beneath her bulb. Simultaneously, Looper stretched out her two vines at rapid speed, reaching for the dancing Clefairy.

Salvadore furrowed his eyes and waited until the last second before shouting his orders. ‘Clefairy, use follow me! Exeggcute, use uproar!’

Clefairy pranced up and down, wiggling her tiny fingers in the air and grabbing everyone’s attention. Beri lost concentration and her eyes began to focus on the taunting fairy Pokémon.  Suddenly, her razor leaf attack strayed off course, her leaves spinning harmlessly away from Exeggcute and redirected towards Clefairy. I watched in disbelief as both of my Pokémon’s attacks collided before they could reach Clefairy. Beri’s leaves hacked viciously at Looper’s vines and the Tangela cried out in pain. My mind was so distracted with the breeder’s surprising counter strategy that I almost forgot about Exeggcute. The cluster of pink eggs began to drum the earth beneath them and scream violently.

‘Beri, look out!’ I screamed panicky, but it was too late. The confused Bulbasaur could only manage to glance over her shoulder as the Exeggcute blasted her with blue shock waves. Beri bundled backwards through the forest clearing, landing awkwardly on her side, her body battered and tired.

Aly looked on nervously, unsure whether or not to call Beri as being unfit for battle as she acted as the referee. Cubone and Togepi sat near her side, uninterested in the battle as they had a playful tug of war with Cubone’s bone club.

‘Wanna call it quits?’ Salvadore asked. His arms were folded and he smiled confidently.


Kiro screamed by my side, encouraging his team mates to continue battling. Spurred on by his cries, Beri struggled up onto all fours, wincing in pain as she glared angrily at Exeggcute. It had been a tense battle, exactly what was needed before my upcoming gym battle, but my Pokémon were tiring fast. Salvadore had trained his Pokémon extremely well, a vivid reminder of his formal role as Pewter City’ gym leader.

‘We’re only getting started!’ I retorted and balled my fist in determination.

Without warning, Exeggcute’s eyes glowed yellow and Beri was consumed with a psychic energy. The Bulbasaur bared her teeth in pain as she was levitated off the ground.

‘Hey, Exeggcute, I didn’t order you to do that!’ Salvadore scowled his Pokémon ‘Stop it this instant!’

The cluster of eggs muttered their name and their eyes returned to normal. Beri was freed from Exeggcute’s psychic attack while she was suspended in the air and suddenly dropped, landing on the grass with a heavy thud. She groaned wearily as her eyes spiralled. Exeggcute bobbled on the ground, jeering at the fainted Bulbasaur.

‘That’s enough! Return!’ the breeder said sternly, withdrawing both Exeggcute and Clefairy to their pokeballs.

‘Beri, Looper, take a well deserved rest’ I recalled my Pokémon.

‘Sorry about that’ Salvadore apologised. ‘Looks like Exeggcute and I still have a lot to work on’

‘Don’t worry about it. And thanks for the battle. We really needed it!’ I said reassuringly. I then paused as my stomach gurgled out loud. ‘I guess all this training has worked up an appetite’

We all laughed.

‘I know we don’t have a lot of food left, but how about I rustle up something small to eat?’ Salvadore suggested.

‘That would be great!’


The three of us turned around, somewhat startled by a Pokémon’s cry. Our eyes met a small duck like Pokémon who ambled out from the forest of frost painted pine trees. It marched through the clearing and came to a halt a few feet in front of us, its watchful eyes analysing us carefully. Its feathered body seemed worn, like it had just been in a battle and a wound scarred its left eye.

Interested, I checked my Dex:

Farfetch’d, the wild duck Pokémon. Farfetch’d always carry their stalk as a means of combat and under some circumstances they use their stalk as emergency rations. For these reasons it is very protective of its stalk and will defend it by all means possible.

I don’t have a flying Pokémon, I thought to myself. With Farfetch’d in a weakened state this was my best shot. I eagerly grabbed a pokeball from my waist belt and expanded it in my hand. As I prepared to summon a Pokémon into battle, Salvadore suddenly grabbed my arm, preventing me from throwing my pokeball.

‘Wait’ the breeder said in a hushed voice, never taking his eyes off the curious Farfetch’d. ‘Something’s wrong. Your Pokedex said that Farfetch’d always carry their stalk with them, but this Farfetch’d doesn’t have one

I looked from the breeder to the Farfetch’d and lowered my hand. Salvadore was right; this Farfetch’d had no stalk.

‘I wonder what happened to it?’ Aly pondered, a hint of sadness in her voice.

Re-attaching my pokeball to my belt, I took a cautious step towards the Farfetch’d. ‘Hey, Farfetch’d. How’s it goin’? My name’s Robin’ I introduced myself.

The duck Pokémon’s eyes creased.

‘Are you hurt? Did you lose your stalk?’

The Farfetch’d suddenly flexed his wings.

‘Robin, look out!’ Aly screamed.


The Farfetch’d suddenly surged through the air aiming beak first in my direction. I stumbled to the side and fell over in my attempt to avoid the wild duck Pokémon. Its spread feathers brushed passed by chest as it swooped right by me, closing in on Cubone and Togepi. Aly shrieked in fear for her baby Pokémon. The Farfetch’d cried out as it dove in, missing Cubone and Togepi, but snatching Cubone’s club in its talons.

We all gasped in shock as the Farfetch’d glided through the clearing, flying away with Cubone’s bone. Togepi cocked her head around her, surprised by the disappearance of the bone club. She glanced up at her trainer, puzzled, before erupting in tears.

Cubone looked at Togepi wailing as Aly scooped her up into her arms.


Cubone yelled furiously after the Farfetch’d and without warning, pursued the thieving duck Pokémon.

‘Cubone, wait!’ Salvadore called after his Pokémon, but the lonely Pokémon ignored his pleas, vanishing into the surrounding forest. Baring his teeth, the breeder sprinted after Cubone.

‘We better follow them’ I said, turning to Aly.

The dragon tamer nodded back and we followed chase, Togepi still crying in her arms and Kiro sprinting by my side. We ran as fast as we could, fighting against the layers of prickling pine trees in our chase. Salvadore’s yells could be heard echoing around the forest as he called after Cubone. A family of Mankey and Hoothoot grunted and hooted from the trees above us, angry at us for disturbing their home.

After what seemed like an endless maze of evergreen forest we finally broke out into a mud trodden path. We glanced up and down the trail, taking a moment to catch our breaths. With every exhale, we could see our breath misting in the cool air before us. The surrounding forest became eerily quiet. Salvadore, Cubone and the Farfetch’d were nowhere to be seen.

‘We lost them’ Aly sighed as she brushed needle leaves off Togepi’s head.

Kiro’s ears propped up attentively and he stared down the beaten track. With a loud cry the silver Eevee raced down the path.

‘I think Kiro’s picked up on something. C’mon!’ I urged and we pursued the chase once more.

The path was icy and we nearly slipped on several occasions, just managing to keep our balance as we tried to keep in sight of Kiro. My thoughts focused on that Farfetch’d as we ran. It looked like it had been in a serious battle, but it still had enough energy to steal Cubone’s bone club and get away. I balled my fist and quickened my pace, despite the risk of slipping on the icy surface. We were going to find this Farfetch’d. We were going to get Cubone’s bone back. And then, then I was going to capture it!

We continued to follow Kiro, whose ears were constantly twitching, listening for any signs of Farfetch’d, Cubone or Salvadore. At one stage he came to a skidding to a halt before changing direction, racing down a narrower trail defined by flattened grass and parting pine trees.  As we ventured down the new trail, Kiro reduced his speed to a light trot. We were getting closer.

Aly and I slowed down to a brisk walk. The trees around us were beginning to become more dispersed. Sunlight leaked out from behind the cloudy sky and reached through the trees. Screams and squawks could be heard up ahead. It sounded like Pokémon were in a heated battle. With a final deep breath we sprinted out of the forest and into a wide field.

Salvadore and Cubone stood at the edge of the clearing, observing an ongoing battle between Farfetch’d and a trio of Fearow.

‘Salvadore, what’s going on?’ I asked, panting heavily.

The breeder continued to stare at the battle as he spoke. ‘Cubone and I followed Farfetch’d here. We were just about to battle it when it called out to those Fearow while waving Cubone’s club at them angrily. It was only then I realised that one of the Fearow was carrying a stalk in their beak. They must have ganged up on the Farfetch’d and stolen his stalk. Farfetch’d only took Cubone’s club to battle these Fearow, but it doesn’t seem to be working that well’

I looked at the trio of Fearow opposing the weary Farfetch’d. The Fearow in the centre wiggled a tattered stalk in its elongated bill, taunting the Farfetch’d who seemed to struggle in lifting the stolen bone club.

I quickly checked my Dex:

Fearow, the beak Pokémon and the evolved form of Spearow. This restless Pokémon has the stamina to fly all day with its broad wings. Its elongated beak is its most prominent weapon in battle.

I frowned as I reached for a pokeball. ‘Peeks, it’s time to help out!’ I yelled and threw my pokeball with conviction.


The peaked eared Pikachu cried out as static crackled across his cheeks.

‘Peeks, use your-‘


My command was cut short as the tiring Farfetch’d spun around and screamed at us angrily. Peeks immediately eased his battle stance. I looked puzzled at the Farfetch’d.

‘We tried to help it too’, Salvadore said sternly, ‘but it’s determined to win this battle on its own’

I stared at the Farfetch’d, trying to muster up the strength to wield the bone club. The three Fearow were steadily hovering around it, threatening to pounce at any second. Suddenly, the centre Fearow with the stolen stick plunged itself at Farfetch’d, drilling it backwards with its sharp beak. The Farfetch’d cried out as it was hurled through the air, losing its bone club. It skidded back along the frozen grass and winced in pain as the Fearow jeered. Fighting through the pain, the Farfetch’d slowly rose from the ground, brushing off its feathered wings.

It glared at the Fearow and glanced over at the bone club. Without warning, the Fearow on the right swooped in a rammed the Farfetch’d, catching it off guard. As the Farfetch’d lay defenceless, sprawled out on the grass, the attacking Fearow flew over a snatched the bone club. Cubone cried out angrily at the mocking Fearow who now juggled the bone on its beak. Farfetch’d managed to sit up, dazed and beaten, but did not have the energy to stand up again. A small tear developed in the corner of its scarred eye as it stared sadly at its stalk squirming around in the Fearow’s beak.

The third Fearow cackled fearsomely and spread its wings, preparing itself for a final assault. My eyes softened as I continued to watch Farfetch’d gaze helplessly at its stolen stalk, almost as if it was admitting defeat. The praying Fearow soared higher into the sky and took aim on the wild duck Pokémon. Tilting forward, it beat its wings and surged at Farfetch’d, surely sealing its demise.


I was not going to let this happen!

‘That’s enough!’ I screamed. ‘Peeks, use your thunderbolt, now!’

Pikachu glanced back at me before nodding and hunching over. Static danced across his red cheeks once more and electricity erupted from his body. The attacking Fearow squawked as it was struck by the thunderbolt attack. It quickly retreated to along side its cohorts. The trio of Fearow were no longer focusing on the Farfetch’d any more, but rather Peeks and the rest of us. They slowly approached the peak-eared Pikachu, ready to attack at any second.

‘Ganging up on one Pokémon again? I don’t think so!’ Aly bellowed as she tossed a pokeball into battle. ‘Dratini, help out!’

‘You too, Cubone!’ Salvadore urged.

Dratini emerged from the white energy beam and poised herself alongside Peeks. To everyone’s surprise, Cubone scampered passed the Dratini and Pikachu, running recklessly towards the Fearow with his bone in its beak. The Fearow’s eyes widened in shock as Cubone’s body emitted a golden hue. Roaring at the top of its voice Cubone pummelled into the Fearow’s stomach. The beak Pokémon screeched loudly as it plummeted to the ground, dropping the stolen bone club. Cubone eyed the bone all the way as he leaped surprisingly high into the air, snatching it and landing skilfully, his club slinked over his shoulder.

‘Cubone, you learned double-edge! Great job!’ Salvadore exclaimed and cheered for his Pokémon.

‘Peeks!’ I called.

‘Dratini!’ Aly yelled.

‘Use thunderbolt!’ we both demanded in unison.

Pikachu and Dratini shocked the startled Fearow with two massive bursts of electricity. The thieving birds groaned weakly as they bundled to the ground from the super effective attack. The centre Fearow dropped the stolen stalk in surprise, crying out as it flopped to the ground. Suddenly, the once beaten Farfetch’d soared across the clearing in a blur, swooping down and swiping the stalk in its beak, inches above the grass. It elegantly looped in the air before landing along side our Pokémon.

Without warning, the Farfetch’d became enshrouded in a bright white aura.

‘Is... is Farfetch’d evolving!?’ I gasped, gazing as the wild duck Pokémon emanated with white energy.

‘No, Farfetch’d aren’t know to evolve into anything. It must be using roost’ Salvadore corrected.

‘Oh...’ I muttered, blushing with embarrassment as I checking my Dex:

Roost, a flying move. The user rests itself on the ground or a branch, restoring their energy, but leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

 The Farfetch’d continued to restore its energy as the trio of Fearow rose from the ground, more furious than ever. Kiro, Cubone and Dratini cowered back together from the daunting Fearow. The long beak Pokémon extended their wings and squawked threateningly, honing in on their targets.


The Farfetch’d suddenly cried out and flew into the air, facing the three Fearow. All its previous battle marks were now completely gone except for the scar on its left eye. It held up it stalk with its wing and waved it as if to warn the Fearow to leave. The three Fearow cackled once more and hovered even closer.

Without warning, Farfetch’d surged towards the centre Fearow and thwarted its crowned head with its stalk. It then circled around and struck the second Fearow in the chest before following through on the third Fearow, striking its beak. Before the trio had a chance to recover, Farfetch’d soared high into the winter sky and descended beak first at rapid speed. The Farfetch’d soon became a blur as it picked up pace. Crying defiantly, it brandished its stalk and slashed the three Fearow in relentless succession, flashes of white crisscrossing through the helpless long beaked Pokémon.

‘Yeah! Go Farfetch’d!’ I screamed encouragingly.

After Farfetch’d finished its assault, it swooped down beside our Pokémon and swiped the air, striking a victorious pose. The three Fearow lingered in a daze, barely able to stay in the air.

‘It’s time to teach these Fearow a lesson once and for all. Peeks, use thunderbolt!’ I ordered.

‘You too, Dratini!’ Aly yelled.

The Fearows’ eyes bulged in fear as Peeks and Dratini’s bodies were alight with electricity. The peak eared Pikachu smiled menacingly and Dratini’s eyes furrowed. The Fearow flapped and screamed desperately, terrified for what was about to come.



Two massive jolts of thunder erupted from Peeks and Dratini, shocking all three Fearow. With a huge explosion, the Fearow were launched out of the clearing, their squawks and cries gradually fading as the disappeared out of sight.

We all cheered in victory, congratulating our Pokémon on a well fought battle. Farfetch’d waddled over to our Pokémon, nodding its thank you. It then turned about and marched towards the surrounding forest, singing its name with its stalk by its side.

‘Farfetch’d, hold up!’ I called after the wild duck Pokémon.

Farfetch’d stopped singing and came to a halt, cocking its neck back at me curiously.

‘Want to join the team?’ I asked, holding up a pokeball.

Farfetch’d stared at me, its mind consumed in thought. I met its stare, waiting for a response.


Farfetch’d suddenly cried out and spun its stalk in it wing before posing itself ready for battle.

‘You want to battle, huh?’ I raised an eyebrow, a smile creeping across my face.

The Farfetch’d cried out once more, pointing its stalk at me and nodding seriously.

‘Alright, let’s see what you’ve got. Peeks, you’re up!’ I urged, brimming with excitement.

The peak-eared Pikachu ran to my side and poised himself ready for battle.

‘Ok, Peeks, use thunderbolt!’ I demanded.

Peeks cried out, emitting a bolt of electricity at the Farfetch’d. To everyone’s surprise, Farfetch’d did not try to avoid it. Instead it started to spin the stalk in its wing like a fan.

‘No way...’ I gasped, watching stunned as the spinning stalk seemed to absorb the thunderbolt attack.

Farfetch’d winced slightly, but otherwise seemed to be fine after taking a supposedly super effective attack.

‘That’s one strong Farfetch’d’ Salvadore commented. ‘Although it’s still taking damage it’s nowhere near as much as it would have taken from a direct attack. You’ve got a real battle on your hands’

I looked from the breeder to the battle, where Peeks was still releasing jolt after jolt of electricity. But Farfetch’d kept spinning its stalk at rapid pace, absorbing the attack as the Pikachu tired. We had to change our strategy and fast.

‘Peeks, try a quick attack!’ I ordered, gritting my teeth in frustration.

The thunderbolt attack eased and the Pikachu breathed heavily, exhausted after his relentless attack. Glaring back at the waiting Farfetch’d, he propelled himself forward, sprinting from side to side so fast that he almost became invisible. Farfetch’d was completely focused, its eyes moving fast, keeping up with the Pikachu’s movements. At the last second, Farfetch’d feigned left, barely dodging Peeks who became visible once more. A look of shock swept across the Pikachu’s face as he realised that Farfetch’d had avoided his attack.

Seizing its opportunity to strike, the wild duck Pokémon did a swift u turn and extended it stick which now glowed a shining purple colour. I stared in shock as the Farfetch’d thrust its stalk into Peek’s side. The Pikachu cried out in pain, crashing into the frozen grass. He groaned as he struggled to his feet.

‘Peeks, are you ok!?’ I cried out in concern.

My eyes widened in shock as the peak-eared Pikachu turned around, a faint purple colour staining his cheeks. His body was worn and frail. Peeks had been poisoned.

‘Robin, that was Farfetch’d poison jab attack. You’ve got to do something!’ Aly screamed.

I balled my fists in anger. I could not bare to see my Pokémon battle in this state. With a deep sigh I raised a pokeball. ‘Peeks, return’

The Pikachu winced in pain as it was withdrawn into its pokeball. Salvadore held out his hand. ‘Here, let me take care of Peeks’ he suggested.

I nodded my thanks and handed him Peek’s pokeball. I then glared back at the Farfetch’d who was singing and marching in victory, tossing its stalk in the air like a baton and catching it in its wing again. Reaching for my belt, I narrowed my eyes and grabbed another pokeball. Just as I was about to toss it, Kiro leaped in front of me and barked angrily at the cheering Farfetch’d. The Farfetch’d immediately stopped its celebration and directed its stalk at Kiro, beckoning him to attack.

‘You sure you want to battle?’ I asked my Pokémon.

The silver Eevee nodded back at me determinedly and growled at the Farfetch’d.

‘Right, Kiro, let’s start off with a shadow ball!’ I urged.

The Eevee screamed as a dark purple sphere formed from his mouth and shot it at Farfetch’d. The wild duck Pokémon did not even try to move, but merely stood fearlessly in the same spot in the path of the oncoming shadow ball. My jaw almost dropped as the shadow ball seemed to disperse harmlessly as it hit the Farfetch’d, leaving the duck Pokémon unscathed.

‘You idiot’ Aly moaned, ‘Farfetch’d is a part normal typing. Ghost moves don’t have any affect’

I slapped my head in light of my own stupidity. How could I have forgotten that?


I suddenly looked up to see Farfetch’d flying towards Kiro at lightning speed. Its stick was poised in its right wing glowing an ominous purple.

‘It’s trying another poison jab. Kiro, avoid its attack at all costs!’I demanded.

Kiro prowled on all fours, not daring to lose focus of the approaching Farfetch’d. The wild duck Pokémon readied itself to strike as it came within a few feet of the Eevee. Pulling back its wing, it jabbed its poisonous stick at Kiro, however, the Eevee was equally quick to dodge the attack, prancing to the side. Furious, Farfetch’d began to jab at the Eevee in rapid succession, but Kiro equalled its fast attacks, skilfully evading each poison jab.

I smiled, carefully observing Farfetch’d cutting edge moves while Kiro ducked and swivelled away from each strike. This made me more determined than ever to capture Farfetch’d, but we would have to act fast. Although it was clear that Farfetch’d was tiring I knew that my Eevee could not keep running away. I pondered for a moment. Kiro did not have any attacks that were really effective against the wild duck Pokémon. If only he knew an electric, rock or ice move, I thought to myself.

My eyes widened as I was struck with an idea.


‘That’s it!’ I exclaimed with a confident grin. ‘Kiro, use your sand attack on the grass!’

Kiro pounced backwards, narrowly avoiding a poison jab to his legs. Making room for himself, he turned his back to the Farfetch’d and began to up root the icy brittle grass.

‘But there’s no sand or earth. What good will kicking up a bit of grass do?’ Aly asked with a puzzled look.

‘Oh, I get’ Salvadore smiled, nodding with approval, ‘The grass is coated in ice, making Kiro’s attack super effective against a flying type like Farfetch’d. Nice move’

We continued to watch the intense battle. The blades of grass looked like miniature icicle spears crashing down on the surprised Farfetch’d. The wild duck Pokémon cried out as it tumbled helplessly to the ground.

‘Pokeball, go!’ I screamed and flung a pokeball at Farfetch’d with all my might.

Farfetch’d was absorbed into the pokeball by the white energy beam. The pokeball bounced on the grass and twitched, its red light glowing ominously. I focused on the pokeball, not daring to breathe as I waited for a beep.

The pokeball suddenly shot open, releasing the furious Farfetch’d who soared into the air, looping around before landing on the ground, glaring at us, breathing heavily. Farfetch’d then relaxed its body and began to glow white.

I balled my fists and bared my teeth in anger. It was using roost again. ‘Kiro, use quick attack and stop it from using roost I ordered.


The shiny Eevee bellowed and dashed at an almost invisible pace towards the resting Farfetch’d. The wild duck Pokémon had no time to respond as it desperately tried to recover and Kiro crashed into it at full force.

Remembering the gift I received from Bill, I dug into my trouser pocket and withdrew the fastball. I stared at it momentarily and then expanded it in my fist. I eyed the Farfetch’d being barraged through the sky by Kiro as I pulled back my arm.

‘Farfetch’d, your mine!’ I screamed and threw the fastball with vigour. The fastball whizzed through the air before bursting open. The white energy reached out and consumed the powerless Farfetch’d once more. Farfetch’d was forced inside and the fastball dropped to the ground. The fastball stirred and the red light glowed once more. Kiro mimicked my focused stare, carefully watching the fastball convulse on the ground.

The fastball came to a sudden stop.


‘Alright!’ I yelled excitedly, punching the air. ‘I caught a Farfetch’d!’

Kiro pranced around my legs in victory, happily singing his name.

I hurriedly ran over and scooped the fastball off the icy grass. I smiled, looking at my new capture. The centre of the fastball still glowed red as I already had six Pokémon with me. I would just have to wait until we reached Fuchsia City before I could exchange Pokémon.

 Farfetch’d had put up a great fight and I knew he would be an excellent addition to my team. There was still a lot of work to be done before I could enter the Indigo League, but with a new Pokémon and friend, I was one step closer to becoming a Pokémon master!