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August 2015 Working Board Meeting Minutes
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Working Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Sports Office Conference Room
6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Attendance (Quorum achieved)


Present:  Steve Wright, Valerie Pratt, Dave Green, Erin Wissig

Excused: Will Cortez,


Meeting minutes by Erin Wissig

Agenda Item

  • Call to order

6:00 p.m.

  •        VP Reports
  • Treasurer - Valerie
  • Income is up $40,000 from 2014.
  • Membership - Dave (not in attendance)
  • Marketing - Kelly (not in attendance)
  • Race Operations - Will (emailed in report)

Dual Duel - Daniel seems to be on track. He hasn't disclosed registration #s yet. We will get a wrap-up before the Board Mtg to present. We did send out an eblast and post to the FB regarding the event. UltraU Fitness used their FB to advertise Dual Duel. These folks do a lot of Todd Janssen's events and are fans of ORRC. They have 427 followers on their FB page.

Garlic Festival - Beckie knows what is going on here also. Thursday (8/6) myself and one of the new RDs (Jen Parsons) will be marking the 5k and 10k course in spray chalk. Friday (8/7) Jen Parsons and Beckie will be running packet pickup at the Sports Authority at Tanasbourne. Beckie emailed the 5k/10k participants with ppu details. I posted the ppu details to the FB page and "pinned" the post to the top so it won't move down. Mark will be loading the UHaul Friday at 4:30pm. He might need help so please reach out to him. Jen Parsons and I will set up the course Saturday (8/8) morning while Beckie & Mark get the Start/Finish area set. It sounds like they need help with the water stations though.

Garage Cleanup - the codes have not changed until Garlic & DD are done. Then the alpha code will be reset. We are waiting till just after Garlic to set up a date for garage cleanup/inventory.

Course measuring - Lee Barrett would really like to put one on for us still. I haven't received any interest from any RD yet but it is Summer.

Race-walking/Walking - I am aiming for early Fall to begin holding meetings to discuss a club policy. Carmen Jackinsky has been confirmed to write some articles for the ODR on walking.

Upcoming Events - although they are late to start, Blue Lake Runs is underway. Stephen will know more about this than I would at this point. Alan Smith will be setting up Gmail accts for Blue Lake and Autumn Leaves.

Turkey Trot - with Jeff stepping down, we will need to recruit for more help here, especially with the kids event. I would be interested in helping set up the kids event.

  • Old Business

6:10 p.m.

  • Website transition Update - Steve

6:15 p.m.

Scheduled to go live in the beginning of September.

Site will be handed over for testing in the next week.

  • Finance Committee - Valerie

6:20 p.m.

Meeting next Monday.

Items the committee will be tackling. What strategy we will take for the 2016 budget to account for the deficit we are currently facing as a club. This will include reviewing the costs of races in the area and how we might need to adjust our pricing to present to the Race Directors. How to structure our volunteer payment guidelines. Best practices for purchasing.

  • 2018 RRCA Conference Update - Steve and Erin

6:30 p.m.

Still waiting on response from RRCA on submitting an early bid.

We are proceeding to create our bid in coordination with Oregon Sports Authority.

  • ORRC Office and Storage Update - Steve

6:35 p.m.

Our current office space will be converting the conference room into storage but the price will be $1.39 per square foot which is a huge increase from $0.66 per square foot we currently pay at our storage facility. The construction starts on September 1st.

  • Website Privacy Policy - Steve and Dave

6:40 p.m.

The policy is still under review.

  • Training Volunteer Program Update - Erin

6:50 p.m.

The current manual will be adapted to be a general club manual similar to the Race Director's Manual for all RD’s to utilize for the rest of 2015.

Erin will then work with the board to identify which races are large enough to have their own manual for use in 2016.

The goal will be to request that all RD’s send their volunteer information to Erin after their race so she can start creating their manual.

  • New Business
  • Board of Director - Alan Smith Nomination - Steve

7:00 p.m.

His nomination will go before the board this month. The vote will happen in September.

  • 2014 Strategic Plan Status Update - Steve

7:05 p.m.

Refocus on the three 2015 strategic actions. Board of Director were asked twice to recommend three new strategic action plans to pursue in 2015.  

The three plans receiving most votes were: 1) collaborative partnering with schools, health organizations and other running related organizations; 2) actively engaging the next generation of runners; and 3) providing increased training and education programs.

As a club we haven’t made strides in these areas to date as we had hoped.

  • 2016 Event Calendar - Steve

7:10 p.m.

This would allow the club to focus on meeting key deadlines for success. Including budgets, race registrations, and board meetings.

  • Broaden and Develop Erin’s Role - Steve and Erin

7:20 p.m.

Please see the attached proposal for how this role currently supports the club and how it can be expanded to support the club and board.  

Office Coordinator Broaden Responsibilities

  • Round Table

7:30 p.m.


  • Adjourn

7:45 p.m.